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#41415419Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:11 AM GMT

--Millitary satalite Dion Omega-- Recording:112084-B| Top secret Classification A -Start- The camera shows nothing at first, Just staring into outer space, But then 3 tiny dots show up on the screen, Then 8, Then 10, Then thousands, they seemed to be meteorites. Some soar past the satalite. Some smash into it but the camera is then damaged by a large meteor and the camera smashes -End- 5th of july, 2011 Breaking news, Multiple meteorites have been landing all over the world today in what thought is to be the largest meteorite shower in 1000 years, Multiple cities all over the world have been hit, Including moscow, London, New york, Tokyo and many more, NASA satalites have scanned more to come. 8th of july, 2011 Breaking news, More meteorites have been striking the earths surface in the last few days in the largest meteor shower in over 1000 years, The damage is believed to be catastrophic, Nearly every country in the world is at least hit once and there is more to come. 10th of july, 2011 The meteor showers are now over, Damage has been recorded all over the globe with a estimate of 346,000 Casualties in the U.S alone. 15th july, 2011 Breaking news. The meteorite crisis that has recently struck the earth has taken a drastic turn as aliens emerged from many large meteorites around the earth, The seem Mechanical in nature, Around 10 feet tall, But for the moment they are not doing anything, They are staying put outside their meteors..The worlds top scientists and extraterrestrial life observers are trying to contact them now 17th of july, 2011 --Millitary recording-- Serial No. 2103840-B -Start- "OH GOD THERE EVERYW"*CHHHH* "THERE, GET DO*CHHHHHHHHH* "COMMAND IF YOU HEAR THIS WERE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT, CALL OF THE CASEVA*CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* -End- Basically if you read that the planet has been hit by meteorites, But from these meteorites emerged Cyborg aliens, After a while of remaining dormant they suddenly burst to life, Wreaking havoc across the globe, The millitary forces are doing there best to push them back but they are failing drastically. The aliens Use technology similar to ours, Using ballistic ammuntion insted of laser or plasma, Although there dropships use large pulse lasers to destroy buildings and major targets. You are either a civvilian or a soldier in New york fighting off the aliens and trying to survive. Rules No ubering No godmodding Grammar please Put Horizon at the bottom of your cs Be realistic with your character Story mode Fill out every slot in the CS Soldier CS Na.me: Callsign:(Example: Lynx or Hustler) A.ge: Appearence:(This Automatically includes standard U.S Millitary armour, Unless your a pilot or something) Weapons: (No more than 3) Equiptment: (4 Max) Personality: Bio:(At least a scentance) Civillian CS Na.me: A.ge: (Over 18 please) Appearence: Clothing: Items (No guns or firearms) Personality: Bio:
Top 100 Poster
#41415703Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:31 AM GMT

Na.me: Daniel Terrance Callsign: Delta-1-1 A.ge: 27 Appearence:Blonde spiked hair, Blue eyes, 5"11, Balaclava Weapons: M4A1 with red dot and grenade launcher, Spas-12, Combat knife Equiptment: Medical kit, Rope, Canteen, Knife Personality: Calm, Resourcefull, Bio:Daniel was born in new york city and he attended a rough school, Gaining little or no grades he sought a career in the army that turned out to be sucsessfull, Although he never thought he would be fighting off aliens in the middle of new york city
Top 100 Poster
#41415866Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:43 AM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#41415907Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:49 AM GMT

(A post office Rp has more replies than this....Rp has gone downhill)
Top 100 Poster
#41417149Sunday, January 23, 2011 11:49 AM GMT

#41417242Sunday, January 23, 2011 11:57 AM GMT

Whoa! I like your rping! Your really good! I've only done it once! :O

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