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#41676000Saturday, January 29, 2011 12:50 AM GMT

Uniform: Pants- www.roblox.com/swat.item?id=9269030 Shirt- www.roblox.com/NOOSE-Shirt-Official-Uniform-item?id=45089993 Promotion Tips: >Earn KOs in your stats >Report TKers and SKers (at least 50 times) >Earn KOs in battles and training >Killing traitors >Build groups, places, models, decals, and other NOOSE support items that only can NOOSE approve >Outrageous Builders Club Lifetime >Not talking about topics unrelated to NOOSE >No more than 3 group posts in a row for two weeks >Reporting members that offend the group >No false reporting >No false promotion requests (Me and/or the group admin can check your profile for any type of proof.) >Do at least 20 of the following promotion tips >Standard safe chat (Ult. Safe chat prevents you from putting text onto anything) >Mature (Don't talk about immature stuff like babies and ROBLOX families) >Wear your uniform without taking it off for a whole month >No TKing, SKing, or Neutral killing for an entire 5 months in a row >Kill raiders in the NOOSE places for 2 weeks without helping them >Keep neutrals outside the base >Keep raiders outside both neutral and NOOSE base If you follow the group rules or do 20 promotion tips, you'll get a promotion. WARNING: If you don't follow the rules like not killing neutrals and keeping neutrals and raiders out of the base, Spawn Kill, or team kill, you'll be demoted or exiled (Kicked out of group).
#41682423Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:37 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#41690756Saturday, January 29, 2011 5:23 AM GMT

You have to go to C&G for this
#41703044Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:56 PM GMT

i can make a tank XD!!!! _________ ( )=====D TTTTTTTTT
#41713911Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:17 PM GMT

@above Well, okay @all above Thank you. Update: www.roblox.com/NOOSE-Shirt-Official-Uniform-item?id=45140158
#41734374Sunday, January 30, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#41753668Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:16 PM GMT

XD XD XD Your group sounded cool, but you have way too many rules! Especially: "Only talk about NOOSE." Wow. You know, we are in several groups at once. So, yeah. Less rules, or... No members. ---- DD
#41760980Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

#41768180Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

#46337818Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:52 PM GMT

Update: Number of Rules reduced.

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