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#41756556Sunday, January 30, 2011 3:52 PM GMT

Bob And The HoloVidScreen© Part 1 Not a very long time ago in a galaxy not very far, far away there was a young boy. He was called Bob. Now Bob had an obsession. His obsession was this: The HoloVidScreen©. The HoloVidScreen© was like a holographic TV, and Bob LOVED it! He watched it before and after school, late at night, during breakfast; lunch and tea. He loved the weekends because he could watch it 25 hours a day for TWO WHOLE DAYS! (25 hours because this was a different planet with 25 hours a day not 24 like here on earth.) He was obsessed with the HoloVidScreen© for a simple reason: he didn't have many friends. Well... he didn't have any. Friends I mean. The worst thing was, when he was in school, he would daydream about the HoloVidScreen© and never get any work done. His parents were those types of people who didn't really care about their kids. So when the time came for Bob to move out, he didn't know diddly-squat. But Bob left his home and got a flat anyway.
#45504432Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:10 AM GMT

Part 2 Then one night Bob was sleeping in front of his HoloVidScreen© with his sliding balcony doors open. Then someone slipped into Bob's flat, powered down Bob's HoloVidScreen© and slipped into their pocket. The next morning Bob awoke to find that his HoloVidScreen© was gone. He had been robbed!
#45504433Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:10 AM GMT

Part 3 Later that day Bob realised that he couldn't read or write. He decided that he should go to a clinic. So he did. The people there understood his problem and helped him. Soon he became a very good writer and wrote a autobiography. THIS is his autobiography and he advises you to quit whatever you're obsessed with NOW! Before its to late!

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