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#42426324Saturday, February 12, 2011 9:33 PM GMT

[2452] Your eyes fluttered open. You looked at a grey ceiling of metal. You look sideways, to an electric prison door. 'How did I get here,' you wondered. You attempted to walk out of the door, but as your skin made contact with the door, it threw you back with a shocking sensation. There was no other way of escaping... but then you remembered how you got here. Your comrades were offering you cover, so you could plant a bomb on a nuclear missile supposedly to be directed at the US. But... you failed. Your team was mowed down, and whoever was left was sent here... but where exactly? You bang on the walls for hours, until finally, a guard arrives with a highly-concentrated laser rifle. An AK-47 variant. "Where am I...?" The guard only snickered and mocked you in Russian. Seeing as he was no use, you returned to your bunk. On the walls, in blood, was a message. You read it over and over, but it made no sense. "12 of Moon. Power flutters. Freedom." There was no point to the message. Your clothing was still consisting of your team's uniform. But the armor, gadgets, and weapons were stripped from it. Only clothes remained: no form of communication, nothing to escape with, nothing to SURVIVE with. Now in your cell, you sat alone, with no food, no free-time, nothing. Here, you're nothing. Nothing but a Prisoner of War. ::BACKGROUND:: Basically, you were captured after a failed attempt to save America. It's now in ruins. Any military forces remaining all work under a leader named Ricardo Geemins. It's unknown where exactly he's located now, but he commands the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy, and any other branch. What exactly they're doing as of now is unknown. This prison nicknamed Hell is heavily guarded and fortified. The prison is more formerly known as Brookmere's Edge. [Visit BrookmeresEdge[dot]yolasite[dot]com] ::GUARD SHEET:: [I will PM you the login requirements for the website Punishment section] Name: Age: [Twenty plus] Bio: Weapon: Sidearm: Melee: Clothing: Physical Appearance: Gender: Other: ::PRISONER SHEET:: Name: Age: [Twenty plus] Bio: Clothing: Gender: Other:
#42427247Saturday, February 12, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

(I'm making a CS, but for clothing do I just put the team's uniform or not?)
#42428262Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

Name: Timmin Horts Ag.e: 29 Bio: Timmin Horts was a US military operative that worked for long gone police forces such as the NYPD and S.W.A.T. He is experienced in CQC and can use an Assault Rifle or Pistol when he needs to. He isn't really as cruel as the Russian Guards, but must administer punishment when he needs to. People can tell in his eyes that he himself feels like a Prisoner as well. Weapon: Remington 870 Marine Combat Shotgun with a Vertical Grip. Fires Fragmentation shells that uses the lead inside to break up into more pieces once it enters the body. Can cause bad internal bleeding and can fire regular slugs and shells as well as gas shells. Sidearm: Springfield Armory XD 9mm Pistol. Melee: Nightstick. Clothing: Guard Uniform, Black Battle Vest, Balaclava, Steel-Toed Boots, Gloves, Insulating T-Shirt, Insulating pants. Physical Appearance: 5,11 inches tall, Dark Brown Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, 130 pounds, Medium Build. Gender: Male Other: Nothing.
#42428475Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:06 PM GMT

::PRISONER SHEET:: Name: Travis Lloyd @ge: 22 Bio: Travis grew up wanting to protect people because his father was a cop. He then enlisted in the Air Force and went through all the training. Later on he was captured. Clothing: The usual baggy prisoner jumpsuit. Gender: Male Other: Since Travis was in the Air Force, he can pilot an aircraft.
#42436946Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

[Both accepted. Thanks, didn't think this got through to anyone. There's no usual jumpsuit, the clothes you wore before you were captured are the ones you're currently in. But, I guess the orange jumpsuit is fine.]
#42437506Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:33 AM GMT

Name: "JR" Age: Twenty-six Bio: Not much is known about him. Rather shady, and the guards never mess with him. Semi-TBR Clothing: Jet black jeans with pockets for various weapons. White skin-tight t-shirt. Black sleeveless undershirt that pokes out from under his shirt. Deep brown combat boots. Black fingerless gloves with the Mexican flag in the palm. Gender: Male Other : -- Physical Appearance: JR stands at 6'2, with tan skin. His eyes are a deep-set brown, and his hair a short jet black. On his right wrist, a tattoo with 'Mexican' in red, bold text sticks out. He has a slim figure. [I forgot the Physical appearance for the Prisoners... add that on, sorry. I was hurrying to finish, went and watched a movie. :D]
#42437886Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

(I thought it would've been the uniform but then I erased it.. Should've stuck with it.. Just change it to the uniform then.
#42437900Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

#42439058Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:55 AM GMT

[Right then.] Let me know if you want to start, or wait for a few more.
#42439339Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:59 AM GMT

(I'm gonna repost my CS later to make it correct. gotta go somewhere. Bye)
#42439453Sunday, February 13, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

Na.me: Chrstian manuel rodriguez A.ge: 25 Clothing: prisoner uniform Gender: male Other: dark long black hair swpet to the side,amazing shot at barret 50. cal,good with galil,and g3c6c,can fly a helicopter.has a chain that says jesus and opens up and in side is a note from daughter before she di.ed
#42452084Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:05 AM GMT

::PRISONER SHEET:: Name: Travis Lloyd @ge: 22 Bio: Travis grew up wanting to protect people because his father was a cop. He then enlisted in the Air Force and went through all the training. Later on he was captured. Clothing: Team's uniform Physical Appearance: Short black hair, Bright green eyes, Muscular, 5'9, Slight stubble, Caucasian, Scar on hand Gender: Male Other: Since Travis was in the Air Force, he can pilot an aircraft.
#42473202Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:39 PM GMT

#42495745Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

o.o? Podz, aren't you supposed to be on OT xD
#42495811Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:51 PM GMT

hello i am sergi father gaurd war camp many times!! i become gaurd pleasE???
#42495997Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:53 PM GMT

@GameBeater What? @tato Wtf?
#42496215Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:56 PM GMT

i wish to be guard to follow in fathers foot steps do you have no fathers????
#42496749Sunday, February 13, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

@tato Are you the troll man??
#42496939Sunday, February 13, 2011 11:06 PM GMT

no toll is 10 rubles in my home land

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