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#42689058Friday, February 18, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

1. The God is always right. What the God says, goes. 2. If you have a question about any of these rules, or if you have a question about your ban, post about the ban on the forum. Do not P.M. a mod . If you post about your ban on the forum, you may get banned again. 3. You are expected to abide by the spirit of these rules. What does that mean? That means that if the rule says "Do not talk about purple things" and you post talking about violet things, or lavender things, then you will get banned. (No, you are not being forbidden from talking about purple things. That was just an example) Do not try to find loopholes in the rules. You will be banhammered if you do. 4. Don't cuss. Period. It has no place in our community. Attempts to disguise bad language or bypass the language filters will not be tolerated. 5. Don't be a jerk. You’re welcome to disagree with another member’s opinion but attacking (flaming) and insulting another member is not acceptable. Intentionally starting flame wars WILL cause you to be banned for a while. You can say "I disagree, and here is why". You can NOT say "I disagree and I think you suck". You can say "I do not like racing games". You can NOT say "This player has built a racing game and I hate it". 5a. What is a personal attack? A personal attack is when you post about a Roblox player on the forum and talk about them in a negative way. This includes announcing that somebody scammed you, or that somebody is a hacker. DO NOT NAME NAMES. Linking to their profile is the same as naming their name. 6. No degrading racial comments are allowed. I shouldn't even have to say this. Seriously, you guys. Don't hate. 7. No inappropriate references. There’s no question that Internet is full of degrading inappropriate material and comments. Roblox is fully G-rated, it must be KEPT that way. This will get you instantly banned. If you are not sure if the thing you want to talk about it okay to talk about, PM a mod and ask. This means no talking about anything R-rated, drugs, perv tests, or any dating topic (including furries). 8. No Politics. No Religion. We prefer that members not get involved in political or religious discussions because they often result in flaring tempers and flame wars. Yes, you may make a religious or political shirt. Yes, you may make a religious or political game. No, you may not talk about your political views or religious ideals on the forum. No exceptions. 9. No “this vs. that” posts (ie Ford vs Chevy). These types of threads invoke strong opinions, flaring tempers, and often result in flame wars and mass penalties. These threads will ultimately end up being deleted. 10. No whining about moderation This mostly applies to the operation and moderation of the online community. Members will be banned, threads removed, and so on based on the clearly defined rules. Publicly bemoaning the operation of the community and the way the rules are enforced will not put you in good favor with the moderators. If you have a legitimate concern or suggestion, PM a moderator. This also includes "pity threads", meaning ones proclaiming you're leaving, my cat died, etc. DO NOT POST ABOUT YOUR BAN. NOBODY CARES IF YOU GOT BANNED. 11. No spamming. akdjfaskhj is spam. Posting the same thing over and over is spam. Responding to somebody with a short pointless comment like tl;dr or inb4b& is spam AND it's rude. Don't do this. If you are going to take the time to post on the forum, make sure that you actually have something to say. 12. No dangerous or harmful posts. Posts that encourage members to participate in real-world activities that we deem to be harmful or dangerous to members will be deleted (i.e. lighting things on fire, jumping cars over people, deleting necessary computer files, etc.). 13. No linking to or talking about directly competing games. Free online games or games that have a similar intention to Roblox (such as online multiplayer brick building) are direct competitors and are not to be posted about on our forums. If you are not certain whether a game is okay to talk about on the forum or not, PM a mod. 14. No dating topics. This isn't a dating help site. Keep topics about dating and relationships, be it online or not, out of here. Do not post asking for girlfriend advice. Do not post asking for a boyfriend. Do not post talking about the cute girl or boy in your class. Do not post asking how to ask somebody out. There are a lot of places online where you can talk about dating: Roblox is not one of those places. If you are not sure if it's okay to post, do not post it. 15. No Trading. Use the RoblEX for currency trades (My ROBLOX --> Money --> Trade Currency). No other trading is allowed. 16. No offsite links. As stupid as this is, one. No wikipedia, no YouTube, no fan sites. If the address does not start with http://www.roblox.com/, then you may not post it here. No exceptions. 17. Just because you know somebody who broke a rule and didn't get banned does not mean that you get to break that rule, too. Instead of complaining how unfair the mods are, go and congradgulate the person who got away with breaking the rule. 18. Feel free to talk about 2012/the end of the world/Armageddon. Some people get scared at the thought of the end of the world. There are little kids on this game - don't scare them. 19. These rules are complete. They will not be updated from time to time. Make sure you check back every few days to see if a new rule has been added. 20. Don't click the TERMS AND CONDITIONS link at the bottom of the screen and read all the rules there. Then click the COMMUNITY GUIDELINES link and read all those rules, too.
#42689085Friday, February 18, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

I taste chiken JERKeh
#42689104Friday, February 18, 2011 7:24 PM GMT

Troll be trollin...
#42689273Friday, February 18, 2011 7:29 PM GMT

Dey see me ridin im soloo
#42690047Friday, February 18, 2011 7:49 PM GMT

1. Blame John. If you blame someone other than John, you will be banned. 2. If you have a question about any of these rules, or if you have a question about your ban, cry about it to your mommy and threaten to tell on the mods to your mommy. 3. You are expected to obey these rules. If it says "Do not say pie" then you are expected to not say pie. Failure to obey these rules will result in a ban. 4. Don't Swear. There are little kids who may pick up the language and say it at school or around friends and parents. Do not try to bypass the language filter by using symbols and alternate letter styles. 5. Don't be a n00b. You may disagree with something and say "I don't like this very much" but you may NOT say "0MFG!!! NUBNUBNUB!!! UR A NUBBYNUBNUB!". Doing so will result in bannage. You can say "I dissagree and I dissagree because..." but you may NOT say "I THINK THAT SUCKS!!! UR A NOOOOB!!!!!" 5a. What is a personal attack? A personal attack is when you post about a Roblox player on the forum and talk about them in a negative way. This includes saying that they are a nub, posting their names, and posting their ROBLOX profile link. 6. No degrading racial comments are allowed. Don't be a racist. Just don't. 7. No inappropriate references. You may not talk about ANYTHING over the rating of G Material or E-Rated Videogames. Failure to obey this will reult in BANZ. This means no furries, GrAY tests, ect ect. 8. No Politics. No Religion. God doesn't exist. Stop spreading your religions on roblox. Politics is not allowed. 9. No "this VS that" threads. These normally result in flame wars and will be deleted. 10. No whining about moderation This mostly applies to the operation and moderation of the online community. Members will be banned, threads removed, and so on based on the clearly defined rules. Publicly bemoaning the operation of the community and the way the rules are enforced will not put you in good favor with the moderators. If you have a legitimate concern or suggestion, PM a moderator. This also includes "pity threads", meaning ones proclaiming you're leaving, my cat died, etc. DO WHINE ABOUT YOUR BAN. NOBODY CARES IF YOU GOT BANNED. GET A LIFE. 11. No spamming. akdjfaskhj is spam. Posting the same thing over and over is spam. Responding to somebody with a short pointless comment like tl;dr, signatures or inb4b& is spam AND it's rude. Don't do this. If you are going to take the time to post on the forum, make sure that you actually have something to say. 12. No dangerous or harmful posts. Posts that encourage members to participate in real-world activities that we deem to be harmful or dangerous to members will be deleted (i.e. lighting things on fire, jumping cars over people, deleting necessary computer files, etc.). 13. No linking to or talking about directly competing games. Free online games or games that have a similar intention to Roblox (such as online multiplayer brick building) are direct competitors and are not to be posted about on our forums. You may talk about World of Warcraft though. 14. No dating topics. ROBLOX is NOT a dating site. Go to Zoosk or something for that crap. 15. No Trading. Roblox isn't pokemon card world. 16. No offsite links. As stupid as this is, one. No wikipedia, no YouTube, no fan sites. If the address does not start with http://www.roblox.com/, then you may not post it here. No exceptions. 17. Just because you know somebody who broke a rule and didn't get banned does not mean that you get to break that rule, too. Instead of complaining how unfair the mods are, go and congradgulate the person who got away with breaking the rule. 18. Feel free to talk about 2012/the end of the world/Armageddon. Some people get scared at the thought of the end of the world. There are little kids on this game, so scare them for the lul's. 19. These rules are complete. They will not be updated. Ever. 20. These are the rules. Any other rules you see are fake and following them can get you banned.

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