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#4370700Friday, December 19, 2008 5:58 PM GMT

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#4374076Friday, December 19, 2008 9:04 PM GMT

You asked well here it is not to be discouraging.... hat: 4/10 shirt: 6/10 pants: 2/10 building: 1/10 scripting: 0/10 Funny: 1/10 posts: 6/10 (all he does is make hammers and stuff Excample: @@@@@@@ @darkrai696@ @@@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !darkrai696! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$@!$?@!$?@!$? $darkrai696$IS Not AWESOME@ IT IS A AXE@!$?. $$$$$$$$$$@!$?@!$?@!$? ??????????? ?darkrai696? ??????????? my point is its spam) profile: 1/10 your fortune: dued your not going to be famous anytime soon Total: 21/100 Status on Biff Rates: 1.1/5 ----------------------------------- Im the Simon of roblox!!
#4398931Saturday, December 20, 2008 5:53 PM GMT

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