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#43841966Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:03 AM GMT

1. Can you stop showing inappropriate ads please? (IMVU, etc.) 2. Why are you stacking skyscraper ads? Ya'll intend to make the internet's tallest advertiesement, or a building game? 3. BC Loyalty Program. Cool. I'm grateful, but is that nesscessary? 4. You have jinxed Japan. You sell all that ninja stuff, then Japan gets ravaged by an earthquake and tsunami. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! 5. Take "h0mosapien" out of the filter. Nothing wrong with the word. That is all.
#43842099Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:05 AM GMT

Remove the inapropriate ads [Completely Agree] Stop Stacking Skyscraper ads [100% agree] BC loyalty program? [another BC feature, which starts MORE flamewars] Jinxed Japan [I dont think they did, but its possible] Take word out of filter [Why wouldnt people just use the non-scientific word?]
#43842344Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:11 AM GMT

1. Yes. An ad has tried to download a virus to my computer FOUR TIMES because of Roblox (and yes, I am absolutely sure it was Roblox, since I had no other websites open on 2 of the occasions, and on the others, the only websites I had open were youtube and twitter). 100% support from the potato with a chiken hat holding a taco. 2. Support. It's just plain stupid. 3. I hate it, it makes our economy get even more inflated than it already is, but it's now a BC benefit and an update, and since Roblox hates us, they don't allow us to suggest the removal of either, no matter how terribly stupid they are. 4. Lol. ROBLOX IS TO BLAME FOR THE DE.ATH OR INJU.RY OF THOUSANDS. 5. I think Roblox should just stop being so hom0phobic. There's nothing wrong with choosing a different s3.xuality than other people find acceptible (no, I'm not ga.y, but I ain't stupid either). Stupid filter >_<
#43842368Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:11 AM GMT

#43842416Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:12 AM GMT

@Arexin: Very insightful. That post has contributed so much to the conversation, that it's astounding how much intelligence can be possessed by one being. ps. On #4, I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry if I did.
#43842468Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:14 AM GMT

I agree mostly about the filter and ads. Don't see why ROBLOX has anything to do with Japan, (Lol) ironic though they made hats for them.
Forum Moderator
#43842644Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:17 AM GMT

Uhh... Potato. Do you know what h0mosapien means? It means human.
#43842915Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:24 AM GMT

@13.g.0seed: Yes, I do know the sci.entif.ic name for the Hum.an spe.cies, but I also know the reason they block the word, and that reason is just plain stu.pid.
#43856068Saturday, March 12, 2011 2:36 PM GMT

Thanks for the support guys :D

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