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#43891553Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

As the moon shone her loving light carressed the soft forest earth, he walked, silently strumming a harp, the tune he was strumming was sad, and haunting, like all of his melodies. Two glowing orange globes shone in the night, peering from his scarred face, the scars forming mountains and valleys, all along his face and body. His lips are twisted into a mischevious grin, one that belies the sad haunting melody he plays. He was in the mood for mischief and gallabanting around today, and obviously his face showed it. He leaps up into the tree, the changeling glancing all about him. He leaps from tree to tree, until he finally reaches a silvery pool, silvery because of the lovely moon's embrace. He lets his hand tickle the surface of the water, causing ripples all about the usually smooth placid surface of the pond. He laughs and continues playing, his haunting melody a siren's call for those who were in earshot. He tilts his head to the left, listening, and waiting. Listening and waiting for something to be pulled into his mischief for the night. John continued strumming, strumming louder, and louder, drawing a horde of small rodents, such has squirrells. They chitter and wave in harmony to the man's melody, they dance and they play, to the man's harmonious melody. The chittering grows louder and louder, has the man's own harp grows louder, soon the whole forest would seem to be awakened by the loud chittering of the squirrels. It sounded as if every squirrel in the forest was chittering. The chittering grew louder has the man thought on his past. He kicks his heels near the edge of the pool, thinking about Jinx and Jack, thinking about himself. Then suddenly, the music it stops. The squirrels chitter and chitter very angerily. John suddenly realizes this and begins playing again, calming the squirrels down. Caliming the squirrels down, they begin to weave and chitter again in harmony with the man's harp. He smiles thinking to himself. He continues to play his musics, again his thoughts straying down dark and dreary paths. John continued his thoughts, wondering about the mortal realm and all those who lived in it. Including the Hunters who had chased him and his kind back into this world. A world only accessible by Barrows and holes in the fabric of time. Most holes of of course were in remote areas, untouched by the savages of Iron and Steel. Untouched by Man. ______________________________________________________ Rules: 1.) Obviously, use your commonsense. 2.) Have fun. ____________________________________________________ CS: Name: Race: (Any fantasy race) RPAge: Appearnce: Bio: Inventory: (Rules with inventory: Magicly enchanted items only work in the Fae, Modern items only work in the Mortal Realm.) Fae or Mortal realm?: _____________________________________________ Name: John Nighthawke Race: Changeling RpAge: 21 (Equivalent Human Years) Appearnce: Described above. Bio: The Guardian of the forest, John wanders around protecting the denizens of the Faedom. Inventory: Two mith katanas, one .44 magnum (From the Human Realm), One sheath that has an infinte amount of throwing knives (So long has the sheathe remains intact.)
#43893758Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

#43896521Sunday, March 13, 2011 12:41 AM GMT

('ere.) CS: Name: Cody Darrow Race: human RPAge: 21 Appearnce: black hair, green eyes, tall, medium build. Wears a grey T-shirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Bio: Currently on a camping trip with his dad, Caleb enjoys the outdoors, fantasy novels, and music. Inventory: harmonica, saw-backed machete (I've seen them in Gan.der Moun.tain), bug spray, sunscreen, granola bars. Fae or Mortal realm?: Caleb lives in the mortal realm. (how does time pass between worlds?)
#43897383Sunday, March 13, 2011 12:55 AM GMT

Name:Maki Race:Human Gender:Male RPAge:16 Appearence:Short brown hair that spikes at the bottom and the bangs. His eyes are blue. He has a scar on his left eye and whenever there is a demon nearby his left eye becomes completely red. He can transform his arm into a deformed metal arm and make it become any weapon. He wears a brown shirt and blue jeans. Bio:Maki is a demon hunter living in the fae world. He was cursed by a demon when he was a kid but the curse ended up giving him powers. Inventory:A few apples and a water bottle. Fae or Mortal realm:Fae
#43897953Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

(Both Accepted. Time passes much like time does in a dream. You can spend days in the Fae only to discover a few hours have passed)
#43898317Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:10 AM GMT

Maki:*Wandering around in a forest* Dang it where is the base? I wish that i was never attacked by that demon. I may be a good demon hunter but the job is still difficult. I wonder what the mortal realm is like? I wonder if it is as bad as everyone says.
#43898536Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:13 AM GMT

John's music continued to flow from the harp.
#43900997Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:48 AM GMT

(Reminds me of a book I've been reading....) /Cody/ I hacked through the underbrush, reaching another tree which was perfect for firewood. I first checked the tree's canopy, making sure nothing was living up there, and proceeded to chop it down. Having brought in the firewood, I decided to hike through the woods. I grabbed my essentials and made for a little-used trail near our campsite.
#43901201Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

[ Umm k.. I might join ]
#43901616Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

(Pleae do. Otherwise you will be reported for spamnation)
#43901733Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

(Thinking of some way to introduce myself to Fae.....)
#43902364Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:06 AM GMT

(Holes randomly open up sometimes. Or you could go cave diving)
#43903450Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

(lol) /Cody/ I continued hiking, and decided to explore A cave that I had recently discovered. It didn't seem to have anything in it, and it wasn't very deep. I turned around, exited the cave.....Is that harp music?
#43903624Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

The music continued it's siren song, attracting all within earshot.
#43904349Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:34 AM GMT

Name: Ivy Gore (known as Poision Ivy) Race: (Any fantasy race) RPAge: 19 Appearnce: Shorter then normal, brown eyes, black hair with purple highlights, wears mostly black skinny jeans and a dark t-shirt Bio: N/A Inventory: Special charm bracelet, small dagger, and enchanted necklace. Fae or Mortal realm?: Mortal
#43904585Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:37 AM GMT

#43905958Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

(oops... forgot race was Human. :3)
#43906273Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

(Still declined I need a bio)
#43906542Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:02 AM GMT

(Fine. I'll remake it) Name: Ivy Gore (known as Poision Ivy) Race: Human RPAge: 19 Appearnce: Shorter then normal, brown eyes, black hair with purple highlights, wears mostly black skinny jeans and a dark t-shirt Bio: Ivy was first called Poision Ivy when she stabbed a robber when he was trying to break in her family's house. The nickname stayed, along with her sense of war. Inventory: Special charm bracelet, small dagger, and enchanted necklace. Fae or Mortal realm?: Mortal
#43907029Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

(Accepted. The necklace doesn't work in the Mortal realms)
#43907218Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

( knew that. Thanks for telling me anyways. )
#43907308Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:11 AM GMT

(Just checking. Sorry. Begin)
#43907367Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

( might not be typing fast. I have to hold my baby bro)
#43907711Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

(It's fine. Just so long as you post)
#43907792Sunday, March 13, 2011 3:17 AM GMT

CS: Name: Ciara Walker Race: Tengu RPAge: 32 Appearnce: Long black hair that cuts off half way down her back, pale skin, all black eyes, where her mouth should be curves into a black beak that goes up to where her noes should be and her chin, and black wings on her back. Other wise she looks human. Wears a white T-shirt that has slits for her wings, black pants, a dark grey jacket that also has slits, jeans, dark grey runners, a leather sheath, and black gloves. Bio: Her parents were killed when she was still young so she praticlly raised her self. She learned english by going to the mortal realm and watching the humans. Once a human saw her and asked if her name was Nevermore. Inventory: A long sword that has a dark grey blade and a red and black hilt (Fae realm), twin pistols for the mortal realm, and a container of water. Fae or Mortal realm?: Fae

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