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#44907483Friday, April 01, 2011 2:08 AM GMT

First of all, before I get to the story line, I want to give my friend Faize_Girl credit for helping me out. She wrote the storyline for me, since I suck at those, and helped me brainstorm ideas. This Roleplay wouldn't have been possible without her. Located in a quiet corner of Japan is Pheonix Academy, a place where people can coexist peacefully. Summers are warm, springs are beautiful, autumns are bright and colorful, and winters are bearable. It’s like a heaven on Earth. As you enter through the large double doors of Pheonix Academy, everything seems normal. There are dorms in one building, classes in another, and a cafeteria to eat your meals in. The courtyard in the center of the school hosts lush green grass and sky-high trees. The night class dorms are in the left building, and the day class lays claim to the right. In the middle on either side are where the classrooms are located. At first, you wonder what the building off in the corner is, but you dismiss it casually. Continuing on to your dorm, you stumble into a night class student. After an awkward apology, you scurry to your room and keep going as normal. What you didn’t notice: that night class student wasn’t talking to your face. He was speaking to your neck. Pheonix Academy's hosts one of the few inter-species campuses in history. You have just enrolled yourself into the world of the supernatural. How will you proceed? Day Class: 8 AM – 3 PM English, Math, Sciences, History, Social Studies, Music, Theater, Creative Writing, Art, P.E., Woodshop Night Class: 6 PM – 2 AM Self-control (required class), Changing (werewolves only), Music, Art, Creative Writing, Woodshop, Sciences, English, Math, History Dorms- Male: Females: Co-Ed: Name: A/g/e: (15-19) Appearance: Race: (Human, Vampire, Werewolf, etc) Bio: (optional. If you choose to write it don't make it cheesy.) Dorm: Personality: Additional Powers: (Only for the head of each race.) Are you the Head of the race: (Yes or no and not for humans) Misc:(anything else you would like use to know) Rules: -Don't swear excessively. Try to keep it at a minimum. It ruins the fun of roleplaying. -the whole description. -Have as many characters as you want. Just keep up with all of them. -Any race allowed. -Please no super-uber cheesy histories like, 'her parents died and she only had this place to go.' Please, really don't do that. Fellow roleplayers hate it. -Day and night classes can be for both humans and other beings. - Birds and bees allowed, but keep it to a minimum, if going past kissing ask me, dont go "Its in the rules" my rules IDC what they say.
#44907678Friday, April 01, 2011 2:11 AM GMT

(Someone join....)

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