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#45042985Sunday, April 03, 2011 6:20 PM GMT

These are my opinion only.... John Cena vs The Miz: I mostly expect Jon Cena to win but I think The Miz could win because of this: John Cena beat up The Rock and Rock might interfere with the match. Undertaker vs Triple HHH: I believe Triple H might have some lasting injuries from Sheamus' rage while the Undertaker is getting near the end of his career. Undertaker resently came back to life again and might have some injuries as well. I think the Taker wins. Edge vs Alberto Del Rio: I believe Edge will win. Christian pounded Del Rio multiple times with a metal chair which could also give Del Rio a dis-advantage. I predict Edge to win. Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes: After Cody Rhodes was pounded in the face by a knee brace while Rey Mysterio was doing a 619 they have been fueding ever since. Cody Rhodes will do everything to protect his "Dashing Face" But i think Mysterio will sneak a 619 in there somewhere and win. Randy Orton vs CM Punk: Randy Orton's knee is badly damaged therefore I think Punk has the better chance of winning. Although Orton might RKO him in the attempt but the match could go either way... I think there was a Daniel o'Bryan match in there somewhere but he's a nerd so it ain't important.

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