#117398995Friday, November 08, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

Any SFing game *I get stabbed by noob* Noob: Wanna be friends? Me: Do you expect me to say yes after you stab me? Noob: Wanna be friends? *Noob jumps on my head repeatedly* *I kill the noob* Noob: omg i can free chat u idiot -.- Me: ok Noob: your robux is gone cuz i just hacked u *I check to see my robux and it's still there* Me: OMG my robux is gone!!! Noob: pr00f *I go into google chrome and inspect element of my robux, and then make it 0, take a pic then send him a decal* Noob: omg im a hacker Me: Right click then inspect element Noob: How can i inspect water earth fire or air? Me: -_-
#117660509Monday, November 11, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

now 2 (in trucking tycoon) lol Noob: gta help me Noob: silly help me Gtavice: you help me Noob: how Random person: chaz GTAVice: click flip LOL this one didnt happen to me and also some noob was in a truck of someones it was lick: 570NJGoldberg: NOW Random person: o poop 570NJGoldberg: GET OUT OF MY TRUCK A starter noob: were di i repaint my truck (YES, it was spelt like that!) the person again: wait there LOLOLOL this one didnt either these are stories from others. like them? :D (i saw them in chat, there small though.)
#117660557Monday, November 11, 2013 7:28 PM GMT

By lick i mean HERE T_T
#117662329Monday, November 11, 2013 7:51 PM GMT

Noob: Get out ODer me: are you nuts Noob: Yes, but you are an ODer me: what Noob: Stop calling me an ODer ODer Me: "leaves party"
#117668889Monday, November 11, 2013 9:10 PM GMT

On Avionic: *Noob steals my plane* Me: NOOB GIVE ME MY PLANE BACK Noob: Wanna be friends? *Noob sends me friend request* Noob: Accept you nubcake Me: T_T just give me my plane *Noob leaves. Guest starts jumping on my head* Me:Urgh T_T
#117702040Tuesday, November 12, 2013 2:52 AM GMT

~~MADE UP~~ Noob: LALALA IM A NOOB! Me: Yes, yes you are. xD Noob: (Had caps lock on by mistake) I AM GOING TO SPAM me: O.O (noob rages) (admin of the game) admin: :ban noob (I left to another server, and the noob was there. Me: OH, NO!! Noob: I'MMA STAND ON YO HEAD (Noob jumps on my head) (another admin was in that server, and he said:) Admin: :Fling noob (noob gets fling off the world) (noob ragequits) (guest 666 comes) Me: OH, NO!! AN EVIL GUEST! (BTW, the numbers are chosen randomly.) (guest uses safechat) Guest: hello friend Me: (Using safechat) Goodbye (Not safechat) Guest (Guest leaves) Me: I did NOT think that would work! xD (another noob comes) Me: I'm out of here. (I left.) (Noob stalks me) (I leave the website.)
#117712344Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:14 AM GMT

This was made up by me. Me: (visiting someones tycoon) Noob: GET OUT OF MY TYCOON GET THE TRUCK Me: Truck? Noob: /truck (nothing happens) Me: So where is the truck? Noob: It's eating clouds Me: Where are the clouds? Other Guy: What's that truck falling from the sky? Me: AAAAH The owner of the place was the noob, I didn't realise. Remember, I made this up. ~I am a potato. Tru stori bro~
#117713029Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:32 AM GMT

Noob: IM GOING TO HACK YOU RIVERSFAN IF YOU DON GIVE ME ALL YOUR ROBUX Me: You don't have BC so I can't donate to you. Noob: THATS IT IM HACKING YOU WITH CHEAT ENGINE Me: And what will be the process of doing that? (Pause) He leaves the game.
#117713573Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:52 AM GMT

Noob: Give me admin Idiot Me: No you noob. Noob: YOUR THE NOOB Me: Noob says what (spams) Noob:what Me:LOL Noob: Whats so funny Me:Nothing Noob: DONATE TO ME Me: nah im good Noob:I'LL REPORT YOU Me: Go ahead and try Noob: Umm how do you report again NEXT DAY Noob:I KNOW HOW TO REPORT KNOW THIS IS YOUR L@ST CH@NCE Me: Im not donating nub Noob: Reports Me: I'll report you for FALSE REPORTING Noob:IM SOWWY D: Noob: Can you donate Me: *kill me* AT SPOTH Diferent noob:HEY Me: Hey is for horses Noob: WHY YOU KILL MEH Me: because this is a killing game Noob: Wanna be frwands Me: NEVER YOU NOOB
#117818302Thursday, November 14, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

roblox dodgeball Blue team: Noob Me (a red member): Umad???? Blue team: Noobs! Blue team: red is a noobs --While later!-- Blue team: i am reporting red all Me: I know your kidding --Pause-- Blue team: no i really am It might be exaggerated! But its real!!!
#117819366Thursday, November 14, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

And first, REPORTING FOR KILLING? Thats a noob! And calling people who kill a noob... wow!
#117867176Thursday, November 14, 2013 10:20 PM GMT

Here's a real good one that happened to me about a month ago in Lumber Tycoon :3 NOOB: hey u want a chainsaw ME: Sure NOOB: eat ma poo first ME: What? NOOB: EAT MA POO OR NO GET CHAINSAW! ME: ... NOOB: EAT MA POO NAOW! ME: Okay! NOOB: *gives me chainsaw* ok eat ma poo naow ME: Nope. NOOB: OMG NUB! U CANT DO DAT!!!! ME: Uh yes I can NOOB: UMG U R A HAXOR! ME: lol NOOB: NDNHNNUDHUDFHIFDHUIFHEUIFGHUIBU ME: Get out. *noob has ragequit*
#117896219Friday, November 15, 2013 3:46 AM GMT

*im the noob in this picture* *before I could free chat* I completely forgot one, actually... lol
#117896494Friday, November 15, 2013 3:49 AM GMT

im just gonna make it up... Me: *INVITES A NOOB OVER TO HIS HOUSE ON SANDBOX* Noob: Al your base belong to me! Me: wut? Noob: ALL YOUR BASE BELONG TO ME NOW, AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Me: Actually, I can. *pulls out the shovel, grabs spikes, and places them on the noob* Noob: *dies* Noob: WTF! COME TO MY BASE! AND BY THAT I MEAN YOURS! *hahaha that never happened.*
#117896582Friday, November 15, 2013 3:50 AM GMT

Wait I remembered one! Noob: Noobcaik is better then cookies. Me: Pfft. Kookees are better.
#117904420Friday, November 15, 2013 7:26 AM GMT

on my other account Masterlukario who joined in 2008 noob: I'm mastercheif i joined in 2006 me: You are not and it's spelt (i use australian english) MasterchIEF. noob: I said that u idiot me: uh.... noob: well I joined in 2006 noob me: where's your veteran badge noob: it's right on my profile NOOB me: *checks* *sarcasm* Oh god you do have the vet. badge! noob: NOOOOOOB me: do you know what noob means? noob: an IDIOT me: dumb idiot, it means bad experience or new noob: I SAID THAT me: you still joined in 2012 noob (this was in 2012) noob: DIFJOASJASDIFJIASDOFJIASDJI (we argued on and on) noob: I AM MASTERCHEIF YOU IDIOT AND IT IS SPELT LIKE THAT me: *facepalm* noob: UUUUUUUUUUGGHHH WHAT DOES THAT MEAN *ragequit*
#117904705Friday, November 15, 2013 7:45 AM GMT

this is made up me: *peace and quiet in my own place that looks like the map that Builderman used in his 2008 roblox trailer* *noob comes* noob: HEEEYYYYY I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA me: ha now I know where you live noob: hey ur suposed 2 be at school me: it's sunday here and in australia, why would I go to school noob: i'm reporting you me: I'm waiting....... noob: that's it i'm haxing u noob: wait how do you hax tell me me: you really think I'm gonna tell you noob: uggghhhhhh my game is so slow help it me: ok me: what's your address *he actually tells me (remember this is made-up)* me: ok wait me: is it fast noob: no me: ok are you on a laptop noob: yes me: you know that button that looks like an apple? noob: yeah me: hold it for 10 seconds noob fell for it Me: aaahhh peace and quiet nooB: HA I'M BACK me: ban/noob my admin script isn't finished so I still hear the chat from him and he hears me noob: YOU IDIOT GET A LIFE me: I have a life noob: JUST UNBAN me me: ok just press alt+f4 noob fell for it again little did he know I had psychic powers and I made him not remember the game and the conversation we had
#117941898Friday, November 15, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

I maed dis and it rocs nob : hi me : no nob : IMMA RIPORTZ U NOB me : im no nob nob : yish u arrrr me : i kic yo as if dnt stp caling 2007 nob nob : buttttttt i'm am from 2007 me : of cors, now gt out nob nob : N0!!1111 1M GOINGRUSEGHUIREg3br3urg TO RIPORT US GJRHAJEHWFU4QGBH *le nob quits* me : god fo u kfc #theend
#117963771Saturday, November 16, 2013 3:25 AM GMT

Imma playing a pokemon roblox game. This is what happens: Me: Yay! My Totodile evolved! Noob:I bet I could beat you Me: Oh yeah? Have fun trying to beat a Cracanaw, Vaperion, Butterfree, Golbat and Seel. Noob: I'LL BEAT YOU Me: Have fun *The noob had a cyndaquill a pidgy, I beat him very easily* Noob: I reported you for being a hacking bully Me: I have a feeling an idiot has been in the server *Everyone laughs* Me: Ok, I'll report you for false reporting Noob: Then I'll report you again Me: Roblox moderators aren't that stooped Noob: SURE??????? Me: Yeah, kinda am Noob: Smart ### Me: Oh, look who is being a bully using offensive language now? Noob: OH YEAH TRY TO REPORT ME *Noob quits* Me: Dummy *I quit the server, I remembered the noobs name, reported him and joined* Me: I reported him Random Dude: Well, that argument was funny Me: Eh, I hated the argument *Everyone laughes* *Two hours later* Me: I'll see the noob's profile ROBLOX: The item you have requested does not exist Me: That was fast
#117978308Saturday, November 16, 2013 7:20 AM GMT

Noob: Sooo. Could I have admin? Me: No. Noob: Could I have SSJ100? Me: No. Noob: Admin? Me: No... Noob: COME ON MAN I WANT ADMIN Me: No. Noob: I'M GOING TO HACK YOU AND DESTROY THIS GAME AND Me: Okay. Noob left
#117978470Saturday, November 16, 2013 7:25 AM GMT

^ i liked that ok i make my own In Pokemon Adventures Noob: I have a real Pokemon game Me: Well me too! Noob: My team is way better than yours Me: Okay what is it? Noob: I got a level 2 Pidgey and a level 6 Chikorita. my whole team. SOOOO GOOD Me: Oh yeah well I have a level 67 Typhlosion, a level 67 Gyarados, a level 68 Ampharos, a level 66 Gengar, a level 72 Togekiss and a level 67 Donphan and I've beaten Red with it and his pokemon levels were above EIGHTY! (this is my actual team in my pokemon game) Noob: Wow that is so weak, I could defeat you with one Pokemon. Me: Oh yeah well let's get those Pokemon and battle! Noob: I already have it. Me: Oh yeah, I forgot. *i got my pokemon and leveled up* Me: Let's battle! *defeated noob with one Pokemon* Noob: You obviously haxed! I'm H4XING UUUUU! Me: Well I'm waiting Noob: All your robux AND TIX ARE GONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Me: *sarcasm* Oh my god it really is! Me: *inspect element and screenshot* Noob: Oh my god! IIIIIIIIIII'MMMMMMMMMMMM A HACKLERR!!!!!!!!!!!J OAFDFISOJFIASDJ Me: I was joking, I changed the ROBUx and TIX number. NOob: I'M REPORTING UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *he rages for another hour* Everyone: OH JUST SHUT UP Noob: Oh my god u guyz r so mean you are-- Owner comes in Owner: So what's happening! Friend: This stupid raging noob is so annoying! He's raging right now! Owner: Oh I see. Owner: ban/noob Noob left the server Everyone: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
#117981109Saturday, November 16, 2013 9:05 AM GMT

(This actually happened once) *I join a personal server about pixel art* *I want to see the pixel art* Everyone else: OMG OMG OMG OMG ITS THE HACKER RUN RUN RUN AAAAHHHH BAN/KYLE AAAHH OMG OMG OMGOM OMOGMO GMOG MOGMOGMGOMGO Me: Im no hacker! Owner: ban/kyle Everyone: WE BANNED THE HACKER YAAAY Me after banned in real life: What?
#117986547Saturday, November 16, 2013 12:32 PM GMT

I'm on a PBS once and this happened *Noob starts deleting my house I built* Me: Hey stop it! Noob: ONLY IF U GIVE ME YOUR ROBUX Me: No! *noob sends friend request* Noob: I HAVE THE POWER TO HAX YOUR ROBUX MUAHAHAHHAHA Me: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Noob: REPORTED AND I STEALED YOUR ROBUX HAHAAHHA *checks robux,sees its all still there* Me: ugm ur rite u hax0rd my robucks Noob: MUAHAHAHHAHAHHA! SEE! Me: I was being sarcastic. *noob rage quits*
#118148705Monday, November 18, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

Me : *spawns kills him* Noob : I'm reporting u Me : For what? Noob : Abuse Me : Do it. Me : Continues to spawn kills* Noob : *ragequits*
#118151552Monday, November 18, 2013 12:34 AM GMT

Me: Hello Because I'm a noob