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#45517200Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

In 08, there was BC and NBC. (To OBCers/TBCers this is Probably EVIL). It didn't mater if you were BC or not. It was I get 1 place and 10 tix every day vs, I get a few places and some robux every day (and I can sell). Not, I get 10 tix everyday and 1 place and he gets all games, 60 Robux a day, all gear/hats, more groups, selling etc. Your excuse, " We Payed! We paied! PAY! Monah!" When, this is what I get a BCer that joined a month ago looks at my account and calls me a "Noob" I ask why, he says "NBC". I am a triple vet, he joined a month ago. There are MANY racist BCers. Not all, but a lot. BC was made to make people have a bit more money and could do a few more things. Not visit all places, be able to insult NBCers for fun, to get all gear and buy what ever you want. BC was made to make ROBLOX better, not abusive racists. I see, "NBCer noobs" and "A OBCer? Oh god" This is what people do, Z0mG I have BC l0llolloz I am bettar den j00z. Then, it expires and they complain, I want to sell, I want more money!!! Greed takes over, and they hack or do something annoying. Such as create alts to get more money. So, I am saying give NBCers more rights! Such as 20 tix per day or 2 tix per visit. How about NBC only stuff? I mean BCers get their own stuff right? Why not us? Because the admins hate us? Or do BCers mean more to us because they get a few dollars? Yes, I can give you 6 dollars and suddendly I an better then 75% of all people! Wo0t! Troolol Win I do I win! Really? Why not? Because we aren't giveing you money? Does that prove that greed is important to the rulers of ROBLOX? Prove me wrong,
#45517485Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:39 PM GMT

I agree about BC people who make fun of NBCers, but I do not agree about NBC only items and 20 tix a day, BC pay to play, as you said, so they must have the best, more than NBCers, so NBC stuff will cause chaos, I do not agree about 20 tix a day because it will make more people Lazier, how many times you've seen a great game on front page, and then you find out that it was made by an NBC? Most of the good games are made by NBCers. Although OBCers think they are something better then us NBCs, 60 robux is not that much, like there are gears which costs 1000 robux which will take an OBC 2 weeks to get it, so it is not much. I was a BC and I got expensive gears and hats, because I did effort on building, now that I became rich, I cancelled my BC because it was a waste of money.
#45517629Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

It's the same for any other game - people who pay get extra. It's been like that for a while now, and these methods aren't just on the internet; games on the consoles have DLC for a fund. I find it fair, in my opinion.
#45517772Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:46 PM GMT

I still earn more then average BC players :3. As long as roblox doesn't limit the place building abilities (e.g. making bc-only classes) I'm happy to stay.
#45518941Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:13 PM GMT

Before I prove you wrong, I'd like you to prove that ROBLOX is financially stable, and then take a glance at how much it pays, and how much income it gets. Can you calculate it? Do you even have the slightest idea of anything that goes on behind the computers in ROBLOX HQ? Or are you just making assumptions, like everyone else on this Forum? For one thing, you're LUCKY this site isn't P2P, otherwise a person like you wouldn't even be here, and neither would I. You're also LUCKY you even have a computer. If you're going to whine about how you're not getting enough pixels daily, then maybe you should get off the site. The key to beating the BCers is not being lazy. I've been lazy, and I've got crud money. If you make a fantastic Place and are frequent on the Ambassador Program, you can make a ton of cash. BCers don't even try and build their Place efficiently, because they have ten. For instance, they start making an obby, then they're like, "Eh, boooooorrrrriing.... ima make an MG place" and then they have horrible, Free-Modeled, copied Places, meaning they have a chance of getting less visits than the NBCers if the NBCers put their minds to it. While BCers are off bragging about their new Top Hat, you could be making a fortune. And ranting about BCers bragging is totally unacceptable. If you're actually offended when BCers call you a noob, or even feel slightly insecure, that's giving them what they want. One of the best comebacks to a bragging BCer is "You actually wasted money on this game?" The real problem isn't the TBC/OBC, it's the freaking attitude of the community, and how they react to being called a noob. In fact, I even laugh whenever someone says they're awesome because they have BC. You pay more, you get more. Complaining achieves nothing. If you can't deal with it, leave.
#45519197Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:19 PM GMT

One Answer , Creativity isnt that whats roblox is about? I have BC and i dont brag it's only those people who just think they're the best I DON'T I STILL THINK I CAN BE "OWNED" On roblox by A NBC It only matters about the Person CONTROLLING the character!
#45519461Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:25 PM GMT

Word Wall Much And I earn almost as much as an average BCer
#45519540Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:27 PM GMT

Ok i agree but there is no racist BCer's you cant post racist stuff on forums
#45519571Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:27 PM GMT

I think Veterans should get like 1 place extra for how many years they've been on.
#45519756Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

Well, if they give things such as NBC only gear, then BC'ers would go on a riot because they paid, only to lose something because of it. But here is my problem: ROBLOX is relying SOLELY on BC for income. All they do is release BC only things and expect people to pay to play. Well, maybe more people would be willing to pay for a game with less premium features, but a butter experience than this second-rate Facebook spin-off. This 'game' has too many preimum features and not enough behind it for me to ever consider rebuying BC at this point. The user experience I've had here is below the crapiest thing I've ever seen in my life. The only reason why I'm even here in the first place and not playing some game that's WORTH it, like Crysis 2 or Combat Evolved, is because I need something to do while doing homework. All-in-all, I'm ashamed to have EVER purchased BC in the first place. This game is so clearly not worth my money or time.
#45520296Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

Yes, I agree that the BC-NBC racism is bad. But still, 'We paid' is, not an excuse, but a fact. Deal with it. This thread points out NBC-abusing, which roblox needs to be more stricter on, and I thank you for reminding us about this as well as human greed :) But yet, this forum breaks the rules, sadly. I have my agruements to you who say that ROBLOX are greedy. I have seen worse, much worse. Like CP. In CP, you need to be a premium to even WEAR items, even BUY them. Some are even FREE yet member-only. Roblox is freer(That can't be right spelt), NBCers get to buy robux, they get to buy hats and gears that are for everyone(which is calculated to around 98.5 % of all items for sale). Roblox is mild when it comes to money, there are no hidden costs, none of those 'Trap-Offers', the only problem are the noobs, which are present due to roblox' huge population compared to other games. Last I checked, ROBLOX was the 2nd biggest online game in the world. Well, one thing for sure: No BC-racism, that's just sad. TLDRers, don't waste your time replying to this. I'm glad I bought TBC, for the money goes to someone with potential that can be unleasged, if they straighten up a little and gets a firm grip around themselves and the community they have created.
#45520337Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

I wrote much :D
#45520390Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

BC people have feelings to. I used to be a free account I know how it feels Ive had every kind of BC I Am personaly not one of those jerks but i do support this. I feel sorry for Both BCers and NBCers Bcers cuz they are immature butts alot exept for the good ones..and its sad to see someone liek tyhat NBCers cuz they get bullied
#45521419Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:06 PM GMT

I'm still happy they don't have BC-only classes. I can make the same place like every other user, no matter what's it about. It's all possible to every user. Except the external stuff like badges etc, but that's an extra thing. I hope NBC people are also able to use persistent data or whatever the spelling is. I just agree that A LOT is being bc-only lately.
#45521752Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:12 PM GMT

If "A LOT" means one new thing(BC-places) and and two items a month then yes, A LOT has become BC-only.
#45522269Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:20 PM GMT

"If "A LOT" means one new thing(BC-places) and and two items a month then yes, A LOT has become BC-only. " -- Let's put it this way. People tend to use words to describe things completely unrelated. Many upon MANY items are also for R$, which requires you to spend money, wait till the time you die, or create extensively visited places. People seem to use BC-only to describe R$ too.
#45522726Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:29 PM GMT

BCer's who brag about being richer or getting more things are just pathetic. If they call you a noob, ignore them. If they call you worse, report them. If you want more money, build a decent place and invite your friends to hang out instead of complaining. Get some money for your place, then make an Ad. Get visits, make another Ad, and get even more visits. In no time, you have a better place then the BCer making fun of you, and you get as much money as them. NBCer's get enough as it is. At least we can PLAY on the website. At least we can BUY things on the website. Most BC-Only Items aren't even worth complaining about. Us NBCer's can get almost anything a BCer can. And if we got more tickets daily, then most BCer's wouldn't need to buy BC cause they could just get extra tickets to make money. So if you want to complain about an "unfair" website, go to CP where you can't buy ANYTHING unless you pay.
#45524231Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:54 PM GMT

#45524717Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:02 PM GMT

The amount of BCers that are defending their membership on this thread just sickens me. They're pathetic little morons who blow out their mommy and daddy's credit cards to buy their hot memberships. Especially the guy that said "WE PAYED IS A FAKT LOL". He's an idiot. I don't WANT to pay for Crapblox. I have VALVe games, I need a better computer, or better yet, I need to BUILD a computer. And Roblox thinks "oh inch while u buy ur komputa partz plz bai our bee see plawx!? :3" I had 6 months BC on my main. Oh, and you BCer morons? Yeah, you wasted your money.
#45524982Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:07 PM GMT

"I don't WANT to pay for Crapblox. I have VALVe games, I need a better computer, or better yet, I need to BUILD a computer. And Roblox thinks "oh inch while u buy ur komputa partz plz bai our bee see plawx!? :3" I had 6 months BC on my main. Oh, and you BCer morons? Yeah, you wasted your money." -- Inch, you are now in my top 5 favorite forumers :O. I agree with everything you have just said. Except I have Crytek not VALVe >:3
#45525230Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

I was using Valve as an example :P I know there are way more publishers out there, its that Valve never infects my PC with SecuROM like EA does. But at least EA and Valve know what their customers want when they released games like Portal 2, TF2, SPORE, FIFA, Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, etc.
#45525265Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

And I haven't heard of any games by Crytek, I'll look them up later...
#45525414Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:14 PM GMT

"And I haven't heard of any games by Crytek, I'll look them up later..." -- They made the Crysis series and the original Far Cry (Which they sold the rights to the name and story line to Ubisoft when they started on the Crysis projects.)
#45526086Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

for teh second timeBC people have feelings to. I used to be a free account I know how it feels Ive had every kind of BC I Am personaly not one of those jerks but i do support this. I feel sorry for Both BCers and NBCers Bcers cuz they are immature butts alot exept for the good ones..and its sad to see someone liek tyhat NBCers cuz they get bullied PLUS YOU CAN IGNORE THE BAD ONES
#45527015Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:43 PM GMT

I agree. There is a lot of discrimination against NBCers. This isn't right, and must be stopped. However, we DID pay for the extra perks, such as R$ and extra places. It is NOT an excuse, as one guy said above, but a FACT. Just because we payed, though, doesn't give us the right to say "im ovar 9000 and ur not ololololo". No. I believe that NBCers should not get anything more than they do already... mainly because we payed. If you NBCers suddenly started getting 5 R$ a day, then BC, TBC, or OBC would be worthless. ROBLOX has a good program going on here. I do not like BC only games, and I don't visit them. It's unfair that you have to pay on "Free Games at ROBLOX.com" to play a "Free Game". But whatever, I'm not going to be the one turning this into a flame war.

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