#45527205Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:47 PM GMT

Spect, It's a fact that you paid. It's an invalid excuse to justify your arrogance. But it seems you already know that. And they have a very crappy system. It's unbalanced and with many holes. Take, for instance, our physics. What part of it would I POSSIBLY be willing to pay a monthly charge for?
#45528370Wednesday, April 13, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

No any player who says this is OVOUISLY A child(10 or below) Becuase ALMOST EVERY GAME ON THE INTERNET has thigns like that TRUE some Bcers are SPOILED BRATS but some are not and WE DO keep roblox running BESIDES the ads otehr companys pay
#45537118Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:24 AM GMT

Why doesn't all people being bullied ignore the bullies? It's hard! If, people follow you, comment on your place, hack your games etc. just because your NBC mean anything? It's impossible to ignore the facts! I mean LOOK! Just LOOK! There are some 1,000 Robux Gear which causes OBCer 2 weeks to make. It takes over 3 years in which the NBC has to visit EVERYDAY in those more then 3 years to get 1 gear. 1! This is all I hear "We payed we paiyed" Blah blah blah! Okay, you put money to ROBLOX and got better things. This doesn't mean that you are suddenly better then us. I don't beg my parents for 6 dollars every month then, If I don't get it go in to a fit and rant and rave about it. I could pay for 5 OBC acounts (Monthly) every month. When I was 10, I got a job and I still have it. Before you go lolzoolol why don't j00 pay 4 j0r self? It's because I don't. I'm not going to spend 1/5 of my income that I WORKED for, on a virtural world. It is easier to hit a few keystrokes and stop the evils of Greed and things like that. Why bribe the judge when you are a lawyer? If, we have votes and the OBCers get 100 votes while the NBCers get 1 vote, it proves that money and greed is more important then people. I don't know their financial postion. But, I can make accurate guesses on how much they update or make OBCers/TBCer/BCers.
#45537470Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:29 AM GMT

What about the ones whi ARE NICE and dont think much of them selves? Your inssulting THEM to Also I SUPPORT THIS But ITS NOT EVEN A SUGGESTION!!! Just stateing what EVERYONE KNOWS There not going to get nicer unless you DO somethign about it.
#45538250Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

It is a suggestion. Don't TL;DR. It's near the end. I suggested increasing rights for NBCers, stoping all the stuff that is happening, votes, and on tons of my other S&I Forums I have posted. Also, before you start trolling again, I did say some BCers/TBCers/OBCers are fair and nice, not you of course, but some.
#45538401Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:42 AM GMT

This is what your thinking: ZomG a NBCer that has a mind! FLAME FLAME FLAME! YOuR not co0l. You don't payed liek usz! Stop callin uz n00bs when I am one... Gawd! That's all you do? That and you have no grammar.
#45538730Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

@mega ooooo nbc NOOB burn. Yes i am NBC but i am NOT a noob like 123 I support paying to get bonus features. Like when you buy an expansion pack for a game on 360 THEIR not free, are they? Speaking of that, i wish they would make roblox for 360 then people could buy an add-on that gives them the ability to buy ROBLOX items made by Microsoft (but with the Permission of ROBLOX though so it is not copyrighting) That way they could spend MICROSOFT POINTS and not REAL MONEY on extra stuff
#45538822Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:49 AM GMT

then a lot less NBCers would nag at roblox a lot less to make stuff cheaper or to give nbc more benefits :D
#45539025Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:51 AM GMT

#45539847Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:06 AM GMT

Bump Multiplier x2
#45540312Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

a. BCers were once NBC b. STOP MAKING FUN OF US... IT MAKES US SAD ;-;
#45540318Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

Jman! I am not being a noob. I am not spamming on comments with a fist saying "RIOT" p.s I am on an mobile device so don't judge me for spelling errors!
#45540363Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:16 AM GMT

note how most Flamers are from 2010 or 2011!
#45540659Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:23 AM GMT

This is a "Free Online Building Site" Not Buy BC so you can get rights! bC was made to HELP Roblox! In 08... it wasn't Loz! I are BC ur a n00b.
#45540822Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

I'm not a flamer :/ You just made a nobish comment
#45540952Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:30 AM GMT

ROBLOX does NOT rely SOLELY on BC for their income. Google Advertisements generate perhaps 60% of the total income, and that is ONLY brought in by NBCers. But, it is impossible to promote Ad Income or ROBUX Income, so they have to promote BC Income. This thread is irrational. Deal with it. If you can't, start scraping coins off the ground and in between the couch for a month and you'll have enough. Don't you realize that you're acting just as the BCers call you? Really? All this whining because of "NBC discrimination?" As if it had any effect? You're just proving yourselves more and more immature by posting stuff like this. CRITICISM IS A PART OF LIFE. DEAL WITH IT. If you can't, you need to get off. And you're acting like this site is so different from the thousands of other MMOs. Pay more, get more; it's on every other site. What do you want? More benefits because all you do is lay on your backsides all day building and playing, whereas BCers lay on their backsides all day building and playing and PAYING?
#45542578Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

I so have experienced BC on my old account, leehinfey. He was created in 2008. I remember just NBC, but, it wasn't called NBC.. Just.. Nothing.. Also, there was BC. Many people didn't brag or anything about BC. It wasn't much. But. Couple of months later, came TBC. Bragging, and insulting BC, and NBCs. Then, finally, OBC. More bragging and insulting NBC, BC, and TBCs. Why must Roblox make more BC? One is good enough! Roblox is just to express your ideas, and chat, and have fun with your friends online! Not fight, or brag, or anything mean or violent! I'm surprised what happened weeks after TBC was made! Like I said, violence. Many people complained about the violence. What happened? Admins ignored them. They kept trying. Admins banned them. See what I mean? Roblox was destoried by TBC and OBC! It was a peaceful, and fun online site. It was my favorite online website. But, a year past. 2009. I stopped playing. Couple of months I comeback. OBC created. I stopped. 2010, I came back to see how Roblox was. Peaceful. Then, 2011 hit. Violence happened. More BC Virtual Items. BC Only Games.. I got mad. Very mad. I quit Roblox. Then came Pirate9492.
#45542601Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:13 AM GMT

Whoa.. I did a lot of sentences.. 4 Paragraphs! :D
#45545991Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:50 AM GMT

I feel discriminated now.
#45546038Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:55 AM GMT

''Sigh'' We're not all bad.
#45546053Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:57 AM GMT

:o Our join dates.
#45546075Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:59 AM GMT

Holy poop :O
#45546473Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:16 AM GMT

Agreed wigth mega. ~Teh
#45562174Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:41 PM GMT

Recruit, read what I said. I could pay for 5 accounts with monthly OBC. I have a job! BUT, I said the the Racisim NEEDS to stop! Because your BC/TBC/OBC doesn't mean your better. I CAN live with it. If, it was how it should be. Racist hateful violence isn't what ROBLOX is. Or is it? Is money all the Admins care about? Or is it the OBCers/TBCers/BCers are just better because they put in 6 dollars and they "don't" favor them more.
#45562519Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:48 PM GMT

"I have a job!" Wow.. What are ya? 16? 17? 25! Dude, if your 16 or older.. I believe your a little too old for Roblox..