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#45563550Thursday, April 14, 2011 9:11 PM GMT

If I try to enter a game of any sort it says that that the ROBLOX App(15) Has Failed and it directs me to a starter map. (Like the one empty space world map that saves to your PC), and I can't enter any ones game nor my own. Its been happening for two days. At first I thought it was my laptops problem, but when I got on my old computer I used to use earlier today it was still happening. Is it just my problem that has a simple fix I can do myself? Are the admins trying to fix this possible glitch? Am I the only one having this problem? Do I just need to re-install ROBLOX?
#45565625Thursday, April 14, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

Probably a useless update but you sure try to tell the Admins about this it's been happening to me too
#45566094Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

Just started happening to me, goes to Roblox Studio whenever I try to enter a game, keep this forum running...
#45567395Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

Something similar happens to me. Though instead of being redirected to a starter map, I'm directed to a blank map.
#45567415Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

its happeing to me to!
#45568010Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:39 PM GMT

its happening to me also! but only in the 1 of my games.... happened with the recent update! please fix!
#45569145Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:58 PM GMT

#45569415Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

It puts me to an empty map where I can fly around :P FIX THIS NOW, THERE'S ALREADY ENOUGH GLITCHES!!!
#45569790Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#45569829Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

i sent Stealth Pilot a mod who is online a message on the issue... i hope he reads it.
#45582492Friday, April 15, 2011 3:07 AM GMT

All who have problems, I've sorta've resolved this problem...maybe. Find your Firewall and make sure that its either Off, or has its settings set so you can allow ROBLOX to get though it. Or, try to oporate using the ROBLOX Browser, and if it asks to "Stay Offline" or "Connect" click connect and you should be up and running, if those don't work, don't ask me any questions, I'm just following the customer support person(s) advise.
#45585573Friday, April 15, 2011 5:58 AM GMT

I've used to have that same problem, too. Everytime I was in a middle of a game, it says that the game has shut down. When I closed it and click games, it says that the site is offline. Right now... when I join a game, it didn't load. It just show a skyblox background. When I close it, it just say save changes when I'm not even using roblox studio! Is it me or the games glitched ???
#45585584Friday, April 15, 2011 5:59 AM GMT

Reinstall ROBLOX (you should always reinstall after an update) and delete your cookies and temporary files.
#45586560Friday, April 15, 2011 8:24 AM GMT

Same thing happens to me but mostly on games with no servers, when i click play it loads a blank roblox studio place 1 and when i leave it asks me if i want to save it as a file
#45586564Friday, April 15, 2011 8:24 AM GMT

i did try reinstalling it but it still didn't work it still laods a blank map for most games with no servers but it only happens on some games though
#45587191Friday, April 15, 2011 9:46 AM GMT

Come on, everyone! This glitch will be fixed! We've been through countless glitches, failed updates, and many other things! Don't let this stop you! If we all use our brains to the best of their abilities, we can get through this!
#45588976Friday, April 15, 2011 11:56 AM GMT

#45589428Friday, April 15, 2011 12:31 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=45589412 This'll help you fix it. Get that guide heard of!!!
#45590565Friday, April 15, 2011 1:49 PM GMT

>:O! It's the new ROBLOX update. It's driving me mad! First Archive instead of Delete... now it won't lemme into my own place. One of my friends had to reset his place because of this... >:(
#45591318Friday, April 15, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

When i get into roblox. It redirects me to www.roblox.com/landing.aspx.
#45606307Friday, April 15, 2011 10:13 PM GMT

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#45615447Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:06 AM GMT

Alas, the same thing happens to me. It's a shame, really. The first thign I noticed was the record option. I haven't been able to play a game since then. I even deleted the ROBLOX fiel, but when I press Paly it acts like the file is still on the computer. Meh.
#45615597Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:08 AM GMT

#45674944Sunday, April 17, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

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#45687377Sunday, April 17, 2011 7:17 AM GMT

Having trouble entering your places? Here's how to fix this bug. Why did this start happening? - Since the update, a primary connection (?) was set up between the server and the place. - For this reason, places with special characters in their titles are causing the servers to shut down, consequently causing you to enter ROBLOX Studio in an empty place. Don't worry! It's a small bug, it's fixable. The reason you cannot enter your place or other people's places is only because the title's have special characters in them (I.E - ♪, ☺, ™ ect.). How do I fix this? - Fixing it is simple, go into 'Configure my place' found underneath your place's page, in the title box, remove any special characters (I.E ♪, ☺, ™ etc.), press 'Update', and you and your friends can enjoy your places again! -Hope this helped!

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