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#46183057Monday, April 25, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

ocal tycoon = script.Parent.Parent.Parent local UpgradeCall = 5 -- Referring to the upgrade in the Upgrades script. local ButtonUpgradeCall = 0 -- Referring to the button upgrade in the ButtonUpgrades script. local Cost = 300 -- How much it costs to get this upgrade. local IncomeIncrease = 0 -- This is the amount that will be added to the amount of money the player receives every few seconds. local active = false function SpecialTask() -- Anything else you'd like the script to do. end function fix(num) -- Put the comma in numbers that are greater than 1,000: local txt = "" if (num > 999) then local c = tostring(num) txt = string.sub(c,1,#c-3) .. "," .. string.sub(c,#c-2) else txt = num end return txt end function modelName() if (string.find(script.Parent.Name," -- $")) then return end if (string.find(script.Parent.Name," -- FREE")) then return end if (Cost ~= 0) then if (Cost > 999) then local c = tostring(Cost) script.Parent.Name = script.Parent.Name .. " -- $" .. string.sub(c,1,#c-3) .. "," .. string.sub(c,#c-2) else script.Parent.Name = script.Parent.Name .. " -- $" .. Cost end else script.Parent.Name = script.Parent.Name .. " -- FREE" end end function msg(txt,type,time,parent) if (parent:findFirstChild("UpgradeMsg")) then return end delay(0,function() local m = Instance.new(type) m.Name = "UpgradeMsg" m.Parent = parent m.Text = txt wait(time) m:remove() end) end script.Parent.Head.Touched:connect(function(h) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent) if not (player) then return end if (active) then return end active = true if (tycoon.Owner.Value ~= player) then msg("This is not your " .. tycoon.Parent.NameOfTycoon.Value .. "!","Message",3,player) active = false return end if (player.leaderstats.Money.Value < Cost) then msg("You need $" .. fix((Cost-player.leaderstats.Money.Value)) .. " more for this upgrade","Message",3,player) active = false return end player.leaderstats.Money.Value = player.leaderstats.Money.Value - Cost tycoon.Call.Value = UpgradeCall tycoon.ButtonCall.Value = ButtonUpgradeCall tycoon.Income.Value = tycoon.Income.Value + IncomeIncrease SpecialTask() msg("Upgrade Complete","Message",2,player) script.Parent.Head.CanCollide = false script.Parent.Head.Transparency = 1 wait(3) script.Parent.Parent:remove() end) game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait() game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait()

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