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#46440948Saturday, April 30, 2011 8:46 PM GMT

A mysterious package had arrived on your doorstep a day ago. Within was a game. But it wasn't any game, no,, it was more than a game. The moment you began to play, it seems normal enough, but when it offers to make a character, your controller james; nothing's working ight. A strange tingle runs through your body and the options on the screen begin change with inhuman speed. Before long, a computer generised you is staring out of the screen. Choose your weapon and the game begins, but it seems more real than fiction. Hours pass, but you can't stop playing. Hours turn to days, but you haven't wavered. As you pass the seventh level, something changes, a flash brightens the room and sleep overtakes you. When you wake again, you're not in your living room anymore...no, this looks like the GAME. And now, as demons and evil spirits approach, you need to STAY ALIVE. P.S. It's a multiplayer game, you meet other people within. CS N.ame: A/G/E: (7-21 please) Gender: (Please keep it strictly female and male...and don't ask) Appearance: (no limits) Items: (weapons allowed) Bio: Personality: Other
#46442549Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:12 PM GMT

N.ame: Charlotte Baines A/G/E: 15 Gender:Female Appearance: Thin midnight black hair that reaches down to her elbows but just barely;by small wisps, which she lets go natural,strong blue eyes, styled by no products, a baggy black and green Evanescence hoodie, with a plain gray t-shirt underneath, loose, dark blue jeans, black Converse hi tops, which she wears all the time, she's never caught with a different pair of shoes Items: A crowbar she found nearby, nothing else. Bio: N/A (I'm too lazy at the moment.) Personality: Smart, does have a bit of an edgy sarcastic and rebellious side to her but not often, not a very good problem solver, but makes up for the lack with great hacking skills. Other: Nope.

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