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#46516769Monday, May 02, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

We all know roblox is going down the toilet Why? Heres why: Chapter 1. Updates The last really good update Ive seen was the thf coming out. That update took the mods 2 BLOCKING YEARS TO MAKE! Why? Because they were so busy slapping hats,gear,faces together. But even with all of the new hats and gear coming out there is pretty much nothing GOOD that nbc is able to get. Almost all of the recent gears dont work like: winter sword (breaks the animation of the sword slash in about 3 swings),Rc cars (so much lag when using the rc cars you cant even race anybody),grappling hook (most of the time wont grapple onto anything). I mean if youre gonna fling new gear and hats out every five seconds instead of making new updates atleast make the hats GOOD and make the gear WORK! And whens the last time a good suggestion from this forum has ever been made? like... "1 mumble 5,6,mumble, NEVAR!" and when you do take the time to make an update,you make a HORRIBLE one. like the new build tools and hud? the old tools were PERFECT the new ones cant even copy a cancollide brick so it stays cancollide the paint colors are screwed up and the material tool cant tell the difference between state and wood. and the new hud broke guis,got in the way of guis,put the tools almost rright in the middle of the screen. and good heads up displays dont make it so you cant see the rocket comining,they say "heads up". And right now youre so focused on giving bc more benifits so more people buy bc,youve failed to notice all these people rage-quiting when they cant play thier favorite games or cant buy the "cool" new hat that got thrown together in 5 minutes. PEOPLE WHO HAVE QUIT ARENT GOING TO BUY BC! and now all the old expensive wepons are useless. why buy an ice staff for 1000 robux when you can get a vinestaff for 250 robux? or buy a katana when you can get the new limited sythe and own people who have katanas. and what about guests guests are pretty much all lifeless noobs who have real accounts that want to break the rules without getting banned. I mean seriously. if somebody wants to try roblox, THEY SHOULD JUST MAKE A BLOCKING SAFECHAT ACOUNT! SAFECHAT ACOUNTS ARE THE SAME AS GUESTS EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT ACOUNTS CAN BE PUNISHED! and you ban innocent people whithout banning the guilty. and this thread will most likely be deleted for "wanting to undo updates" or "wanting to get rid of guests" or "complaining about bans" and "having a post with no suggestion" Heres my suggestion: STOP think about it. go into build mode. NORMAL build mode. no advanced roblox studio. and try and build a good place with the horrible build tools that replaced the good ones. the glitched copy tool,the move tool that lets you move the brick whe its floating to the right of the cursor. ITLL MOST LIKELY DRIVE YOU ADMINS INSANE! next go try and see if you can acomplish something with these worthless gears you make. THEN TRY AND MAKE A UNIQUE LOOK WITH THE TICKET HATS THAT ARE UNDER 1000 TIX. think about it admins. to you it seems great, but think about how the bc only stuff and crummy updates drive nbcs away, making is cerrtain they wont buy bc. after doing these steps try this one last thing STOP before you go off and make more crummy hats,gear and updates, go find out what the COMMUNITY wants. giving the comunity what YOU want to give the community does NOT get people to buy bc. and although this is the end of the post I do NOT rest my case... --------------------SOFAHOUND------------------
#46516906Monday, May 02, 2011 12:19 AM GMT

#46517111Monday, May 02, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

who cares what they do. roblox is still roblox.
#46517151Monday, May 02, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

I read all of this. And I support.
#46517265Monday, May 02, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

@frittle you should care considering your nbc @link thanks
#46517293Monday, May 02, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

@link Considering the topic is not much more than some pathetic assumptions, biased opinions, and stupid statements all pointed towards hating Roblox, it has no suggestion in it. Yet you support it...?
#46517389Monday, May 02, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

im not hating roblox I still love roblox they just need to step up thier game o theyre gonna lose money
#46517408Monday, May 02, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

Fully agree and support. ROBLOX is dead. MC and BL live. This community sucks donkey tstiez. I'll be honest, I hate this game. I left. I came back. Now I'm leaving. Again.
#46517451Monday, May 02, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

tell me, why should i care?
#46517597Monday, May 02, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

Now I'm leaving. Again. -EpikBlokHeadz Make sure the door chops off your head on the way out.
#46517640Monday, May 02, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

posted by raheem: @link Considering the topic is not much more than some pathetic assumptions, biased opinions, and stupid statements all pointed towards hating Roblox, it has no suggestion in it. Yet you support it...? -------------------------------------------------------------------- @raheem assumptions? where have you been? all of what I said is true also BIASED? im tbc how is it biased for a tbc to say that nbc is not getting enough they should get more i wouldnt care if the mods made a sword for tix I like fighting people who can fight back
#46517818Monday, May 02, 2011 12:33 AM GMT

"assumptions? where have you been? all of what I said is true" What a nimrod. "how is it biased for a tbc to say that nbc is not getting enough" They don't pay. They deserve nothing. Also, considering the WHOLE post is bashing Roblox, you are unneededly biased against them.
#46517913Monday, May 02, 2011 12:35 AM GMT

i had tbc too, and i agree u are biased. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "how is it biased for a tbc to say that nbc is not getting enough" nbc didnt pay, tbc did. its llike the trading system xcept u are trading REAL money for all of the extra things. us nbc poeple should be glad we even get a login reward because the real way to get money is through people visiting your place(s)
#46518028Monday, May 02, 2011 12:36 AM GMT

what i was saying in my post is that roblox needs to notice that if an nbc player gets nothing, and quits for that reason that they WONT be buying bc so yes they dont pay but if they hate roblox cuz they dont get anything they wont pay EVER only people who like roblox buy bc
#46518092Monday, May 02, 2011 12:37 AM GMT

@sofa A lot of people have BC, including you.... Therefore, they are doing fine with player happiness.
#46518103Monday, May 02, 2011 12:37 AM GMT

the only reason ur wrong is cause u have a false feeling of being nbc
#46518384Monday, May 02, 2011 12:41 AM GMT

but stop looking at the more nbc stuff parts and look at the crummy build tools and hud the fail gear the updates nobody wants that hurts EVERYONE on roblox i wouldnt quit cuz my bc ran out but if they keep adding crummy updates I might
#46518431Monday, May 02, 2011 12:42 AM GMT

I read all of it and I don't support. You really need to stop whining. Just live with it or quit idiot.
#46518563Monday, May 02, 2011 12:44 AM GMT

im not whining I just want a good update that the community wants for a change thats not whining thats a legit suggestion
#46518659Monday, May 02, 2011 12:45 AM GMT

its not perfect, i get it. but it isnt a 5-star hotel either. it hadnt been a problem to me. cant handle it? leave.
#46518791Monday, May 02, 2011 12:48 AM GMT

legit suggestion? this is a complaint about how u see roblox
#46518916Monday, May 02, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

legit sugestion:"before you go off and make more crummy hats,gear and updates, go find out what the COMMUNITY wants. giving the comunity what YOU want to give the community does NOT get people to buy bc." thats legit im suggesting that the admins listen to the comunity for once
#46518976Monday, May 02, 2011 12:50 AM GMT

*You're and yes, support, Roblox really is starting to suck, a LOT Of users I know are quiting, if they don't do good updates sometime soon Roblox will be destroyed, I agree with every last word you've said.
#46519065Monday, May 02, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

u made a opinion about a opinion. just stop. this fails. let this thread die already
#46519072Monday, May 02, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

@zant thanks nevah gonna let this die no matterr how much flame i get im a korblox fire cant hurt me

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