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#46661195Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:30 PM GMT

1.Ambient Brick (Instance) well the stuff colliding inside the brick , its ambient is some details from the part different from lighting's also another part of it, that uses raycast(can be used on lights) also filemeshes with no texture can affect it OLOLO and 2.Text font decals... this is where you could use decals as fonts.. (each character is cropped) some detail on TextLabel's property 3. Face Teller (function) by giving a brick and a position it tells what the position is facing.. if its facing at the back of the brick,etc. this returns a cframe angle 4. Clipboard (function method) :I if place should have something if it clipboarding is allowed or not this clipboard thing is a method function in player. that save's texts on your clipboard 5. :U InsertService Uploading/saving (function method) well you can upload models using scripts(even online) that you could save models.. so you can use this without dp in games like you can make an internet in internet with this 6. Settable Brick Mass this idea lets you set the basepart's mass :3 (idk why u dont do this) 7.NbcIcon (lol) well you should put a visor in the ui folder named TinyNbcIcon.. LOLOLOLOL derp
#46662620Thursday, May 05, 2011 7:32 PM GMT

8. gif decals should allow gif to work :3333

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