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#46666003Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

This is a idea for people who wants place visits or for people who dont want to get place invites. A diffrent box like deleted messages on inbox should be sent invites. Like say if I sent a invition to builderman. If he says accept he will automaticly go to the server. If he says declined, the pm will be deleted. But also on your account you should be able to able or disable invite message like the way you can limit who can send you a pm like: Only friends can send you invite...only best friends...no one..everyone.
#46666518Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

Sure, but what if the server is full?
#46666586Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:59 PM GMT

Support, just in case survival 404 gets boring.
#46737391Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:30 AM GMT

Good thinking unicorn I didnt really think about that. Maybe it could be, you can only send invition if the server is not full and if it ends up full it will be deleted automaticly?
#46737802Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:53 AM GMT

I think they should make a page with all your online friends and where each one is at, so you can just follow them if you please. As in, they could send you a PM saying "Follow me!", and you could just go to your friends page and follow them from there, without needing to click them. Additional advantages include the lack of necessitated messages and easily checking what all of your friends are doing on a single page...

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