(If you don't read any of this you will not get the part, you must read it all, ESPECIALLY the rules and how to's, i will know if you don't)
My latest movie Zombies in a Mall, will be airing on October 6th, 2011, i will be holding auditions very soon, should be starting around 5/20/11-5/30/11 when everything i need to get done, is done. And no matter what, the auditions will stop on August 25th, 2011. I only hold them at 4:30-6:00pm EST.
The following roles i need to fill are as following
Main Characters
Normal people(Turn into zombies)
Normal people(Turn into ghosts)
People who die
How to Audition(Read this):
1. Add me
2. Send me a message(Called "Auditions")
3. We will work out a audition date
4. We will audition
5. I will send you a PM if you made it(Expect one Aug 27-31, 2011)
6. If they do not listen i could kick them out and add you in(only a 5.6712436% chance of that happening though)
Audition rules(Read this!):
1. If I do not reply imediately, do not spam my inbox with messages, i will get around to it so just wait
2. If you want to audition, do what it says above, do not poest it in the forum comments. Because i will not read that.
3. If you don't get the part do not get angry at me, it is not my fault you did not make the cut, there were just probably people beter than you, no offense.
4. Also if you dont get a message by September it means you did not make the cut. After the dates above for PM when you make it, f you don't get one it means you did not make it, thats final! Do NOT send me messages asking if i forgot to send you a message, do NOT spam my inbox with angry messages, and do NOT follow people into the set, i will have a name door so if you try to pass you will only die.
5. Listen to what i say, if you do not i can cut you from the project, got it?
6. Follow all of these rules and you will be fine.