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#46758170Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:19 PM GMT

The War of Scars had been over for a few centuries,the were very few Vampires who were still alive. Recently,all Vampires who have been making their way around the world have been vanishing,and then reappearing...Dead. The Vampaneze have been very suspicious,well,they always were,but this time they've been lying for eachother. We just have no evidence or reason to pull another war from the dust,so we've been sending out packs of Vampires,the young,the old,the thin,the fat,the strong,the weak,basically anyone we can find to help solve the mystery. The six vampire princes, Grenten,Hargav,Kao,Renakai,Mortuvk, and Keritan have been occupying the Stone of Blood back at Vampire Mountain,all Vampires have been accounted for,and only a twenty Vampires have been given permission to leave,as the Mountain is basically on lockdown. You,are one of the few that were allowed to leave. ___________________________________________________________________________ Info : These Vampires aren't the kind that turn to dust in the sunlight,it would take a few hours. They don't sleep in coffins or turn into bats,they just age differently,their nails are extremely sharp,and they feed on blood still,but they use a gas in their breath to knock out their victim,when they're done feeding on a remote part of the body,the use their spit to heal the wound,and leave,letting the victim awake about half an hour later,confused. The Vampaneze are the brothers of the Vampires,they believe that not killing their victim is wrong,so they kill when they feed,which causes their skin to turn a shade of purple. Both the Vampaneze and the Vampires have taken a vow to never used ranged weapons. The Vampaneze have found a loophole though,they brainwash the minds of humans who desire to kill,so the Vampaneze have tricked them with the promise of power,and then they give them guns,these are called the Vampets. Wolves are actually friends with Vampires... ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules : *No Ubering. *No Trolling *No Flaming *No God-Modding *No Mary sues or Mart Stues *No using "*"s. *Use grammar, please. *Use quotations, please. *If you have something off topic to say ---> (Blah blah blahbitty blah.) *Ignore any and all trolls. ___________________________________________________________________________ {{CS}} Name : A/G/E : Appearance : Weapons : {Max : 2} Gender : Items : Bio : Extra : Please, fill these out entirely. And please use detail,and try not to have short answers.
#46758639Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

#46814485Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:51 PM GMT

(Can I be Mika, but only a general?)
#46814592Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:52 PM GMT

#46814639Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:53 PM GMT

#46814991Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:59 PM GMT

Name : MikaVerLeth A/G/E : 570 Appearance : Long, black robe over a black shirt and trousers. He has shiny, jet black and messy hair, with dark blue eagle-like eyes. Weapons : Small, double bladed dagger and a throwing knife. Gender :Male Items : A book on wolves Bio : After the main part of the War of the scars, he was de-ranked to a General for being caught using a ranged weapon. He hopes to work his way up to the rank of Prince again. Extra : He hates Spiders
#46815134Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:01 PM GMT

#46815228Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:03 PM GMT

#46816302Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:23 PM GMT

{{CS}} Name : Leon Keovara A/G/E : 342 Appearance : Black shaggy hair,goes slightly past ears and are just enough to cover the visible parts of ears. Brown eyes.Black-ish leggings,dark tight shoes,very old and rugged. Gray Tunic with a few pockets,and brown robe that covers all,Leon ussually takes robe off when fighting a tough opponent. Weapons : Curved Dagger and Staff. Gender : Male Items : N/A Bio : Spent time guarding the Mountain,was the last one to gain permission to leave the mountain insearch of details on the Vampaneze. Extra : N/A
#46816471Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:27 PM GMT

(If you wanted to make "Circus of freak" in french title,then im fixing it.)
#46816658Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:30 PM GMT

[No. It's suppose to be Cirque Du Freak. It's a Book Series. Quit assuming that.]
#46817035Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:36 PM GMT

#47107890Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:00 PM GMT

(I hope this isn't dead D:) {{CS}} Name : James Stone A/G/E : 25 Appearance : Long shaggy blonde hair which reaches his sholders (He occasionally ties it up into a pony tail.). Emerald green eyes and light purple skin. He stands at about 6'2 and is a slender, slim physique. Weapons : {Max : 2} 2 knives Gender : Male Items : £200 (Incase he reaches civillization), passport (same as money) Bio : James was (to an unknowing eye) your average male. Although inside he had a feeling that he didn't belong here. His life didn't feel right. One night he went out to meet some friends when he saw a fight, but it wasn't like any fight he'd ever seen. They were moving at superhuman speeds and both were fighting to kill. Eventually, the smaller of the two, fell over wounded. As the large one was about to finish him James intervened. This distraction was all it took for the smaller man to kill is opponent. James was shocked to notice the man he saved had purple skin. The man's name was Flint and he told James all about the vampaneze and their customs. How they saw themselves as keepers of history by storing the souls of those they drink from. Flint, thankful for being rescued, offered James a chance to join their ranks and he accepted. Extra : James has been blooded for about 4 years
#47107926Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:01 PM GMT

(change hair to red-ish/blonde)
#47108117Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

(Oh yeah. I forgot to add a slot for if you're Vampaneze or a Vampire. Accepted,and Thank god someone chose to be a Vampaneze.)
#47273518Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:00 PM GMT

(Three should be enough to start...)
#47273671Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

(Mika Ver Leth and Leon Keovara are with a group of vampires just leaving Vampire mountain.)
#47275374Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:36 PM GMT

{{CS}}(4 is a crowd!) Name : Steve Hart A/G/E : 16. Appearance :A purple shirt, with worn jeans and shoes. An Amathyst necklace. His skin is pale, and he has brown hair, kinda piled on his head, and Grey-blue eyes. Many freakles.(I know i spelled that wrong..) Weapons : {Max : 2} A plank of wood. Quite Effective. Gender : Male. He is NOT A VAMPIRE! NOT! A! VAMPIRE! Items : A Rubber Duck. Bio : He came here from Britan, at the age of 12. The plane crashed at the airport. His parents died, he escaped the authoritys, and is hiding in the woods, in a Shelter... Extra : He has a cat. Named Mckitty. Shes purple.
#47277275Thursday, May 19, 2011 11:15 PM GMT

(Accepted. I assume he will turn out Vampaneze?)
#47283056Friday, May 20, 2011 1:10 AM GMT

(No..but there is something odd about him. He can Telepathicly talk to his cat. Not, Hello-goodbye, how are you doing. Like, Hunger, or, Happy.)
#47283560Friday, May 20, 2011 1:20 AM GMT

{{CS}} Name : Daniel Murillo A/G/E : 29 Appearance : Muscular,6'2,Brown eyes,Blackish Brownish hair, Short hair, Golden mask with a cross over the right eye,Black T-shirt, Loads of tattoos, Black hat, Combat boots with a Knife strapped to it. Weapons : {Max : 2} A Gun with a Silver cross on both sides with ingravings. Cross kunais. Gender : Male. Items : Bible, Food, Water. Bio : Grew up in the streets of L.A, Danny had been adopted by a Normal Family, After a couple of years vampaneze had killed all his friends and his parents, Later he swore to kill every vampire he saw. Extra : Vampire...Slayer. Will be with the vampires later in the story :D.
#47283641Friday, May 20, 2011 1:22 AM GMT

[Eh...Accepted. Though that Bible and cross won't work.]
#47283955Friday, May 20, 2011 1:28 AM GMT

Name : Evan Christiano A/G/E : 322 Appearance : Short, with a nice build for his size, he has a jet black fauxhawk, and a black stubble, along with a soul patch. His skin is pale, and he has blue eyes. He wears a black jacket that goes down to his knees, buttoned up with black silk pants, he also wears black boots. Weapons : He can take control of others bodies. Gender : Male Items : Water, Food, and a map. Bio : Extra :
#47284031Friday, May 20, 2011 1:29 AM GMT

Bio: Born a vampaneze, he grew up without his family, and tried to find others to rely on. Extra: I really don't have anything more to say.
#47284415Friday, May 20, 2011 1:38 AM GMT

[Declined. Information was invalid. Have you even heard of the series?]

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