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#46876229Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

*Okay, before I start, let me just say that the forever part was just exaggeration.* Building Guide/Tutorial v.1 BUILDING: Make sure your game has decent details and a nice thumbtail. People who look at your game can tell ALOT about your thumbtail. Don't want a reset tool? You might want to include a Reset GUI to make it simple for them to reset. Make sure you test EVERYTHING in your game. Otherwise someone will comment saying: "Y0ur g4m3 d0snt w0rk! y0u n00b!". You can use free models, but I recommend not claiming it for yourself. What I do, is study them model, And learn how to use it. (That's how I learned to script. =D ) If your game is too laggy, Try making your own detailed bricks instead of adding decals. Two things that cause lag is decals, and bricks over 3000. Every gamer knows that the thing that attracts people to your games is C-Framing. Make sure you include a decent amount of it, but not too much to where it overloads the game. Need help making maps? Ask a friend or someone willing to make the map for you. People who do this have to make at least two maps or else players will get the idea everything in the game is Free Models. DON'T FORGET TO GIVE CREDIT TO WHOEVER MADE THE MODEL. Before you advertise your place, make a BETA/testing version of it. Make sure it is Friends only. Or else people will get a glimpse of your place and you wouldn't want them spoiling the suprises for everyone else would you? Make sure anything in the game, Grass, Water, Ice, Dirt, Stone, has material on it to make it more realistic. Don't want to do that? Then make the surface of where your avatar walks smooth. Making teams for obbies? Then here's how you insert teams. Insert>Service>Teams. Insert as many teams as you have as many spawns. If you change the team color in the properties, change it to the same color as the spawn. If they are not the same color as the team color, it will not work. Making vehicle seats? DON'T ANCHOR IT. If you anchor it, you will sit on it wrong. Make sure the bottom is welded. If you unanchor it, the seat will fall off the car. Anchor it, and you will sit wrong. Make sure the seat is facing the right way! And if it still doesn't move right, you either have too many bricks on the car that it is slowing it down, or you need to change the torque. Now that you have all these things you can do to your place, Be creative with what it's about! *Feel Free to use these ideas but give credit please.* Sword Fighting Under Water, Explore the outer regions of deep space, Escape the dungeons of Earth, Anything! Just make sure it is interesting. _____________________________ THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH BC: Want people to KEEP COMING to your place? Then make VIP T-Shirts Or MEGA Vip, Just any special thing to keep the people coming. You can do admin, but it can get out of control. HOW TO SURVIVE BEING ON THE FRONT PAGE FOR THE FIRST TIME: When you are on the front page, (I was for 4 hours.) The first thing you do is check the servers. IF there are people on the servers MAKE VIP AND ADVERTISEMENTS. People will start to notice your ads if you make at least 7 ads bid for 100 each. Make sure they capture people's attention. _____________________________ *THIS NOTE IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THEIR GAMES EXTREAMLY POPULAR*: You could make a little fan group for people to join. IT keeps them remembering your game and keeps comming back. _____________________________ TUTORIALS: If don't get something, or don't know how to do it, the tutorials on youtube are very helpful. So are the tutorials on wiki. But you should ask people on the forums for help. Just make sure you post it in the right section. If you follow these rules, YOU will become a Expertise Builder! Congratulations with your new knowledge! {TheFallen123}
#46876708Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

Weren't you the person that said not to waste your time in this forum 0.o but anyways I never knew people liked c-framing well I guess you learn something new everyday.
#46876936Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:17 AM GMT

Actually I said if you are not going to help people, then you are wasting your time in this forum section. Also, people like games where people can discover new items and things. The following are quotes from builders on the forum. "I always love it when I find a secret place ingame." "A badge that's rare gives people the drive to try to get it". "-Details, Hidden Things" I'd tell you the rest, but I'm using those ideas for my own game. :P
#46878114Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:57 AM GMT

omg, you have no idea how much this helped me....
#50236606Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:22 PM GMT

where do u put Insert>Service>Teams if u ant 2 add a team
#50236843Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:27 PM GMT

Just insert teams... :|
#50237506Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

Where would i post if i needed help with a tool and such, because i mostly think that the script helpers is the section to post a script, and the building helpers are for just like building, but what if i need a script but i dont know where to post it i tried groups and such but still no help? so can you tell me where to post it.
#50242816Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:10 PM GMT

It depends on what type of help you need with the tool. If you need help building it, it should go into BH. But if you are trying to make it a tool, or have some cool features it needs to go into SH.

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