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#47128990Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:19 PM GMT

You can skip World Types if you wish, and refer back to it later, when we land on a planet. ---- Hello User 11173494! Welcome to your copy of the Galatic Codex: A collection of the Known Universe, as We Know It! Table of Contents: 1- World Types 2- Races and Relations 3- Jobs 4- Your Own Personal Notes! - 1-World Types So, you want to know what kinds of worlds are out there? There's all kinds out there! Many are in our solar system, and much more are waiting to be discovered! We'll just start with the basic. WORLD TYPE 1- Mountainous Desert- Dead world with many mountains, usually green house gas filled. WORLD TYPE 2- Barren Rock- A dead world cratered with many strikes. No atmosphere. WORLD TYPE 3- Barren Planet- A dead world cratered with many strikes. Has little atmosphere. WORLD TYPE 4- Earth-Like Planet- A living planet, with lots of water and land. WORLD TYPE 5- Oceanic Planet- A living planet with all water and little to no land. WORLD TYPE 6- Volcanic Planet- A living planet with ever changing magma flows. Chock full of green house gases. Only the toughest Bio Domes can survive here. WORLD TYPE 7- Gas Giant- A living planet full of gases, with not land masses. Impossible to set up anything, these giants are generally mined for their gases. WORLD TYPE 8- Asteroid- Techincally not a planet, but still a world type. Dead, and highly lethal to anybody who wanders on it. No atmosphere, hay-wire EM field. WORLD TYPE 9- Paradoxian Anamoly- A strange planet that at first glimpse seems normal, until one looks closely. There are strange things going on. Some parts of the world have no gravity, but yet creatures who make their homes there walk across the surface. Most colonies set up don't last all that long. 2) Races and Relations: Humans: Goverment- Republic of Earth. Space tech- Ships that freeze and cycle the crew in a process known has Cryo-Cycles, there are some engines that are lightspeed capable, (but these are very costly, and won’t be on your ship right off the bat.) Weapons in the ships are missles, nukes (again very pricey, I max you out on 1 per ship) torpedos, and finally laser cannons (Max 2.) BriefHistory- December 21, 2012, the Voyager probe crashes on a Tsuleel colony, and with their light speed capable ships ,they arrive almost instantly, and they offer space age tech, though they cannot give the humans LS according to UGC laws, they help push human techs into space, gaining them an ally in the UGC, when the humans are finally accepted in 2150. On that fateful day, the human ambassador makes an enemy out of the Tellamin, which sparks a war, 13 years later. Humans nuke the alien homeworld, and most Tellamin have gone into hiding, whether through breeding, or alteration of their DNA Tsuleel- Goverment- Conferderation, each gray family lives aboard their ship, and they meet every 3 Galatic years to discuss matters important to them. Space Tech- Saucer shaped ships that are Light Speed capable, their ships can turn “invisble” to scanners, though if a ship can see with out the aid of scanners, such has some human ships, they are still plainly visible. They use plasma weapons. History- The Tsuleel, also more commonly referred to as “Greys” because of their short stature and grey skin, have owl like features, and various families of them have encounters with humans in the past, some of them even pretending to be gods. This took place since the begining of human’s life until the age of 2012, where they have given humans the tech, and then the aid in the Tellamin Rebellion of 2163. (A note to the reader, a Galatic Standard Year has 13 months made up of 31 days, made up of 25 hours, made up of 61 minutes, comprised of 61 seconds) The Tsuleel were the ones who made up the standard of time used across the galaxy, they are a super intelligent race by human and most other race’s standards. Kal- Goverment- Monarchy, the cheif who kills the head cheif in combat becomes the leader of the tribes. Space Tech- The Kal, though being considered barbaric by the other races of the galaxy, actually have a very sophisticated space ships, mostly recycled from a long dead civilization that lived on their homeworld. Due to their war-like nature, there are various rams on their ships, as well as improvised blasters from the exhaust ports and such. History- The Kal are a reptile race who respect the way of the warrior, and whoever kills the cheif becomes the next cheif. As you can imagine, this leads to several confusing and bloody conflicts in their race, the Kal aided in the the Tellamin Rebellion of 2163 by providing the grunt forces, due to their quick population growth. Tellamin- Goverment- None Space Tech- None History- One of the few races that can naturally alter their DNA, their ships once traveled at LS capable speeds, before the race was nuked in the rebellion, though there are a few of the rebels remaining, most are in hiding, across the galaxy, getting ready to attempt their attacks again. The cause of the rebellion was an insult in the year 2150 by the human ambassador towards their own ambassador who would eventually become the leader of the planet, he is presumed dead, though every few years, there's whisperings that he still lives in some form or another. In the Second Tellamin Rebellion, he was revealed to be the head of Poneros Corp, J. Mondkrieg. He was killed by Captian Igenous and his friends, but before doing so, he made Shirril, another Tellamin his sole heir. Ever since then, the Human-Tellamin relations have gotten better. 3) Jobs! Any great empire has it's jobs. They are broken down into three groups. Military, Civilian, and Diplomatic. Civilian- All Civilians can wield hand blasters fairly well. Doctor- Treats wounds. Skilled with knives and scalpels, their fairly good with hand blasters. Hunter- Great with blasters and hand blasters, excellent with knives as well. Some can even use bows and projectile guns. Mechanic- A person great with tech, skilled greatly in machine making and repairing. (Of course there's more than this, but those are the main ones.) Military- All Military Units are Skilled in Martial Arts. Police- Good with hand blasters as well as blasters. Medic- Good with hand blasters and great with knives, treats wounds. Engineer- Good with repairing things, and good with hand blasters. Diplomatic- All are skilled in Knife work Ambassador- Great with people, particularly those of other races. Politician- Good with people outside of their race, extraordinary with those in their race. Courier- Fast on their feet. Great with people outside of their race, and okay with those inside their race. Of course, there's more than these jobs available, these are just the ones listed today. 4) Your Personal Notes! (CS) Name: RPAge: Race: Appearance: Class: Items: Weapons: Armour: Bio:(This is optional) What Must you have(Read the Rules)? --- Rules: 1)You MUST HAVE Common Sense. 2)You MUST HAVE fun. ---- My Personal Notes! (CS) Name: Zune RpAge: 21 Race: Human Appearance: Red hair, grey-blue eyes, tattered black trousers with a sash holding his katanas. Class: Cyber Ninja Items: Katanas- Quick Silver and Mercury. {SEE APPENDIX A} small amount of credits. Weapons: Quick Silver and Mercury, twin Katanas. Armour: None ATM. Bio:(This isoptional) N/A What Must You Have?Exempt Appendix A: Zune's Katanas- These are dangerous and lethal. They are vibro-katanas. Their blades vibrate back and forth rapidly, causing intense damage. They are also enhanced with shock cells, which when activated, cause the blades to send electricty down the entire length of the blade, stunning the enemy.
#47129348Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

#47129575Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:31 PM GMT

(So... 20 people have read this. None have decided to join.)
#47130414Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:47 PM GMT

Name: Edward Dukias RPAge: 23 Race: Human Appearance: Fair skin, bright blue eyes, rather long blond hair, some ripped and blood-stained brown shorts and some very old sneakers from the 1990`s, amazingly still in rather good shape. Class: Courier Items: A leather messanger bag and a few ration kits. Weapons: A small laser pistol with 139 rounds , 15 in the gun, the rest in storage. Armour: N/A Bio:(This is optional) None. What Must you have(Read the Rules)?: I read the entore thing, but didn't see any obvious rules.
#47130593Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

(I have a section marked rules If you read the entire thing, you would of read "YOU MUST HAVE's". If you can find just one of the 2, youll be accepted)
#47130955Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:56 PM GMT

(>_< People and their TL;DRing habits)
#47131376Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

(Well shoot, I got all dressed up and there was no place to go...)
#47132939Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

(Ah darn)
#47133347Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:34 PM GMT

(Wait.... I am here. O-o)
#47133389Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:34 PM GMT

(^_^ Don't go then. We need somebody to play with)
#47133526Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:36 PM GMT

(... That sounded wrong in my head. On another note; The Tellamin, they are shapeshifters?)
#47133549Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:37 PM GMT

Name: James RPAge: 24 Race: Human (I s'ppose. I'd say Wiazrd, but this is Sci-Fi. I love wizards...) Appearance: Whispy Blonde hair, grey eyes. Wiy build, wears polos and khakis in his free time. Class: Intergalactic Author (Authors can go on adventures! Read Inkheart!) Items: A backpack full of multiple items, such as pens, paper, journals, atc. Weapons: A moderately powerfull space laser, I suppose. This is only for his defense, though. Armour: None, at the moment. Bio:(This is optional): After leving his home at a young age, he learned to appreciate the wonders of the universe and began writing them all down. What Must you have(Read the Rules)? Common Sense, Fun. (I think this'll be fun. By the wat, sorry more people haven't joined, this is a pretty good idea. :P)
#47133619Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:38 PM GMT

(Oh wait. I didn't see author on the jobs list. Drat.)
#47133658Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:39 PM GMT

(Doesn't matter what class you put if it's off list, just so long has you explain in an APPENDIX. Yes, Tellamin are shape shifters)
#47133936Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

(Well, twas also explained in the bio, but I suppose I could add on it. I don't have to copy my CS again, now do I? "Appenidx 1: Intergalactic Author: One who travels the universe in search of etehreal stories or beyond belief facts. SOme become well known, others do not. For some reason, they are sometimes targets for space pirates because of their usually timid manner, thus making some carry lasers with them." Better?)
#47134069Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

(Works. Your accepted. Louis, you seem like your good too, so your accepted. We can begin whilst we wait on Mew)
#47134357Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

I read the WHOLE thing, but it has a lack of a plot. rawr.
#47134363Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

Name: Rine Svung RPAge: 27 Race: Tellamin Appearance: Her main form has short layred hair that is a dark grey on the top and gets slightly darker with each layer and each lock of hair is curled in a different direction; She has no bangs yet has shorter peices of hair that cut off cut under her cheeks, the rest going down and rests on her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark brown-ish red colour that has a ring of dark grey around the iris. Her eyes are allways blood shot, making them look red. She has a tall and curvy build; she stands at about 5'10. She wears dark, cream coloured armour with dark purple clothing under them. She wears a dark black/purple helmat that has a black face shield, black boots, black gloves and a half skirt that is a dark purple and ties around her waist. Class: Hunter (L4D o-o) Items: Wrist communicator. Weapons: A hand blaster, a kit of throwing knifes, and 25 small bombs. Bio: N/A What Must you have?: COMMON SENCE AND FUN! :D I gtg. Sorry :/
#47134496Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:53 PM GMT

(One quick thing I forgot to mention- If you are familiar with the Adventures of the Ship the Aegis and her Crew: The Dyson Sphere, or even, The Stranger in the Space Tux, then you should be aware this happens a few centuries AFTER The Dyson Sphere. Soo the time would be... 3456.)
#47134648Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:55 PM GMT

#47134861Sunday, May 15, 2011 11:59 PM GMT

(Accepted. There's going to be a plot after I post my opener. I don't like revealing too much)
#47134945Monday, May 16, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

(I like to call it a starting post, whatever)
#47134950Monday, May 16, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

Zune Cyberninja sat on the roof of the city of New New York on the Moon, looking out through the domed night sky with a sigh. All Zune had to do was to reach up towards that panaromic sky and he could bolt out a great majority of the stars. They seemed so tiny, and so close... But they were has reachable as the Earth has far has he was concernced. He was out on his luck, he had no money, and for all his skills, he couldn't find a place to hide. It was those accursed bio scanners, they trapped him on this rock. He stood up, his blood red hair falling down into his face. He really needed to find a ribbon or some string to tie that up, so the bangs would get falling in front of his green eyes. His metallic left hand rested on his katana Mercury, as he stared out across the city scape and night sky. The artifical wind of the dome to make the place seem a little more earth like blew across his tattered black trousers and coat. He looked at his left arm with some regret. It was a cyborg's arm. It had it's uses, but he couldn't feel anything with it anymore. Just the cold. He sighed and kicked himself up on to his feet and began walking with no direction in mind, his soft booted feet making no sound has he crossed the roof, hopping to the next roof has the gap came in his way.
#47135540Monday, May 16, 2011 12:11 AM GMT

(That's prbably the longest post I'll be doing XD)
#47135562Monday, May 16, 2011 12:11 AM GMT

"Passengers, prepare for landing," said the all too jubiant sounding flight attendant, as James Tridelium pushed the glasses onto teh bridge of his nose. He looked out the window, seeing the palnet Earth in the distance. Ah, Earth. The planet with the species for the longest time believed they were the only intellegent beings in the universe. The species that he originated from, either way, was from that planet, though he hardly spent any time on it. Now, as a matter of fact, he wasn't even heading their. He was heading for it's moon. He'd heard from a good friend of his that it would be a great setting for an adventure novel. So he'd decided to check it out. He was going to see the city of New York, where the towering buildings could hide heroes, and the abandoned sheds could really be the lairs of sinster villians... "Good grief," he thought, "if I keep this up, then I won't be able to tell waht's reality and what's my imagination. Really, next thing you know, I'll think some lamposts is a killer robot in disguise!" And so his ship landed, he went through customs and baggage retreival, and he was out in the streets of New York, civilization on the moon...

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