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#47218415Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

Brought to you by the HTGTO cast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's just a little... blood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS IS AN AUDIO MESSAGEB THAT HAS BEEN TRANSITTED INTO TEXT ANY WORDING MAY BE INCORRECT. Caller: H-H...Hello? Operator: 9-1-1, what is your emergency? Caller: Uh...Um...*sobbing* Operator: Hello? Caller: They... They are going to find me soon. Operator: Okay, so then give me what you can. Caller: I... *sobbing* I was working at Area 51. Operator: Yes? Caller: I... I left the company. Now... A.. *sobs* they're coming. Operator: Who is? Caller: They were a mistake. They weren't supposed to be created. *static* Operator: Who? Sir, what are you talking about? Caller: THEM. THEY'RE KILLERS. UNDEAD BEINGS. They... they have a plan. Operator: *Writing on notepad* Sir, what plan. Caller: The... the government knows about it. Operator: About what? Caller: They... they are going to take out the American population. They want to wipe out the areas with a larger population... *sobs* so that the smaller areas will be easier to- Operator: Sir? Sir, are you still there? Caller: THEY FOUND ME OH GOD- *end of call* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About one year after the "prank call" the nation was overrun with a virus. This virus made it's victims become blood hungry. It was infectious. Very. More than 75% if the nation is consumed. Other nations have forgotten about us, trying to keep the virus out of their nation. The blood of the infected can infect "pure ones" and give them the virus in a matter of hours. The only thing that that the survivors can do is attempt to escape. But before escaping, comes surviving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: -No ubering (Ex: I become a big monster and squish everyone.) -No spamming (Ex: BLAHBLAHBLAH) -No advertising (Ex: Try my RP!) -Put pure one on the end of your sheet! -No other players! -Romance allowed, but don't go crazy. -Story Mode (Ex: I walked toward the tree. Not *Walks toward tree*) -Have fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Admins: [Almighty. Have the right to do pretty much anything.] ANY admins in the HTGTO crew. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Infected Jobs Scouter: Infects survivors to add to their growing army. Scavenger: Finds food [you]. Rookie: Newly changed, practically shark frenzy crazy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pure One" N.ame: Ag.e: (13-27) Gender: Items: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Infected [ADMINS ONLY] N.ame: Ag.e: (13-27) Job: Gender: Items: Appearance: Personality: Bio:
#47219116Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

N.ame:Omega Barion Ag.e:17 Gender:female Items:a baseball bat. Appearance:High cheekbones, sharp nose, small chin, too large grey eyes. Thin lips, straight teeth. Platinum blonde hair that is very uneven. Bangs that flop around. Medium height. Skinny. Tan and muscular. Black tank under a red plaid shirt that buttons up. Black jeans and white sneakers. Log legs from muscles. Kinda thick arms from muscles also. Personality:meh Bio:Used to be an avid rock-climber. Now she climbs when she has to, and wanders. She had always heard of places unaffected. ('Bout time, tbh.)
#47219396Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

N.ame: Noah Maridean Ag.e: 17 Gender: Male Items: He brought a guitar [acoustic] case, and a small hand pistol hidden in his case. Skills: Fighting, Running, Ignoring, Guitar Playing, Appearance: He has short brown hair that reaches his forehead. He has a white streak of hair on the left side of his hair. His eyes are both a stormy gray. He was a somewhat V-shaped chin, and big eyes. He has somewhat pale skin, because he isn't outside to much. He has a cut across his cheeck, arm, leg, and abdomen. He wears nothing more than a shortsleeved V-neck, with blood stains on the right sleeve, and torso. His pants are regular black jeans that have blood stains near the knee in his left leg. For shoes, he just wears black flip-flops. He has a piercing on the top portion of his right ear, and two nose piercings on the outer part of his left nostril. Physical Appearance: He is 5'7" and thin. He is muscular, because he still excercises to stay of top of the high school food chain. Personality: Shy [Meh] Bio: He uses the pistol a lot. He's basically searching for survivors other than him.
#47219737Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

(Where did skills come from.)
#47219832Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:27 AM GMT

[...I forgot to put it in the original post.]
#47219977Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:33 AM GMT

N.ame: Nessa Springs Ag.e: 16 Gender: Female Items: A purse with make-up, a credit card, school ID card, a few dollars. A half-full bottle of water, a Hostess cupcake, and Aspirin. Appearance: She is on the short side of average at 5'2, and pretty much the opposite of the tall, thin, athletic type. She's soft, curvy, but has some fat on her thighs and stomach in exchange, but is carefully hidden so it's unnoticed. Her hair is a dark brown that reaches mid-back and is always straightened. Her bangs just miss the top of her eyes and have white and dark green streaks. Her face is soft like the rest of her. She has large dark green eyes and thick lashes. She has petite but full lips and a petite roman nose. She has a light tan, but is more on the pale side. Yeah...I know she's Mary-sue. But only physically! Personality: She has a lot of mood-swings. She could be happy one minute and ready to punch you the next. Bio:Pretty much an average Jane. Average parents, average house, average grades, average popularity…Oh and Pure One.
#47220035Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:36 AM GMT

[Hello Roxie! Accepted! Shall we begin?]
#47220096Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:39 AM GMT

(Sure-o! Also, do I know you? :?)
#47220109Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

[Other than RPing together in a few threads, no.]
#47220141Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:41 AM GMT

(Alright. You start, Sir Digi.)
#47220201Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

N.ame: Vlad Kosak Ag.e: 23 Gender: Male Items: Mosin-Nagant rifle, 9mm glock, Ammo, $50, water canteen and a twinky. Appearance: A 6'11, medium build man. Has blue eyes, a scar over the left one. Spikey brown hair and a go-t. He wears a black T-shirt and jeans. He is Russian so he is WHITE! Personality: He is usualy nice but gets mad very easly. Bio: He lived a fairly normal life untill he got a job at a Sporting goods store. After he got the job he began to work out. When the Virus spread he took a rifle, a pistol and some ammo from the store and has been traveling the countr since.
#47220300Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:50 AM GMT

[Er... okay. But I suck at starting.] [Btw, sorry for crappy storyline.] Noah I sat behind a dumpster, tuning the guitar. The sound of a scream scared me to death. Slowly peeking my head to the side, I saw more bloodsuckers recruiting again. I sighed and pushed my guitar to the side. Pistol in hand, I jumped out and shot several rounds. One down, the rest either ran toward me or pulled out weapons they had.
#47220325Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:52 AM GMT

((Am I accepted?))
#47220555Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

I sit in a hotel room, rocking back and forth and crying. Damn...What do I do??? I get up slowly and look out the window. I was only on the third floor, but I could say the mob of crazy ugly things running around and hurting people. I don't know how much longer I could live off cold canned food, coffee, mints, and water.
#47220574Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:04 AM GMT

(see* Yeah...I suck at starters too.)
#47220601Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:05 AM GMT

[Your missing something in your sheet.] Noah I shot 2 more rounds and took down another one. 2 left. They both had weapons, which made things ten times harder. They shot at me, and I ducked behind the dumpster. I pulled up and shot again, and it hit one in the chest. He clutched his heart and fell to the floor, dead.
#47220632Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:07 AM GMT

(Pure one :3)
#47220655Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:08 AM GMT

#47220863Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:20 AM GMT

(Time for my epic entrance to the world...) I peek around the corner and crawl over to where the dry goods are. I slowly turn the knob, but it doesn’t open…What the heck? It wasn’t locked before! I turn around and see a dead body about four feet away. I scream and then freeze. The movies always said you weren’t supposed to but still- The maid, apparently, jumps up and runs at me. She has a bit of blood around her mouth and it’s spattered on her shirt too. I scream again and run down the corridor. I was never much of a runner, but it seems like I’ve been saving all my talent for this moment, because I run faster than I ever have in my life. I go down the stairs, shrieking continuously, and enter the lobby. About twenty people are in there, but they all seem to be doing something to the people but I really don’t care and I just want to get out of there. So I run out the hotel door into the street without thinking, and lo and behold, at least five hundred of those crazy intelligent version of a zombie are right there. “Fu-“ I say but the glass behind me shatters and I’m being chased again and I’m running and OH MY GOD there are like, a hundred of those infected people chasing after me. I feel like the biggest blonde in history. Running down the street, an EFFIN HUNDRED of those things are right behind me…Good. LORD. (Ta-da! If I get killed right here, at least I had fun doing it.)
#47220925Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:23 AM GMT

(I need to add a bit.) I hear gun shots all of a sudden. THEY HAD GUNS? SINCE WHEN DO ZOMBIES GET GUNS?! SERIOUSLY. I run zig-zag like we were told in "Life or Death: What to Do". That was an odd class for high school but- FOCUS! Just run....Oh god, I'm going to die.
#47221052Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:31 AM GMT

Noah I gulped one more. Life or death. Undead or alive. I shot the bullet and he dodged it by inches. He threw a knife at me and I ducked down again. A piece of my sleeve gets torn. It cuts my arm. I get up and shoot 2 more bullets. I slowly look at it. It looks at both of the holes in it's chest, and falls to the floor.
#47221116Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:36 AM GMT

I trip and then- I wake up with a scream.
#47221182Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:40 AM GMT

Noah I grab my guitar, and keep the pistol in hand. I slowly creep down the sidewalk.
#47221392Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:53 AM GMT

N.ame: Paul (Last name unknown) Ag.e: (13-27) 18 Job: Scavenger Gender: Male Items: a very long knife, a deck of playing cards. Appea.rance: Shaggy black hair, dual razor sharp teeth on either sides of his mouth, and light blue eyes. He has a black trench coat to cover scars all over his body. At night, his eyes are darker. Personality: He seems sad, and friendly at the same time. Really... It's just a deception. How can you live with someone while trying to keep them alive, while wanting nothing more to bring them down? Bio: Paul wants to be normal. That's by day. At night, he's a danger to anything that moves. He seems partially mad at this point.
#47221450Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:57 AM GMT

[Jay's an Infected?] [Oh nooooo!]

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