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#47497728Tuesday, May 24, 2011 7:30 PM GMT

Yeah, so I decided to try making a book. Please comment and tell me if I should keep it going! <3 Chapter 1 My heart pounded in my chest harder and harder with each step. The forest trees whipped my already burning skin. I kept running not wanting to see the jet black helicopters chasing behind me. Their wings destroying the top of the trees like they were pieces of papers. I know they wanted me, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of actually getting me. I was almost of out breath ready to stop and give up but I wouldn't, I could not. I kept up my same speed untill all of the sudden I stopped, strait below me was a cliff, a few rocks tumbling down the sides. I gasped knowing soon the helicopters would get me. I looked back, they where only 12 feet away. Then, I did a the idea all of my instincts told me not to do. I jumped. I woke up breathless seeing waves of pillows and blankets dancing everywhere. When everything settled I look around. There was no helicopters, no forest, no cliffs, just my room. I took a needed sigh of relief and walked into the bathroom. To expectation my dreaded light blue eyes where still there. The thing that gave me my powers. The thing black helicopters and the people inside them wanted. My toxic blue eyes.
#47512040Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:54 PM GMT

Awesome. More please. MORE.
#47584914Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:31 PM GMT

(thx Duck.) Chapter 2 I brushed my teeth groggily and washed with water not bothering to brush my wavy black hair. I walked out of my room slamming the door behind me. My mug was sitting on the table and I hastily grabbed it and starting pouring coffee listening to the sound of it dropping into my mug. "Hey, Alex." I heard a sweet voice from behind me. Some of the coffee sloshed out of the mug and onto the ground from my surprise. I cursed under my breath and turned to see Austin rubbing his eye and staring at me. "Hey, honey." I say and walk over to him. I gently toss his dirty blonde hair and give him a peck on the cheek. Austin smiled his freckles moving everywhere on his face and his bright blue eyes gleaming. Austin was like a little brother to me. Ever since we found eachother on the run from the dark-eyes we had stuck together. His power was to move objects with his mind. "Do you know where Ryder is?" I heard Austin ask. I shrugged sittting on on of the worn down sofas we've found. "Last time I saw him was last night" I responded. Ryder was the bad a$$ of my make shift family. He came and went as he pleased and never seemed to show that he really had feelings. He was 3 months older but not as mature as me. I saw a flash of auburn hair out of the corner of my eye and I looked around. Then suddenly Ryder was right next to me. "RYDER!" I screamed at him becoming completly paranoid. Austin was on the ground giggling and laughing like craszy. Ryder laughed a deep loud laugh and looked at me with his sparkling light green eyes. "Aw, c'mon Alex you've got to get used to that" Ryder explained but I didn't want to hear it. Ryder could turn invisivble along with run extremly fast. I took another boring sip of my coffee and placed it down on the table. "You know I hate that." I mumbled. I got up out of my chair and went to go wake up Summer. Summer had her own little room in the back of the covert house and would sleep for hours. She was 2 years younger then me and can be a pesky little thing, but I love her all the same. "Time to wake up Summer" I say nudging her shoulder. Summer swats me away lazily. "Nooooo." She murmurs into her pillow in her cinnimon covered voice. I sigh and hoist her out by her arms as she acts like a puppet without the strings. Finally Summer decides to cooperate and walks to the kitchen by herself. I look around at everyone, I guess we were OK for a bunch of kids with super powers that the government wants.
#47585506Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:42 PM GMT

i like the story but did you really have to say a curse word.
#47585624Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

haha, no. Idk y I did...oh well what's done is done.
#47624929Friday, May 27, 2011 8:18 PM GMT

FALLLLLCONNNNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! present :3
#47626044Friday, May 27, 2011 8:37 PM GMT

wow, nice!
#47627103Friday, May 27, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

Chapters should be longer. ~f٥гﻉ√ﻉг™~
#47627296Friday, May 27, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

NICE. good goin sis. =)
#47627747Friday, May 27, 2011 9:09 PM GMT

And I thought I was a good author, YOU my friend... ARE AMAZING
#47649409Saturday, May 28, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

Wow, this is really good. But it kind of reminds me of the Maximum Ride series
#47658438Saturday, May 28, 2011 10:52 AM GMT

Haha, yeah I kinda took snippets from that, I'm trying not to make it TOO much like it, and besides it's only 4 kids and mostly idfferent. I'll try harder next chapter to make it my own, thanks for the feedback @Candy.
#47658499Saturday, May 28, 2011 10:57 AM GMT

Nice story line.
#47659083Saturday, May 28, 2011 11:31 AM GMT

just get on with the story because i wanna see more.
#47659249Saturday, May 28, 2011 11:38 AM GMT

Sure when I have time, let's say sunday or monday?
#47659272Saturday, May 28, 2011 11:39 AM GMT

(No, NOW!!!!1!)
#47659338Saturday, May 28, 2011 11:41 AM GMT

eh, I can wait
#47659993Saturday, May 28, 2011 12:11 PM GMT

Longer chapters + constantly develpoing plot = True epicness. Work on those two things and it will be awesome.
#47805122Monday, May 30, 2011 8:56 PM GMT

(HAHA, here ya go.) Chapter 3 I walk back over to the couch. "When are we gonna get some food?" Groans Summer. Although I hated facing the fact, it was true all we had left was some rotten eyes and a molded piece of cheese. Ryder raced over to me. "Alex, could me and Summer go into town and get something to eat?" I sigh but dicided it would be nice to have something edible around here. "Fine, but wear contacts." I warned. Since we are not supost to be alive we wear brown contacts to make our eyes darker so, you know, we don't die. Summer never liked the contacts but wore them only to get out of the house. "Be safe!" I yelled to them as Ryder and Summer slammed the front door. I look down at Austin he was making my coffe float in the air. This was gonna be a long day. I touched different objects around the house seeing if I could use my power to see who touched this object and why and who the person was. I guess it was an OK power if you wanted to know who stole your chips or something. It has been 8 hours since Summer and Ryder had left the house, where could they be? "Alex? Do you think something happened to them?" Austin said looking too worried for a little kid. "Don't worry they'll be fine." I say as calm as I could, if only Summer was here she could hypnotisis Austin to calm down. My eyes dart around paranoid, what if the government got Summer and Ryder?! I take a deep breath and shakingly pick up the phone dailing Ryder's cell...it was off. I tryed Summer's...it went to voice mail. I look over at Austin, he knew something happen to them. I paced the room thinking of options. "Maybe we should go look for them." Austin suggested. "NO!" I blurt out. I saw Austin, he looked scared of me. I relaxed and said reassuringly "We should stay here just incase they come back." Austin rolls his eyes and nods. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I cringed, this couldn't be good. I gestured for Austin to hide, he did. I opened the door slightly to find a bunch of important looking people in suits. "We are the government, we are here to shut you down." One of them said simply. I roundhoused kicked him in the jaw as blood came out of his mouth. I got into a fighting stance and most of them pulled out guns. Great my least favorite weapon. I felt a horrbily painfull pain in my left calf, I look at it to find a needle with a gooey substance in it jutting out of my calf. Perfect more stuff I hate. I started to feel drowsy throwing unaccurate punches then slowly falling down into unconciouness. The last words I hear are, "Get her in the helicopter and search the house!" (hope you like it, next chapter is all on Summer and ryder!)
#47822891Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:31 AM GMT

Just keeps getting better. And better. And better. And Better. And...(Repeat Infinte.)
#48216133Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:35 AM GMT

I reallllllly like it Em :D
#48216312Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:37 AM GMT

Like it...

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