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#47519978Wednesday, May 25, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

A note before I begin... It's gonna be a word wall... --- The mountains of Rykar stood unchanging for millienia, seperating the contienant in two countries. To the west of the chain lies Imaginor, to the east, The Realms of Nightshade, where the King of the Eternal Night fights with the leader of the rebel faction, Iron Shield. It was here, in the realms of Imaginor where the Iron Shield was given birth to. They, in ancient times, sought to over throw the bespotic mage king, known as Shadow. It was here, that with the help of the Iron Shield, that Jinx Nightingale defeated the Chfar, and Jinx became the first Nightingale King since Shadow became the king. King Nightingale's realm stretched from it's capital, the Citadel of the Sun, (Once known has the Citadel of Shadows), through the forests of Keltoria in the north, and all the way to the ocean of Modeceo, whom which if crossed, will lead to the realm of the Chevailer, a realm of Knights, and Freelances, built on chivalry and one's honor. The Nighting'aes power also reached west to the frozen peaks of Yukonia, were if one were to cross, they would discover the realm of the Chon (a place where your clan's honor was put first), and cross yet another sea, and one would discover Dyrva, which held the greatest amount of mages and wizards. But the Nightingale's power ended at the Yukonian Mountains, but not it's influence, as was evident in the many treaties with the various Chon clans, and the agreement with the Dryvans, to send all the magic users there to train with them. To the east, as the crow flies, above the Dark Forests of Verslie were the land was once ruled by a wise and just family, until a Hero and his Twin were split asunder by a wandering Gyspy, the save Versile where the Imp of Frost held the riddle to the Hero's sword which was Lost. The same Versile where the Midnight Tower thrusts up in the middle of the Dark Forest like an ugly and gnarled finger, a final tribute to the Draconian Demon King. It is there, in that Dark Forest, in which the monsters of the land reside. Further east, the mountains of Rykar again, and there is where the Throne's power ended, for the King of the Eternal Night had no wish to have anything to do with the Imaginorian peoples. It was in the Seventh Age after the Signing of the World, in which an illegitmate Nightingale was born. He didn't want the throne, he just wished for his brother to recognize him, and the best way to do it he thought was to raise heck and make a claim to the throne. His brother did eventually recognize him, and so he quietly disappeared with his family into one of the many villages in the Versillian Forest. 20 years after that, one of the clans of the Chon were hired to assassinate the Nightingale Line, it is unclear as to what Chon Clan did it, but nontheless it happened, but before the King died, he hid his spear the Nightingale Talon, and claiming that only one of his blood may weild it. He sent the message by courier and town crier, that the people should only accept one who weilded the Nightingale Talon. He sent a pigeon to his brother, and a courier bearing the same message as his pigeon just to be safe. The message was written in Oracular, a language only the brother and the Nightingales could understand. It bore the message of the Talon's Location, and it bore it in the form of a riddle, that according to propchey, could only be solved when the Realm needed it the most. The message was passed down through the centuires and into the middle of the Eighth Age, (Beginning when the last Nightingale King was assassinated). There have been no Kings of Imaginor for centuries now. Deep in the Midnight Tower, there lies a portal to Damonhem, the the Realms of Chaos. A lone adventurer whose name is now obscured by history and false aliases wandered much too close to the fissure, and his mind was completely consumed. When he came out, he took the name Ponares, and set himself up as a tyrannical king. It was about this time that Bran Diabloushawke was rummaging through his father's ancestoral home, that he discovered the Oraculan Riddle... This is his story, but not his alone. He had many friends, and many enemies to help and hinder him along the way... ---- Rules: 1) Common sense. 2) Book format please, *walked into a tree* is not acceptable. 3) Make your own CS, you can use mine has a base. 4) Have fun ^_^. --- CS: Name: Bran Diabloushawke Rpage: 21 Race: Human (any fanatsy race will do) Class: (Use the Elder Scrolls Class List if your unsure) Adventurer Magic: Fire, chameleon (turn invisble mostly) Skills: Lock picking. --
#47520479Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:09 AM GMT

(Lol almost forgot) Appearence: Reddish orange hair, leather bracers. brown farmer's tunic, brown leather trousers. Dark green cloak. Weapons/items: Quarterstaff, bow, lock pick kit, various foodstuff. Shiny Rock, Oraculan Letter. Quiver of arrows.
#47521052Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

(Would Jerrend still be around (given the whole 'blasted with magic and turned back into a 20 year old' thing (probably slowed his aging too)
#47521165Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

(Bumping- I'll start sending invites if the pace doesn't pick up by tomorrow)
#47555072Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

(He could be, but he'd be really old... Depends on the rate it slowed him down. The youngest he would appear would be 40)
#47556248Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:46 AM GMT

#47556855Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

(I am slightly discouraged by the turn out..)
#47557006Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:58 AM GMT

((RAWR MY FACE IS BLEE.DING! FINALLY A DECENT THREAD! THANKYOUTHANKYOU!)) ((Ahem. Anyway, I shall join. I'm going to add a new charachter to this little mix though...heh...))
#47557090Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:00 AM GMT

(Hah, can you believe that this back story was composed about a year ago, well, the bits about Jinx Nightingale and The Chfar. Kerion was one of the original members, but he joined later like Chapter 3...)
#47557270Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

((Yes, I can belive it. You mentioned it at some point here...)) ((Anyway, gather'n the stuffs.))
#47557369Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

#47557804Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:12 AM GMT

(Is this a sequal? If not, I'll join tomorrow.)
#47557889Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:13 AM GMT

(It's a sort of sequal, buut, all the information is up there, and pretty much irrellevant)
#47558532Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:24 AM GMT

CS: Name: Charles Derian (Better known as: The Skeleton King) Rpage: 39 Race: Human Class: Necromancer Magic: Necromancy (I figure you know...) Skills: Persuading Appearence: White hair, paleish skin, a dark black robe, a dark gray cloak,a tangly white beard, dull blue eyes. Weapons/items: Dagger, a staff with a gem tied to it. (Boosts magical skills slightly.), a leather bound book with a deep red gem in the cover. History(Added): Charles used to be a guard captain, until he was exiled from the kingdom for crimes he never commited. After wandering the forest, he came across the ruins of a libary, where he was drawn to the book mentioned above. Upon touching it, he felt extremly powerful, and was suprised to find that the dead could be called back on his whim...curropted by such power, Charles wanders the kingdom, always trying to take his much needed revenge... But there is something he doesn't know. The book has a 'mind' of it's own. It stops Charles from dying of old age, but it slowly saps his life force, making him look older than he really is.
#47558700Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:26 AM GMT

(The Kelltorian or the Versilian forest? Most likely would be the Versilian Forest.)
#47558773Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:28 AM GMT

(Oh accepted)
#47559049Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:32 AM GMT

((Yay! My slow clap process is still working...at least we have that.))
#47559090Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

(Still haven't answered which forest...)
#47559442Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:39 AM GMT

((Eh, the Versillan.))
#47559477Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

(okay. When Kerion get's his sheets up, you guys can start.)
#47559578Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:42 AM GMT

((There is a new baddie on ze loose! *Insertlaughshere*.))
#47559887Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

(Oh yes, indeedly. Though you might not end up as a baddy in the end... We'll just watch and see :3)
#47560043Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

((Yush...I feel almost bad for him, if it isn't for that book...))
#47560092Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:51 AM GMT

(So, where do we make our CSs?)
#47560098Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:51 AM GMT


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