#48047283Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:53 AM GMT

ROBLOX Is not lagging, its your connection. -A
#48047537Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:11 AM GMT

Yes sure than tell me how a 25MB connection should be lagging so terrible through the years. I guess you didn't even read my Post before.
#48047672Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:21 AM GMT

Oh there's just a new error! Well Idk if the error is only for me but I can't visit any Forum account anymore. What about you guys? Are they fixing it or did the create an update that broke it?
#48047817Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:31 AM GMT

Cheater, like we've said: Shut up. You didn't even know what LANGUAGE roblox was made it. It's not easy to fix bugs, there's probably like 60 files to go through, each containing, what, thousands of lines, and if it's not an actual error, just a bug, they wouldn't know WHERE to look.
#48048071Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:48 AM GMT

Seriously if you were an Admin. Would you try to help people playing a good game or create stupid Gears and Hats? Seriously I came online to check what's new. Oh a special admin feature! Maybe something that interests me? NO! Again some useless Gears! I can't even read anywhere that they're trying to fix the Spawnfailing or trying to lower the LAG so I mean they're just not interested how the online playing is going on. They just want money by creating expensive Gears and Hats. Really hard to find bla bla, that's the work of Admins. When they insert more updates, they have more scripts and it takes longer to find the errors, bugs, etc.. Well that's their problem. If I WERE an Admin I would try to find that error because I'm supposed to do that then I would take that job to fix those errors and not create freaking Hats or Gears. Making a good game for everyone interests me more than making extra stuff before. They once fixed the Spawnfailing, so why not again? I mean I can't see any sense behind the new update that broke it. There's no difference for me except it caused more LAG and broke the Spawnfailing. True that I don't know the language, because it's a hidden information. But I don't care if I must learn it, I would. Because I'm interested in making games, editting it etc.. There are just several reasons why I can't be an Admin. 1. My English is bad. 2. I'm too young (I guess). 3. I made myself bad because I'm angry with this and so my behave isn't that polite right now. 4. I think there are some more but they didn't get in my brain so fast.
#48052567Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:29 PM GMT

Dude, most of the programmers at roblox have been programming since they were eight. It's not because you're too "young"- it's because you're a pathetic idiot. End of story Oh, and want to know something that an average intelligence 5 yr 0ld person would know? There's a team of programmers, and a team of artists working for ROBLOX. The artists probably can't program, and the programmers aren't as good as the artist The reason there are an infinite supply of gears and hats is because the artists make them. Most of them reuse old scripts, if you notice. You obviously aren't very intelligent, anyway.
#48053942Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:04 PM GMT

Ya ROBLOX is going bad because those "artists" are the only Admin which are online and creating Hats and Gears all the time. The others don't care about ROBLOX as long as they get their money. They're just too greedy to look for ROBLOX and the problems. They're not interested what happens to ROBLOX. Good to know that you're that 5 year old guy because you've got a lot to learn.
#48061202Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:30 PM GMT

There are like 5,000 different swords on Roblox- they make one every day it seems. And I've tried a wide variety of them- and they all basically work the same. So instead of creating useless swords that deal the exact same damage, Roblox should work on the game itself.
#48063437Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:06 PM GMT

You mean swords as gears or swords as free models?
#48063695Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:11 PM GMT

@paul well it kinda is as ROBLOX has been encouraging people not to build and use free models.
#48068426Saturday, June 04, 2011 6:30 PM GMT

with that stupid new loading screen i can't even play roblox at all...
#48070384Saturday, June 04, 2011 7:01 PM GMT

Well... ok but that's a problem of your programm or computer. You must reinstall ROBLOX for that.
#48154310Sunday, June 05, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

that doesn't fix it...
#48156808Monday, June 06, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

By the way Cheater. I think you have a good point about it... I want to see changes but theres no changes to the game that's really important!
#48182622Monday, June 06, 2011 3:08 PM GMT

There (sometimes) are changes. But I can't read about them anywhere except they write it (sometimes) in the News of ROBLOX. I gonna check those news every day but I can NEVER read anything about an update.
#48184047Monday, June 06, 2011 3:42 PM GMT

well tee epic duck aka me thinks: its been lagging shutting down or losing connection but leave our administrator alone! if you want fun i suggest going to that glitchy game later and playing a different game or posting on the forum and maybe telling the creator of the game about there games glitches.
#48184341Monday, June 06, 2011 3:48 PM GMT

updates from the past 5 years: a couple of useless surfaces vehicle seats brick textures sparkle smoke and fire effects wedge shapes basic character animation better explosions.
#48186151Monday, June 06, 2011 4:29 PM GMT

I've already sent the Admin plenty of messages after every update but I mean, they got enough messages anyways and I don't think they're reading mine. There are also a lot of more updates and not only useless. Like: Badges Arms changing Legs changing Heads changing Packages etc.
#48192269Monday, June 06, 2011 6:41 PM GMT

i agree
#48193079Monday, June 06, 2011 7:00 PM GMT

Exactly, Roblox is geting worse not any better and this stupid User/Guest war isn't helping. NOW it's so slow that new way of loading the game they have (the white box with the red spinner thing tht says things like: De-noobing color matrix, stuff like that) Just makes it take longer! I try to play some of my old favorite games, like tornado watchers or Build to survive resident evil or maybe ever shakara's zombie defence, most of those don't have any running games so when i try to join it won't connect. They shouldn't even HAVE BC anymore it's NOT worth it
#48222144Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3:25 AM GMT

my question is why are you standing up for roblox but theyve done nothing for you but make yourr games crappy and take your money?
#48229985Tuesday, June 07, 2011 10:22 AM GMT

I've figured out why Roblox is getting worse: USER CREATED ADS! Now I'm not just saying that because they are stupid and distastefully made (which they are), but when roblox runs one of those ads actual paying companies cannot pay for an ad. So roblox has to think of another way to make money- Builder's club. To constantly please builder's club at all the varying levels, they have to make updates that appear as if buider's club is a good bargain- such as all the pointless knives (not free models) and weapons that act basically the same except for their appearance. If roblox took away the user created ads they could work on making the game better instead of rushing around trying to create money in other ways. Let me know if you agree!!!!
#48232303Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:11 PM GMT

Guys its hard to run a site with over 1 million users. Computers are complex things and the devs and admins work hard. Be thankful.
#48232941Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:47 PM GMT

Yuo realize that administratos can only do so much, right? The human mins doesn't persist to the fact of fixing everything to be perfect. -Lag is caused by the millions of users playing/spamming/foruming. You do not realize how much the admins have to work to keep ROBLOX working. __ When a player enters a game, of course it's going to lag. It's loading the user meshes and hats + gear. If you have a problem with that, take that to David. __ ROBLOX doesn't just 'want' money. They need it to run the site. With them [calculated] bringing in over a million dollars a month, about 500K of that goes towards the site. The rest goes into bills and paying management. __ Games on ROBLOX being good or bad are not ROBLOX's fault. They don't make the games. Users do. Problem? Take it to the builder, not the admins. __ -V
#48237837Tuesday, June 07, 2011 4:20 PM GMT

No seriously man. That's a joke right? Ik they ACTUALLY got a lot to do. They just use their time to make Hats and Gears ya. But aren't they basically supposed to fix the stuff in online gaming? I mean only the spawnfailing one! They once fixed it and it's broken again and since then I've never seen any difference except those useless updates about Hats and Gears. I agree the thing you said about the lagging while joining a game. But there I get back to the useless updates. There are now so many items that ROBLOX must load. That's just terrible. Making new Hats and Gears just makes it much laggier at all. Really, I prefer fixing online gaming than making Hats and Gear everytime. And about the money thing, I don't think they're spending all their money to this page and bills etc. I think they keep a lot for just making theirselves happy.