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#4806851Sunday, January 04, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

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#4878650Friday, January 09, 2009 12:20 AM GMT

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Top 100 Poster
#4879026Friday, January 09, 2009 12:35 AM GMT

Try better grammar, it can save you.
#4958280Monday, January 12, 2009 7:58 PM GMT

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#4958522Monday, January 12, 2009 8:23 PM GMT

Just bad spelling then, I suppose.
#4959110Monday, January 12, 2009 9:02 PM GMT

guest mode is made for a reason i played as a guest you dont know if they call you a noob because you cant talk or ear what they say.
#4959271Monday, January 12, 2009 9:10 PM GMT

You didn't capitalize the first letters XD and it's spelled "excellent". Plus the actual defination of "noob" is "newb" Plus guests are fine. They're noobs seeing as how the defination is newbs. Plus no one reads the terms when they first join. I didn't even read it til August.
#4959388Monday, January 12, 2009 9:16 PM GMT

This thread gets the... [STAMP OF PHAIL]
#4959636Monday, January 12, 2009 9:29 PM GMT

phail is spelled FAIL NEWB
#4960178Monday, January 12, 2009 9:55 PM GMT

Actually "phail" is a slang term for fail
#4960523Monday, January 12, 2009 10:11 PM GMT

I disagree and guests are nice.They don't do any harm to you!
#4977466Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:33 PM GMT

guests are nice guys who dont knoew much about roblox so not there falt if they brake a rule. plus mrdoombringer awseome guy made a thread of what not to list HE SAID THINGS NOT TO SUGGEST NOT TO LOCK GUEST MODE AND MORE SO YOU CAN BE BANNED.
#4978539Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:09 PM GMT

Now you cant blame guests if they act ridiculous in games or act like a "newb" because they're just new people checking out what Roblox is. Which guest mode practicaly is, letting people who never played Roblox to see what Roblox is like.
#4983640Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:45 AM GMT

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#4983704Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:48 AM GMT

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#4983799Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:52 AM GMT

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#4984458Wednesday, January 14, 2009 2:18 AM GMT

Oh really? Then prove it.
#4988086Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:17 AM GMT

O rly??????? Prove It 2 Us guests are newb's not noobs theres a diffrence for newbs / noobs newbs means there new noob means they act newby majorlly cmon give em a chance if they probally cancelled guests the cash would go plummeting down so give em a break...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Ate The Reply Button Sorry I was hungry
#5000305Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:55 AM GMT

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#5075329Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:12 AM GMT

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#5075380Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:20 AM GMT

Guest = (in rare cases) A Banned Roblox Account. Breaking Rules. Also, someone get the admins attention and say "we need some kind of way to teach guests not to break rules so often." i got hit by diffuse in learn to draw by ElfCreator (end of the username, forgot rest) 50 times. 50 WO's for me. i wanna ip ban that guy.
#5075838Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:27 AM GMT

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#5076981Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:07 PM GMT

Zackinlego you cant just call people "noobs" just because they dont agree with you and yes Guest Mode is good it was made about 1-2 years ago and yes, sometimes people use that to bother people on that account and. Guests only get to try ROBLOX out for 10 minutes. Then KABOOM! Thier time is up and they have to leave.
#5077068Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:22 PM GMT

i think we should get rid of guests
#5082954Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:36 PM GMT

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