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#48642547Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

☠All over the country, a strange phenomenon is occurring. Some teenagers who die aren’t staying dead. They are coming back to life, but they are no longer the same. Termed “living impaired” or “differently biotic,” they are doing their best to blend into society again. But the living kids in Oakvale don’t want to hang out with someone who isn’t breathing. And there are no laws to protect the differently biotic from the people who want them to disappear— for good. ☠The living impaired are only teenagers who have sustained minor injuries to cause their death. Those who have lost a limb or have had their organs blown out stay dead. While the others who died of a sickness, drowning, etc…, are reanimated. Their movements become stiff and slow and their ability to speak is also slow. Their thoughts are still the same, yet they will never be the same. ☠A new group of people, however, are trying to help the living impaired. They believe in helping the lost ones regain their speech and their mobility. Even though others don’t believe in helping, they won’t bother with those who do. The ones who help are called “Single Earth” and they are determined. Helping to bring back those who have been reanimated is the new goal nowadays. ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ Rules and Information:~ ☠No Killing One Another and No Killing Every NPC You See. ☠No Ubering, Gmodding, Flaming, Etc… ☠You May be a Differently Biotic, But Don’t Do Anything Unrealistic. ☠No Powers, Mythical Creatures, Sparkling Things, Zombies, Etc… ☠Up to Three Character Per Person. ☠There is No School. ☠If You Are a Differently Biotic, Keep it a Teenager. (15-18) ☠No Being a Scientist and Trying to Capture Living Impaired Kids to Make Tests. I’ll Add More Later if I Must. ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ Admins:~ ☠Nathanael Maybe Others. ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ Setting:~ ☠Place: Oakvale ☠Date: December 2, 2010 ☠Weather: Gentle Snowfall ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ Character Form:~ Name: A.g.e.: (15-25 If Living.) (15-18 If Living Impaired.) Gender: Differently Biotic?: (Yes or No) Appearance: How Did You Die?: (Only for the Living Impaired.) Personality: Bio: Are You Apart of Single Earth?: (Yes or No)(May be Apart of if You Are Living.) ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ My Character Forms:~ Name: Nin Silverfyre A.g.e.: 17 Gender: F Differently Biotic?: Yes Appearance: Has long wavy pitch black hair that reaches the bottom of her shoulder blades and her bangs cover her eyes. She has dark gray eyes, an extremely pale skin tone, and she's very skinny. Wears a gray tank top, a hoodless black jacket, a black and white lace mini skirt, black and white lace up converse that reach just below her knee in height, and a spiked black choker. How Did You Die?: Drowned Personality: Intelligent, Talented, and Kind. Bio: Amelia was kicked out of her house for being… dead. She also scared a few people during her funeral, waking up in the middle of the ceremony and sitting up in her coffin. She now lives in the Single Earth building with a few of the other Living Impaired kids who were kicked out of their homes. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Yes. Name: Jack Petronova A.g.e.: 17 Gender: M Differently Biotic?: No Appearance: He has shaggy charcoal black hair that's slightly spiky and goes around his eyes. His eyes are a burnt orange color and he has a slightly tanned skin tone. He's slender, but also extremely well built. He wears a tight black t-shirt, dark gray jeans, black DC's, and a three level studded black belt. Also wears a black beanie, a black and white coat, and black fingerless gloves when he’s outside. How Did You Die?: N/A Personality: Caring, Understanding, and Tolerant. Bio: Jack joined Single Earth when it first started and he is glad to help. He was set to help Nin Silverfyre and she’s improved greatly. She has troubles, but he helps her and he likes to help her. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Yes
#48647779Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:49 AM GMT

Name: Angel Martinez A.g.e.: 15 Gender:M Differently Biotic?: Yes Appearance: Angel has blonde hair that spikes up into a fohawk. He has blue eyes that shine brightly. He wears blak framed glasses and has his left ear pierced with a stud. He is musular and wears a sweater vest with a white shirt under it. Black straight jeans that are slighlty skinny jeans. He wears dress shoes sometimes but regularly he wears blue Nikes. He has a leather jacket with a hood when he is outside. How Did You Die?: Nothing Personality: Musical, Nerdy, humorous Bio: Angel was always made fun of his name when he was little. He decided to join the Singel Earth because he was always a helping hand and always would gladly help to anyone in need. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Yes Name: Lance Austin Pierre A.g.e.: 16 Gender:M Differently Biotic?: Yes Appearance: Lance has brown hair which is always in a spike. He has cold grey eyes that look into you. He wears skinny jeans with brigh red nike shoes. He wears a short sleeve plaid shirt that is red. How Did You Die?: Nothing Personality: Cold hearted Bio: Lance was forced to join the Single Earth group because his dad forced him too. He didn't liked the living imparied kids. He thought they shouldn't belong in this world and go back where they came from. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Yes Name: Chloe Garcia A.g.e.: 15 Gender:F Differently Biotic?: Yes Appearance: Chloe has blonde hair that is waist legnth. She has green eyes. She wears grey skinny jeans with a pink tank-top and white jacket. She wears bright pink converse sneakers. How Did You Die?: Nothing Personality: Musical, kind hearted Bio: Chloe decided to join the Single Earth group because her step-brother Angel was in it. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Yes
#48648066Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

(Quick comment, to be Differently Biotic, you have to have died in some particular way =\)
#48648287Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

( i didn't understand that so put no in differently biotic)
#48648501Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

(Ah, alrighty then. You're accepted.)
#48648901Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:07 AM GMT

Name: Brian Primm A.g.e.: (15-25 If Living.) (15-18 If Living Impaired.) 16 Gender: Male Differently Biotic?: (Yes or No) Yes Appearance: Brian has shaggy blond hair, dull green eyes and fair skin. He is wearing a deep blue "Birdhouse" t-shirt, some black and white checkered swim trunks and some black leather flip flops. He has a small gash on his left cheek, and has sraight but slightly yellowed teeth. He is 6"0 and 108 lbs. How Did You Die?: Drowning Personality: Joking, but rather confused with everything. Bio: Brian drowned in his neighbor's pool after he had an arugement with her and she pushed him in. He had hi the diving board, which winded him and left the gash on his cheek. Unable to react in time, he died slowly. He awoke later in the ambulance bringing him to the hospital. Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Not yet
#48649697Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

(You're accepted as well) "Nin, can you read this?" Jack asks while holding out an open book. The girl in front of him squints and runs her hand across the book, slowly recalling what they meant. She nods and Jack grins. He was becoming farther and farther ahead with her education.
#48649940Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

Brian I sat at a bus stop, slowly rocking myself. No one would come near me. And didn't understand. All I remembered was a lot of water, then people screaming in alarm.
#48650810Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:37 AM GMT

"Now... Can you say it out loud?" Jack questions. Nin hesitates before beginning to talk, "The... Angel of lif-f-fe t-took their days..." "Good. Very very good. You're getting better, Nin." Jack sets the bookmark on the page and shuts the book before setting it down on a nearby table.
#48651371Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

Brian I face-palmed in frustration. I got up and walked down the street, looking for a place to go. I was limping, maybe it was part of he illusion thing.
#48652166Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

Name:Joshua A.ge:15 Gender:Male Differently biotic:Yes. Appearance:He has short brown hair and blue eyes. He wears an old t-shirt with a shark on it. He wears jeans and worn red tennis shoes. He wears glasses and has a bandaid on his right leg. How did you die:Sickness. Personality:Quiet,kind,and smart. Bio:He died because of a sickness(That i am to lazy to think of) and wonders in the allys of the city. He's actully southern and still has his southern accent,just can't use it as much. He likes snow because it rarely ever snowed back home.
#48652222Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

SORRY computer glitch. Are you apart of living earth:No(He's willing too.)
#48653934Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:34 AM GMT

(I'll just sit here waiting for acceptance then.)
#48657900Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:58 AM GMT

Name: Linda Evins A.g.e.: 16 Gender: Female Differently Biotic?: Nope, at least, not yet. Appearance: Linda has pale skin, long brown hair going down to her waist, and deep brown eyes. Her face is speckled with freckles, and she wears a pink shirt with blue jeans ( and white shoes ). How Did You Die?: N/A Personality: Linda loves swimming, and is usually happy and bubbly, but, now she has a burning hatred for the living dead ( dont ask her why ) as well as an insane tick while she talks. Bio: A fan of Zombie apocalypse movies, Linda has never been the same, ever since... uh, Why should I tell you! Are You Apart of Single Earth?: Ewww! No way! I hate zombies! ( Haloo, remember me? :D )
#48659425Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:48 AM GMT

(i remember you from somewhere...)
#48663936Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:24 AM GMT

Name: Dmitri Ivanov A.g.e.: 18 Gender: Male Differently Biotic?: Y Appearance: Dmitri stands at 6'2 with a rather slim figure. His skin is a light pale white; opposite of his normal tan color. His eyes are a cold blue, which fits along with his skin real well. He wears a variation of t-shirts with undershirts, normally black and sleeveless. Despite the cold, he feels no temperature. He wears black slim-fit jeans which have many cuts and scrapes. His beat-up, worn-down, black and white Vans match his jeans. How Did You Die?: Asphyxiation Personality: Rather cold, seeing as how he was killed. Bio: Are You Apart of Single Earth?: N
#48666006Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:45 PM GMT

Angel I twiddle with my thumbs on the railroad wondering what to do. Lance I was at the Single Earth group apartment and was disgusted. "Filthy liivng dead." I mumbled to myself Chloe I wrote in my diary saying I just came back from the Single Earth apartment
#48669884Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:07 PM GMT

(All of the others are accepted~ And hai Legogirl. Nice to see a familiar name after all these months of not being here.)
#48676660Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:36 PM GMT

Joshua I sat down in the ally. i had no clue what was happening...all i remember was coughing... i stopped thinking and looked around.
Top 50 Poster
#48678444Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

Name:Nathanael Reyes A.g.e.: 17 Gender:M Differently Biotic?: No Appearance:Pale white skin, very skinny, Black t-shirt covered in designs that look like wings, in crimson. Black jeans with one half of a crimson phoenix one one back pocket, the other half on the other. Black Bandanna tied around his neck. Black running Nike sneakers. Black dyed hair. Two sapphire rings. Black wrist cuffs covered in some italicized German writing with more wing designs in-between the words. A black cross necklace under his bandanna, A black one winged phoenix necklace also under his bandanna, each with black chains. A black chain on his jeans, connected to his black wallet which is in his back pocket. Dark brown eyes that randomly dilate all the time. Soft black finger-less gloves hidden under black leather gloves that have the inside lined with metal. How Did You Die?: (Only for the Living Impaired.) Personality:Caring, Protective, Stubborn Bio:TBR Are You Apart of Single Earth?: No
Top 50 Poster
#48678675Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

Appearance:Pale white skin, very skinny, Black t-shirt covered in designs that look like wings, in crimson. Black jeans with one half of a crimson phoenix one one back pocket, the other half on the other. Black Bandanna tied around his neck. Black running Nike sneakers. Black dyed hair. Two sapphire rings. Black wrist cuffs covered in some italicized German writing with more wing designs in-between the words. A black cross necklace under his bandanna, A black one winged phoenix necklace also under his bandanna, each with black chains. A black chain on his jeans, connected to his black wallet which is in his back pocket. Dark brown eyes that randomly dilate all the time. Soft black finger-less gloves hidden under black leather gloves that have the inside lined with metal. Two black crosses decorated with diamonds attatched to one of the straps on his jeans for pants, on a black chain, making them hang down on his sides, and fly back as he runs. (Slight adjustment to appearance) ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#48679006Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:14 PM GMT

(Automatic acceptedness since you're an Admin, Nate~) "Want t.o g.o outside?" Jack asks Nin. She nods and they both stand up before Jack puts Nin's jacket on her. Jack bundles up in his coat and they walk outside into the light snow.
Top 50 Poster
#48679357Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:20 PM GMT

I went outside the nearest mall with a group of friends I always hung out with, doing my normal thing as always. I cracked my knuckles and checked to make sure i had everything with me. (Also, add black aviators to my appearance, I always forget something. Lol) Aviators, bandanna, necklaces, wallet wrist cuffs, pocketknives, lighter, got everything. Alright then, cool. My group and I sat around talking, looking for something to do. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#48679826Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

Nin practically hangs on Jack's arm while they walk, afraid that someone would randomly come up and hit her again. She had scared the mailman earlier this morning and he hit her before running off. She never quite understood why Jack was so kind to her or why he was never afraid of her. He always acted like she was another human being... But in reality she wasn't even close.
Top 50 Poster
#48680175Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:33 PM GMT

As we hung out, i counted our group. 5 guys, 8 girls. A good amount of us. After a few minutes, i took my friend Max, and my friend Joe to leave the group and look around inside, cause outside was pretty boring. I saw a few kids freaking out over the fact that one of those living impaired kids was walking around inside the mall, quite hysterical actually. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~

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