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#48649002Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:09 AM GMT

. In the beginning of Vernhaem, there were only two species. The Elves, and the Dragons. Not very long later, Men came into Vernhaem and started killing everyone in sight, and burning down all Elven cities. To counter this, the Elves, Dragons and a group of Human Rebels joined together into the Rider Alliance. Only few in this Alliance were picked, but those who were picked, they were known as the Riders. A Dragon egg would hatch, and the person it hatched to would become one of the most respected men in the entire world. . But this could not last. A Human by the name of Telorator took his Dragon, and Ten other Riders, and defected into the main bulk of the Humans. . With this new power, the Humans created the Empire, and with renowned force, eradicated the Rebellion. The Rider's were lost, and the Elves retreated into the unknown with the remainder of their eggs. The Empire soon expanded into all of Vernhaem. . For hundreds of years, no opposition other than small riots were seen into the Empire. Eventually, the Empire became a peaceful nation. With no opposition, the Elves and Riders faded into legend and bedside stories. Then suddenly, under the rule of Emperor Talon II, the Elves manifested, although no Dragons were seen, with the return of the Elves, the Dragons couldn't be far behind, and rumors spread like wildfire. . For thirty years, the Humans and Elves lived in peace. But, when Emperor Talon II died, his son, Emperor Talon III took power. Needless to say, he did not like Elves, and like in the beginning, tried to destroy them. The first Seige of an Elven city, the unthinkable happened. In the Kohr mountains in the East, hundreds of flying beings shot over the ridge. . The Riders had returned. . Now locked in a Life-Or-Death War with Emperor Talon III and the Empire, the Riders make a front and for the first time in over Nine-Hundred Years, oppose them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How was that for a beginning ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to do the CS: Please erase the parentheses and the words inside of them before you create your character. If your an Elf, your age will be 5 times whatever your age as a human would be. E.X. 17=85. You can have no more than two characters. Anymore and it becomes too confusing to you. |Types of Class's|: Warrior Wizard Mage Paladin Archer |Weapon's (Pick two only from your class)| Warrior/Paladin: Longsword Broadsword Sheild Javelin Wizard: Staff (Casts Weaker Spells compared to Mage) Potions Mage: Wand (Can only cast spells in accordance with the Element) . Fire . Water . Nature . Darkness . Light . Air Potions Archer: Bow and Arrows Sword sword Hidden Blade (Think Assassin's Creed) Throwing Knives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: No Godmodding Common Sense (Your not going to run out on the battlefeild and go ninja on the enemy-Which is also a form of Godmodding) Good Grammer: I want to be able to understand you, so no: u, ur, plz, k, etc. "If you say 'Plz' because it's shorter than 'Please', then I'll say 'no' because its shorter than yes" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CS Rebellion/Elves CS's: |Riders| Name: Race: (Elf or Human) Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Dragon's Name: Dragon Color: Weapons: (See 'How to do CS's) |Elf| Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Weapons: (See 'How to do CS's) |Rebel| Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Class: (See 'How to do CS's') Bio: Weapons: (See 'How to do CS's) Empire CS |Soldier| Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Class: (See 'How to do CS's') Bio: Weapons: (See 'How to do CS's)
#48649766Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:21 AM GMT

I can't figure out why you can't post your C.S., so whatevs.
#48650110Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:26 AM GMT

|Riders| Name: Talon IV Race: Human A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Light Brown Hair, about 6' 2", Hazel Eyes Bio: Long Lost son of Emp. Talon III. His mother took him to the country of Noria, which is rebel owned, so that he wouldn't know his father. Dragon's Name: Golderex Dragon Color: Gold Weapons: Longsword, Sheild
#48651046Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

Figured it out. Put a dot in a g e. (A.ge)
#48652151Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

Are we allowed to have 2 characters?
#48652245Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:02 AM GMT

Indeed you are.
#48652758Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:11 AM GMT

|Rebel| Name:Max Rissi A.ge:24 Gender:Male Appearance:Dark brown hair, steam grey eyes, 6"2, chainmail armor Class:Warrior Bio:Max is pretty good with a sword, not killing 5 people that are surrounding him good, but good enough to keep himself alive. Weapons:Longsword |Rebel| Name:Austin Souks A.ge:23 Gender:Male Appearance:Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5"11, chainmail armor Class: Archer Bio:Austin is an OK archer. He usually stays far away so he doesn't get stabbed to death. Weapons: Bow and Arrow
#48652905Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:14 AM GMT

I like it. You want to start? Or should we wait for more?
#48653902Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:34 AM GMT

Hm. We should wait for one more. Or if nobody else joined we should just start. (RAGE @ popup ads...)
#48676372Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:32 PM GMT

It seems no one else is joining
#48684956Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

Aight then. Just tell me when your ready.
#48692688Wednesday, June 15, 2011 9:31 PM GMT

Ready when you are.

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