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#4892364Friday, January 09, 2009 10:58 PM GMT

You live in a town called Sparksville. Strange things hapen here. Some things that happen here are bad. Like a building being ripped off the ground by an unseen force. I'm here to stop those things. It's called being a demon keeper. Lately, things to do with demons have been happening too often. Just a day ago I saw a demon throwing a bus into the lake. Will you help? Character Form Name: Appearance: Side:(Good Demon Keeper, Towns Person, Evil Demon Keeper.) Weapon: Demons:(only 3) Demon Sheet Name: Appearance: Power:
#4892482Friday, January 09, 2009 11:02 PM GMT

Name: Hijju Appearance: has a red robe htat FORBIDS me to be caught...i am ALMOST invincable :D Power: dark element,light elements,fire,earth,wind,and lightning...LOL
#4892586Friday, January 09, 2009 11:05 PM GMT

Name:Luke Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, wears a green T sirt and jeans. Side:Good Demon Keeper. Weapon:A staff. Demons:Bolt, Rex, and Blaze. Name:Bolt Appearance:A small green baby dragon. Power:Lightning Name:Rex Appearance:A small blue orc like creature. Power:Water Name:Blaze Appearance:A red dog like animal but with scales, not fur. Power:Fire
#4892773Friday, January 09, 2009 11:11 PM GMT

Luke:*is sleeping in his bed* Bolt:*flys to Luke's room and jumps onto Luke* Luke:*wakes up* Whats up Bolt? Bolt:*motions for Luke to follow and flies out of the room*
#4892915Friday, January 09, 2009 11:15 PM GMT

Luke:*follows Bolt and sees Blaze and Rex by the door waiting* Bolt:*flies out the window* Rex and Blaze:*follows Bolt*
#4893001Friday, January 09, 2009 11:18 PM GMT

I approve this roleplay!
#4893019Friday, January 09, 2009 11:19 PM GMT

What does that mean?
#4893241Friday, January 09, 2009 11:27 PM GMT

Luke:*runs out th door and follows his demons* What's going on guys!?
#4893408Friday, January 09, 2009 11:33 PM GMT

Luke:*Him and his Demons reach the dock**he sees a giant rock monster lifting up the ships and crushing them*
#4893812Friday, January 09, 2009 11:48 PM GMT

#4894605Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:15 AM GMT

Luke:We need some help.... (Please join...Anyone?)
#4932898Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:10 PM GMT

Name: Zody Appearance:Black everything,red streak in black hair,red eyes Side: Good Demon Keeper Weapon: Katana(s)and two pistols Demons:Pyro,Ryu. Demon Sheet Name:Pyro Appearance: A dog on fire (lol) Power: Fire Name:Ryu Appearance:A black dog Power:Darkness
#4933372Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:05 PM GMT

(Hey lightning two things. Velo is one of the best RPers ever known to roblox. And can i be a good masterless demon?)
#4933599Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:23 PM GMT

Name: Silent Appearance: Glasses, a a Blue shirt with Wight going down near the sleeves, blue baggy jeans and black shoes Side:Good Demon Keeper Weapon: Limit Demon Slayer Demons: 3 Name: Chrono Appearance: a wolf with 3 tails,is red with black eyes Powers: Darkness and Fire Name: Grodo Appearance: a small Golem, red eyes, blockish Powers: Wall and Earth Name:Manti Appearance: a praying mantis with very sharp sythes, wings and a hard jaw Powers: Slash,and insect
#4933617Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:25 PM GMT

Silent: *in bed* man... the heck.... that was a nightmare if i every knew one... Chrono: *gets up* wats wrong Silent? Silent: i dont know. i just dont know.
#4933687Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:29 PM GMT

Name: Lucius Appearance: A sleek black Bear sized wolf With Huge almost black red wings. Side: erm... good wild demon. Powers: Fire, Lightning
#4933748Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:32 PM GMT

Grodo: Silent! weve got activity near the tower! Manti: i see them. this is bad! Silent: *gets up* lets go. Chrono: right. *they all start running towords the tower*
#4950266Monday, January 12, 2009 1:32 AM GMT

*wakes up* Zody:yawn Pyro: ? Ryu: he just got up idiot... Pyro: ill burn you! Ryu: ill use my ninja stuff on you Pyro: grrrr..... Ryu: im the cool one! Pyro: ... *Zody walks to the lake and goes swimming* Ryu: water.... *Ryu jumps in* Pyro: ill just stay here... *Zody dives to the bottom and sees a cave* *Zody swims in* *comes to surface* Zody: ...a demon....*gets out his Katana and Ebony and Ivory (dual pistols) Zody: ok...... *shoots demon with tranquilizer* Ryu: meh.....that was eas- wait....its dead!?!? *they bother hear a roar* Ryu: oh shi- *a giant demon thingy comes out of the cave* ZOdy: ... *Zody and Ryu swim out of the cave at top speed* *Zody sees his frind on a boat* *they get on boat* *Zody: .....go.... Friend: huh?....y Zody: go *Friend sees giant Platypuss frog fish demon thing* Freind: that was in the lake all this time? *Ryu nods* Ryu: go! *they race off* *monter follows* *zody shoots and Ryu counts his shots* Ryu: 8 *the demon seems to die* *Pyro sees the commotions* Pyro: .....whoa.... *the demon comes up underneath the boat and smashes it* Everyone: ugh (except Zody) Zody: ...go to shore..... Everyone: ok Ryu: no! ZOdy: yes....now! * Ryu goes to shore* Zody: lets do this *the monster charges*
#4960485Monday, January 12, 2009 10:09 PM GMT

*gets out Ebony and Ivory* *loads* *takes his time* Ryu: Zody look out!!!!! *the monster was upon him in a flash* Zody: ....heh.....gotcha *a giant explosion fills the sky* Ryu and Pyro:ZZZZOOOOODDDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4961528Monday, January 12, 2009 10:52 PM GMT

Lightning Demon: MWEHEHEHEHEHEHEH! *shocks tower again*
#5004402Thursday, January 15, 2009 7:03 AM GMT

*is underwater for some time* *thinks: sigh.....that thing was huge.....but i did it.......but "they" they still aernt here....* *above the surface* Pyro: ZZZZOOOODDDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! *Ryu sees something* Ryu: huh? *zody gets out of the water* Ryu: heh.... *they walk off* *tehy pass the tower* *Zody shoots the lightining demon and it falls off the tower*

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