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#4901901Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:28 AM GMT

READ MY OTHER ONE FIRST. "Specter, take the shot!" "No," I begged to differ. I packed away my sniper, ignoring my HQ's instructions. I saw a guard walk away from the mansion. My objective was simple. Take out an aged General. General Zupikov. The successor to the now late Adolf Brikler. "I want to make sure I don't make any mistakes," I muttered into my microphone. "You're going to MAKE a mistake if you do it like this, Specter." I shut off the connection. Deep in an alley, there was a lone guard. I pulled out my Bricketta M92FS handgun with a black silencer screwed on. I pressed the barrel to his head and squeezed. BLAM. I hid the pieces of his bloxxed body and walked out casually. I gave a nod to the guards that defended the mansion. There was the general. In the main hallway. Perfect. I saw a waiter. I saw him walk into the basement. I casually followed him and pulled out a new addition to my weaponry. A syringe filled with anesthetic. I heard the waiter cry out as I stabbed it into his neck. He went limp and collapsed. I hid the waiter's body and saw another. I whipped off a glass filled with a drink. The general was going back into his room. I stopped him on the way. "More drinks? Of course!" the general bellowed. While he sipped the drink, I slipped a piano wire around his neck and pulled. He gasped and kicked, and went limp. "Mission acomplished."
#4902310Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:51 AM GMT

That was about two years ago. Two years. I knock at the shed door. "Good morning, Padre!" "Good morning, Gotranno," I smiled at the short, stout man with glasses. "Did you sleep well?" I asked him. "Of course! With Him at my bedside, sleep is quick and painless." I frowned. I was now a Padre at the Gotranno Sanctuary Church. I had given up my life of assasination and bloxxing. I searched for peace of mind. "Gotranno. I have...something to say." "HUSH! The fountain is no place to confess. Meet inside the confession at noon." DING. The bell rang loudly, signalling my time. The confession booth was no more than two stalls. The two people that occupied the booths could not see each other. Only listen. "Gotranno. I have...sinned. I have killed ROBLOXIANs. Out of hate. Out of ignorance. I am..." "Ah. But Padre, you have done good as well. I see the way you tend to the vegetables. You have donated so much to this church. Ah. It sounds like someone is pulling up to the hotel. Do not stir, Padre. I shall be back." Outside, I was oblivious to what was occuring. "Ah, bonjour. I am very sorry, but the church is- AH!!!" Gotranno was punched forcibly in the stomach. "Ai...What are you doing? Why? Why?" "SHUT UP, old man," a gruff voice said. Back inside the confession, I sensed something was not right. I sprinted to the entrance of the church. A shoe box. I opened it up. Ugggh! It reeked of rotten fish. A fish, a tuna, specifically, had a knife stabbed through it. A note: Your old man, Gotranno, has accepted our offer to go fishing. We will keep him safe. Let us hope he doesn't sleep with the fishes. If you want him back, we want 50000 TIX sent to this address. 50000 TIX. I didn't have that kind of money. I sighed. Old memories vegan to rush to my head. "Patch me through to the AGENCY,"I snapped at my laptop. I straightened the tie on my suit. "Id number, please?" '1337, Agent SPECTER." "Hello, Agent Specter," a robotic voice patched through my laptop. "We haven't seen you in a while. Your buisness is booming, Specter. You should have been around. Apparantly, you're known almost everywhere." "Not a good thing in this job," I growled. "Give me the GPS of Gotranno Brick," I snapped. "Wow...we don't give out that kind of info for free, you know." "I don't care. I'll do a job or two," I said. "We were hoping that you would say that. And...it's a double whammy. Your Gotranno is being taken hostage by our next job. And it's for you." "I'll take it!" "Good..."
#4903524Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:52 AM GMT

can you put me in it?
#4903592Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:56 AM GMT

Jeeaahh. You're the guy that dies.
#4903741Saturday, January 10, 2009 6:09 AM GMT

"Specter. Your target is jjtt11. Do NOT, we repeat, NOT, kill or hurt anyone else. We have a ride prepared for you. By the way, there have been rumors streaming underground. They say you're tremendously rich. Is that true?" I chuckled. "It's not true. I sold everything except my Bricketta. And my piano wire. And my anesthethic. And binoculars. And my lockpick. And-" "Okay. Okay, we got it. You have nothing. What the brick happened to all of it, anyways?" "I sold it. Gave it away to a church." "Have you gone SOFT?" "No. I thought I had put everything behind. I was wrong," I laughed. "Fine. We have your Walther W2000 sniper rifle in a brief case ready for you. But no more freebies." "Got it." A mansion. "Jjtt11 is apart of a Russian Mafia. They've been seeking out a hitman in a while." "Fine." I unlatched my suitcase and assembled my rifle. Let's take a look at the layout. A few patios...guards...heavy duty. Hmm...so many ways to kill. What an easy target. He was golfing on one patio. And in perfect view. PEW (LOL) A muffled gunshot. Jjtt11 fell, pieces flying everywhere. "Okay, Specter. Get ouf of there." "NO. I have to find Gotranno." "Specter, NO. You're going to endanger the hit!" I shut off my communication. If I were to keep an old man as a hostage...where would I? Huh...a guard...perfect. I sprinted and whipped out my pistol. BANG. BANG. I could see the the Agency now. Angry. Furious. Don't care. There was a basement. A basement...An old, wooden brick door. Time to check it out. I shoved it open. An empty chair... I switch on my communication. "-Hello? Hello? How DARE you. How DARE you defy the Agency. After we SPECIFICALLY told you!!! "Ladeedah. Don't care."
#4903810Saturday, January 10, 2009 6:15 AM GMT

#4904293Saturday, January 10, 2009 7:29 AM GMT

Ya ever hear about PLOT TWISTS? Yeah? Things will happen.
#4904320Saturday, January 10, 2009 7:35 AM GMT

-__- fine
#4907787Saturday, January 10, 2009 3:09 PM GMT

Bumped from mah PSP!!
#4908356Saturday, January 10, 2009 3:36 PM GMT

(psst. put m in. and preferably dont kill meh XD)
Top 100 Poster
#4911416Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:39 PM GMT

Ohforf: A hitman is an assassin with a gun right lol?
#4911538Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:44 PM GMT

[lol,i never saw this] can you put me in it? but i don't wanna die :(
Top 100 Poster
#4912112Saturday, January 10, 2009 6:05 PM GMT

Ohforf: Relax he didn't kill me lol.... Ohforf: Oh no! Take a look at this list! Builderman, Clockwork, and Telamon have been crossed out! The noobs took out the three elder celebrities of Robloxia!
#4919218Saturday, January 10, 2009 10:24 PM GMT

I'm the writer. I may take suggestions. But I can't make sure EVERYTHING you want is going to happen.
#4920849Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:40 PM GMT

"A very good job. A good job, indeed," my laptop droned. "I don't care. I need info on Gotranno." "Apparantly, he is being taken everywhere around the world. Of course, against his will." "I KNOW that. I just need to find him." "A few more missions, and it might work." I growled in rage and threw my indestructible laptop across the shed room. I stomped on it. "My, oh, my. Someone has a temper." "Shut up." I shot the screen. Blue Screen of Death. Hilarious.
#4931002Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:33 AM GMT

Sry bout the shortness.
#4931063Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:40 AM GMT

sign me up as your rival company as i try to get through all your contracts before you do lol (+)EliteSniper12(+)
#4938171Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:08 PM GMT

I sat on the old, wooden chair in my home, known as the shed. A simple little mattress. However, a door that led underground had been placed. Gotranno had never known. He never knew that he was giving sanctuary to an assassin. A killer. One who killed in cold blood. He doesn't need to know what I have done. Yet, why did I confess? Being away from my old life gave me a sense of peace in my mind. Now I was back. I contacted the agency. "Hello? Specter?" "Yes. I want to know where Gotranno is." "As we have said, we do not give-" "I'll do missions. Any." "I am SORRY, Agent Specter. They have all been booked." I was aghast. "WHO?" I shouted. "All by the same person. Not givin' out any names, Specter. However, he has just joined the Agency. Very good, actually. A perfect marksman. He was in the ROBLOXIAN War. I believe he had fought with you." Wait. Wait a MINUTE. "You said he was a perfect MARKSMAN?" "I believe so, Specter. Is this important?" my laptop droned. "YES. Tell me. Is he called EliteSniper12?" My laptop stammered. "Why, yes? Were you friends with him?" "Not anymore. I feel like I want to strangle the guy. Send me one Brickler and Koch MP5A4, okay?" "Concealable under your suit?" "Yes. Keep it simple. Compact. I don't want any laser sights. Just a suppressor." "Keep in mind, it's going to take up a little space in your StarterPack." "Fine. I also want more sniper ammo for my Walther W2000." "Deal."
#4938487Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:20 PM GMT

A dark limo pulled up to the address I had set.. The windows rolled down. A woman dressed in a formal suit with sunglasses and gloves handed me the briefcase with the Brickler and Koch MP5A4. "Hello. Diana," I gave a small nod to the woman. "I wish we could meet under more favorable circumstances, Specter. What ARE you planning to do?" "Go home," I growled. She handed me a pack. "Don't do anything dumb, you got that?" she growled back. I gave a huge smile. "Now, why would I do anything dumb to ruin my reputation?" "I don't know, Specter. You're up to something. We don't like the idea. Are you going ROGUE Agent Specter?" "At this rate, probably," I joked. Diana didn't laugh. The car drove off with a loud screech. "Probably? Most likely," I muttered under my breath. I unpacked my new MP5A4. Perfect...I slipped the compact submachine gun under my suit. Let's leave Specter alone for a while. Why don't we go and see EliteSniper12? My breath fogged up the sniper scope. There was his puny little head. I zoomed in, my finger itching to squeeze. I had to have this shot perfect. I have you now, Clockwork. A gun was pressed to my back. There was someone else. "You pull the trigger, I'll pull." "You don't have to guts to blox me. Specter," I mumbled under my breath. "Oh, I do. I have a job to do." Back to Specter... I shoved him off of me. I reached for my gun and flipped around to shoot him, but he was gone. Gone. Impossible!
#4938525Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:21 PM GMT

Two chappies. Want in? I'll put you in my fanfic, but NO complaining if you don't like how I depicted you in it.
#4939028Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:42 PM GMT

THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. SPREAD IT AROUND ROBLOX, with THIS LINK:http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=4901901 The name Agent Specter is only a whisper from the lips of the bloxxed. Because if he comes calling for you...you won't even know. Until it's too late. And like a ghost, he'll disappear. Like a ghost. Like a phantom.
#4939269Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:51 PM GMT

#4940186Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:24 PM GMT

Another great Fanfuc by Dennisthemenace. Bravo. Can you put me in? As a Good Friend of yours?
#4940202Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:25 PM GMT

#4940288Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:28 PM GMT

put me as a client wanting to kill gospelboy!

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