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#49767760Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:55 PM GMT

There are places that require some specific message that needs to be conveyed. Like for war games: "I got your back!", "You take that one, I'll get this guy." Racing games: "I can finish before you!", "Help I've crashed!" These can already be transferred by one player to another, but not by SuperSafeChatters. What if there was a new SuperSafeChat category called "Game Specific". The messages here will be written by the creator of a place, sent to a text moderator, and if approved, will be able to be used by anyone playing his/her game. This is NOT able to give your account Custom SuperSafeChat commands, it's giving your place Custom SuperSafeChat commands. TL;DR: Let place creators able to create custom SuperSafeChat messages for their place.
#49772100Saturday, July 02, 2011 10:12 PM GMT

Or there can be a thing under configure for the SSC which gives categorys (the same categorys for games, gear, and other stuff) Instead of "All", there will be "Default", which uses the one we currently have.
#49772159Saturday, July 02, 2011 10:13 PM GMT

How about this: You post on the thread that already suggested this.
#49772169Saturday, July 02, 2011 10:13 PM GMT

I have a hard time trying to find a phrase on the safe chat menu already.

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