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#49944255Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:56 PM GMT

Mine are: Friends: 2,295 Friends Invited: 0 Forum Posts: 1,836 Profile Views: 8,179 Place Visits: 776 Knockouts: 8,962 Wipeouts: 17,419 Highest Ever Voting Accuracy: 50% Consecutive Days In BC: 142 (1.37x)
#49944333Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:57 PM GMT

Go look in my profile.
#49944394Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:58 PM GMT

Friends: 1,098 Friends Invited: 3 Forum Posts: 7,541 Profile Views: 40,373 Place Visits: 10,957 Knockouts: 39,196 Wipeouts: 42,573 Highest Ever Voting Accuracy: 91% Consecutive Days In BC: 7 (1.02x)
#49944486Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:59 PM GMT

Friends: 643 Friends Invited: 0 Forum Posts: 615 Profile Views: 10,462 Place Visits: 1,309 Knockouts: 126,679 Wipeouts: 18,078 Highest Ever Voting Accuracy: 86% Consecutive Days In BC: 94 (1.25x)
#49944530Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:00 PM GMT

Hehehehe, Coolman used a KO bot.
#49944534Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:00 PM GMT

Friends: 603 Friends Invited: 0 Forum Posts: 18,188 Profile Views: 25,104 Place Visits: 3,778 Knockouts: 13,076 Wipeouts: 15,203 Highest Ever Voting Accuracy: 96% :D
#49944582Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:01 PM GMT

Friends: 486 Friends Invited: 0 Forum Posts: 5,057 Profile Views: 8,382 Place Visits: 964 Knockouts: 3,869 Wipeouts: 5,615 Highest Ever Voting Accuracy: 91%
#49944883Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:06 PM GMT

if you wish to find out my very high stats on roblox just view my profile im too lazy to go there myself

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