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#50046627Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:30 PM GMT

For thousands of generations, a secret war, kept from human eyes, has been waging against clans of nature. They fight for the upper hand of the world and the eternal power of the heavens that has been promised to the winning clan. The population in the clans: shape-shifting creatures with two forms, one of a human and the other of a beast. As the years increased, the number of clans decreased, along with the amount of cover that the clans had to battle in. Yet, the Creytels continued to fight. In the battle of the three (1970s’), the Goldenleaf clan was wiped out. Each corpse of the fallen clan disappeared, and the sky erupted with golden leaves, falling and rising like snow to ground. As they landed, a wave of light appeared from the ground, turning into two rings that surrounded the remaining two clans. Those who passed it faded into ash, and many of the clan members, panic-stricken, tried to escape. Numbers were low as the light faded, and the two clans agreed to postpone the final battle until the numbers were greater. Put, ‘The Final Battle’ under your character sheet if you’ve read the story. They returned to the human world, and continued their lives. In the current year of 2014, the clans grow impatient because the numbers haven’t grown a lot. One on one battles have been happening, clan against clan. Anger has built up against the two clans, and they cannot wait any longer. They are faced with a decision, the only idea that makes sense to them. The youngest generations of the clans, in their mid-teens, are usually quite popular. What if they could recruit families of humans to fight with the Creytel against their enemies, if they’d believe that they weren’t truly humans? “Force humans to pick a side, Blaze or Brook, for the final battle. If they refuse after the sharing of information, they shall be killed. Those who have not been put on a side shall be titled, ‘undeclared.’ Recruit.” You happen to be one of the many people in the final battle. Which side will you choose? ♰ The Clans ♰ Blaze Clan: Originally coming from a large volcano that is unknown in location, the Blaze clan holds the original lords and ladies of flame and ash. Though at one point the Blaze clan created many sub-clans (such as the Phoenix clan, the Smoke clan and the Lava clan), they were all destroyed in previous wars, leaving the Blaze clan to be the only fire clan left of the Creytel for many years. In human form, the Blaze Creytel have fiery red hair, usually with great volume and fiery strands that refuse to stay down. They always have black eyes that forbid light from getting in. They have naturally tanned skin and most have unnatural burn marks on their hands, face and neck, usually like scars. In beast form, the Blaze Creytel are large wolf-like beasts with large paws and a short tail made of obsidian, the tail ending in a tuft of fire. They are wolf-like in build and appearance, besides that they are much larger and have fur that is made of pure golden flame. Their eyes are like black coal, sticking out from the fire. They have a black obsidian nose. They have monstrous teeth and claws, made of something like metal. Brook Clan: The Brook clan is a sub-clan of the once-great Sea Clan, who were wiped out in the late 1800s’. They have a great bond with water, and are they’re strongest by a brook or river. In human form, the Brook Creytel can have any color hair, though their hair is usually flat, as though it’s wet. They always have blue eyes of any shade. Their skin is pale, and they have given themselves a marking on their wrist shaped like an Aquarius sign, filled with the rare metal that only Brook Creytels possess; called Breytellus Iron. In beast form, the Brook Creytel are felines built like a panther but made of an ice-like flesh, making them see-through and frosty. They have the same markings out of Breytellus Iron on their front legs, plus teeth and claws that are also made out of Breytellus. Their long tails usually drip water at the tip, along with the two fangs that stick from their mouths (either under bite or overbite). ♰ Info ♰ The Blaze clan and the Brook clan have been settled in a small town in the middle of the United States ever since the Goldenleaf clan left the picture. They try to not converse with each other, and they don’t usually get that close to humans in friendship. The youngest aged Creytels are attending the same school, knowing who to keep away from. As the humans become undeclared, the Creytels are becoming more social with other humans and trying to get them on their side. They aren’t that afraid to kill humans, though there may be risks that come with it. This town, Wren City, is dotted with high skyscrapers and full of small, medium and large houses and apartments. The outskirts of town are where the forests are. Wren City sort of is a circle in shape, with layers of roads. The outmost layer has cabins and camp-grounds, the inner layer is full of houses, shops and is where the schools reside and the center layer is where all the political buildings, parks and important buildings like museums are. There’s a brook that cuts the circle into two, but many bridges help people pass it with ease. There are mountains on the horizon, and the grass is usually kept cut short and green until winter comes. The streets are old fashioned, and most buildings are made of painted wood with tile roofs and stables used for storage or their original purpose. The city has a large population of wren birds, hence the name. ♰ Rules ♰ 1). There will be no, ‘Last-of-clan, didn’t attend a war when they were supposedly wiped out’. You are a Brook Creytel, a Blaze Creytel or an Undeclared Human. 2). I ask that everyone is above fifteen but no older than twenty five ye.ars old. 3). If you’ve read the rules, add ‘Contains me’ to the sentence above that you are also meant to post below your character sheet. 4). No swearing, cussing, or cursing on thread grounds, though you may say things like, ‘I cuss, embarrassed of what I had just done.’ No bleeping. 5). No trolling, flaming or ubering/god-modding on thread grounds. It’s unfair for everyone. 6). If I say, ‘~Freeze~’, do not post any more. 7). You need to be accepted in order to start role-playing. 8). I prefer if you try and use your best grammar and role-playing skills, and I ask that you use story-mode; for a more story-like RP. 9). Follow the rules and have fun. Please join!  10). Follow your conscience and don’t do anything inappropriate or stupid. 11). This is not a complete list, and what I say is law. 12). Only kill players that are willing to be killed… 13). There are no powers for non-Creytels. 14). @Rule 11 ♰ Character Sheet, Human ♰ Name (F + L): A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Biography: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: ♰ Character Sheet, Creytel ♰ Name (F + L): A.ge: Gender: Appearance (in human form. In beast form, they usually always look the same.): Clan (Br or Bl?): Biography: Strengths (all Brooks have a strength of water, all Blazes have a strength in fire.): Weaknesses: Other: ♰ My Character Sheet (Human) ♰ Name: Daphne Ridge A/g\e: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Daphne-Ridge-item?id=55663973 Biography: Daphne grew up like any other kid who lives in Wren City. She’s the only daughter in a family of five children, but she has stayed a girly-girl through-out her life. Though she could be quite popular and easily admired at school, she pushes it all away and prefers to stay in her own small clique of friends. She grew up playing sports, and her father is the owner of a theater that puts on plays for show-choir and sometimes ballet. She has preformed in all events that she could since it first opened when she was six. Daphne has a playful and bubbly personality, though it can come across as annoying to some. When she’s upset she becomes clumsy, solitary and socially awkward and she is easily angered if someone takes a step too far. When she was asked by a friend to join a clan for the final battle, she didn’t know what to say. Her answer will be revealed in the role-play. Any further information will need to be found out in the RP, also. Strengths: She fights better when she is in cool weather, such as rain, rather than hot weather. She can easily trick people into what she wants done. She has great ground agility, able to run around things quick. Weaknesses: Hot weather weakens her, and she is easily deceived, despite the tricks she can play. When upset, she easily gives up. She can’t run for very-long distances. Other: She can sometimes be seen riding her horse, Lily, in empty fields near the forest. ~ Enjoy ~
#50047739Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:47 PM GMT

Good idea.
#50049800Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:16 AM GMT

(Thanks.) (Anyone willing to join? :\)
#50062073Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

(Im not much of a clan person. Sorry)
#50062572Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:30 AM GMT

#50062599Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:31 AM GMT

(I would join, but I personally dont like the idea of being restricted to only being able to choose between two beast forms)
#50062670Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:32 AM GMT

(@Ningitsu - Okay. @Neracus - Sorry... :\)
#50063388Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

Name (F + L): Trey Houck A.ge: 18 Gender:male Appearance:reddish brown short hair,greenish eyes,caucasian skin,a darkish grey shirt with some blue jeans,and then of course the usual socks and shoes. Biography:Trey is an average teenage boy in his town unaware of the crazy madness that is going to happen to him during theese current months,and is usually creative. Strengths:Brave,kind,loyal,mildy strong and fast Weaknesses:is a pretty slow swimmer and cant hold his breath under water for long,he also usually gets sunburned if he stays in tempature around 90% Other:The final battle Contains me.
#50063469Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:46 AM GMT

(Im sorry if its short/noobish,)
#50063514Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:47 AM GMT

#50067132Thursday, July 07, 2011 5:10 AM GMT

♰ Character Sheet, Creytel ♰ Name: Adaquil Julst A.ge: 14 Gender: F Appearance: In her human form, she has jet black hair, which has a bluish tint in bright light. Her hair is straight, and seems wet at all times. It hangs down to her shoulders when down, but she often has it tied back in a braid. Her eyes are a grey-blue color, and somewhat thin. She has soft features. Her skin is fairly pale. Her lips are a pale pink color. Her ears stick out a bit. She stands at 5'5, and is fairly skinny. She is wearing tan, khaki capris. She also wears a light grey shirt, with a thin, dark blue coat over it. For footwear she wears black sandals. She wears a tan bucket hat over her hair. She also usually wears a pair of black sunglasses. She also has the traditional Brook clan mark. Clan: Brook Biography: She grew up training for the war. On her father's side, her family members were apart of the now deceased Wave clan. Her mother's side held only Brook clan members. She is a fairly average fighter among her clan, preferring close combat. Strengths: The more water she's around the stronger. Does okay in most weather. She is fairly quick reflexed, and a good swimmer. Weaknesses: Doesn't do well when in the area of fire. Doesn't do well in extreme hot or cold weather. She's not a very fast runner. Other: The Final Battle :3 ♰ Character Sheet, Creytel ♰ Name: Ralad Hulln A.ge: 13 Gender: M Appearance: Ralad has spiky, fire red hair, which sticks up in many directions. His hair covers his ears, which lay flat against his head. His hair is untrimmed and messy. His eyes are pitch black, and sometimes a bit bloodshot. His skin is quite tan, naturally. He has a case of acne along his nose and jaw. He stands at 5'6, and is of average build. He wears dark blue, baggy jeans. He has a dark green shirt on, with a black hoodie over it, with the hood up. He wears a dark red bandana around his mouth and nose, hiding most of his face. He has orange and black sneakers on. Biography: Strengths: He does best around fire and in hot weather. He is best at long range fighting. Weaknesses: Cool weather. Doesn't fight well while it rains. Other: The final battle :p
#50067377Thursday, July 07, 2011 5:16 AM GMT

(Bravo, you have surpassed me in word count.)
#50079241Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

(@Aylae - Accepted, but did you read the rules?) (We'll start after one more person joins.)
#50079624Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:34 PM GMT

#50101793Thursday, July 07, 2011 8:41 PM GMT

(Oh, yes, sorry, I was in a rush :c Change both's @ge to 16, and Ralad's height to 5'7. -Contains me.)
#50103190Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:01 PM GMT

(may we start?)
#50106622Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:52 PM GMT

(Accepted now) (And sure.) I sat out by the small tree that stands beside my house. The leaves blew quietly, not yet willing to fall for the incoming autumn. Two of my brothers, Brian and G.D, were sitting in front of me, playing poker with an old deck of cards. G.D had won the most games so far, and I could tell by the hint of personality in his voice that he was over-flowingwith pride. Brian on the other hand, had his eyebrows lowered and his cheeks were light red.

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