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#51766536Sunday, July 31, 2011 11:54 PM GMT

The year is 2020. In the year 2013, Scientists found a way to bring back the Dead. They tested it, and their results were FAR more devastating than expected. The dead rose out of their graves and bit everyone of the scientists present, turning them into Zombies. Months passed and the situation got worse and worse. Earths Population of 7.5 Billion was narrowed down to less than 10,000 in 7 years. Now, Most of the zombies have been killed, and Earth has been devastated. Now, it is your time to attempt to Restore the world, and Rebuild Civilazation. RULES: No Ubering/godmodeling No Gary/Mary Sues Listen to admins Post "I am a survivior" At the bottom of your CS To show you have Read the rules Pg-13 Swearing Pg-13 Romance Dont kill off other players UNLESS they are ok with it Listen to Admins Wait to be accepted Colonys: There are 4 major colonys in the game: Naval Encounter Survival Team (NEST): Survived by taking over Cruise ships and going out to sea, Rescuing Survivors as they found them. Allowed Survivors to become Officers within 2 weeks of rescue. Officers: 2291 Alpha 13 (A-13): Went up into the Mountains to build bases. Officers: 834, Survivors: 1183 The Surviving Military (SM): The UN armed forces banded together to attack the zombies and rescue survivors: Officers 904, Rescued Survivors: 1057 The Rouge Colonys (TRC): Formed Colonys in rural areas. Survivors: 5014 CS: Name: @ge: Gender: Apearance: Clothing: Weapons: Equipment: Colony: (NEST, A-13, SM, or TRC) Bio: (Not required, but I highly recommend you have one) First 3 People to Sign Up and get accecpted(Besides me) Get admin and Get to make a Set up of A-13, SM, or TRC. I will establish the set up of NEST. If you do set up one of the 3 colonys, please include: Ranks, General Location, and what you have in terms of Supplies, Weapons, Ammo, and Transportation. (Be reasonable)
#51767213Monday, August 01, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

CS: Name:James, Baker @ge: 17 Gender:Male Apearance:Dirty blond hair that reaches to the top of his green eyes, he is usually serious but has his odd smile. He has a scratch on his face from when his mother was turned into a zombie, luckily he wasnt bitten by her. Clothing:A dirt stained green and white striped t-shirt with rips in the bottom, Blue jeans, green and red NIKE shoes.Has gaws rapped around his right arm from his fingertips to the shoulder, hasnt takin the gaws off since the day after the zombie outbreak. Weapons:2 daggers he stole from his dad's world war 1 exhibit. Equipment:daggers, some ammo for a shotgun, batteries and a grenade. Colony: (NEST, A-13, SM, or TRC)TRC Bio: (Not required, but I highly recommend you have one)
#51767962Monday, August 01, 2011 12:12 AM GMT

CS: Name: Zach Beve @ge: 21 Gender: male Apearance: Has short black hair. Brown eyes. 6' 2". Perfect Teeth and has a smile that he never uses. Clothing: Black T-shirt with a white skate boared on it. ripped worn down blue jeans. Has Dogtags his dad gave him. Weres watch that is brown. Weapons: Pocketknife, pistol. Equipment: Flashlight. Shell chain, A backback with 7 grenades and, a bat. Colony:TRC Bio: N/A
#51768396Monday, August 01, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

CS: Name: Evan Brok @ge: 22 Gender: Male Apearance: Blond hair, green eyes, Tanned, 6' 1". Clothing: Standard Naval suit, Naval body armour Weapons: M14, ammo, and a knife Equipment: Flashlight, Life jacket Colony: NEST Bio:
#51768732Monday, August 01, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

CS: Name: Chris Eon @ge: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: I am a 6'2" Skinny white American with somewhat long hair and Dark blues eyes. Clothing: Red Undershirt, Black Jacket with Blue shoulders, Black pants, Black and Yellow tennis shoes Weapons: A Bretta M9 with a under mount flashlight, Duel Glock 18s, a .357 Magnum, an M4 with Side mounted Flashlight and Tactical Handgrip, and a Combat knife, and a Necklace hand made by my son. Equipment: A Backpack filled with Food, water, Ammo, Flares, A zippo lighter, and a Touchscreen Phone (NEST has Established Cell Phone Comunications), and a Touchscreen watch that I can program to do almost anything Colony: NEST Bio: I am a Captain in NEST, and I Command the Sovereign. the Sovereign has a crew of about 450, and we have several Helicopters. Both my wife and my son happend to survive, and we all share a room on the Sovereign.
#51769379Monday, August 01, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

NEST SET UP: Ranks: (From lowest to Highest) Cadet Ensign Lt. JG Luetinant Lt. Commander Commander Captain (Please post your rank if you are in NEST) Divisions: Tactical Engineering Science Medical (Please post your division if your are in NEST) Vesels: Sovereign Nova Nexus Oasis Freedom Voyager (Please post your ship assiment if you are in NEST) Helicopters: 8 VH-22 Osprey 8 Cobras 10 Seahalks and 4 Hueys
#51769582Monday, August 01, 2011 12:33 AM GMT

Ship: Oasis Division: Tactical Rank: Commander
#51805024Monday, August 01, 2011 2:10 PM GMT

#51806886Monday, August 01, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

Come on, I still need 2 admins, and 2 people to set up A-13 and SM
#51808526Monday, August 01, 2011 3:10 PM GMT

CS: Name: Adam Simon @ge: 33 Gender: Male Apearance: Dark brown hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, he is about 6"1 at 156 lbs. Clothing: Old US Army ACU. With Multicam Camo, Advanced Combat Helmet, and tan Army Combat Boots. Weapons: M4A1 w/ACOG Sight, and an M9. Equipment: 2 M67 Fragmentation Grenades, 5 MRE's, Binoculars, and a combat knife. Colony: SM Bio: Joined the army when he was 21. He qualified for the United States Army Rangers. He watched what these things can do. He is know in the SM to try and place order in the world. He always keeps his cool and quick on the field.
#51813058Monday, August 01, 2011 4:15 PM GMT

(All Accepted)
#51814270Monday, August 01, 2011 4:30 PM GMT

(When do we start?)
#51814678Monday, August 01, 2011 4:35 PM GMT

(I just need 3 more people, 2 for A-13, and 1 for SM)
#51814897Monday, August 01, 2011 4:38 PM GMT

(Oki dokes.)
#51818101Monday, August 01, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

#51823993Monday, August 01, 2011 6:37 PM GMT

#51824342Monday, August 01, 2011 6:42 PM GMT

(Someone needs to join.)
#51825832Monday, August 01, 2011 7:02 PM GMT

Next Person to sign up (Have to sign up for A-13) Gets admin
#51826742Monday, August 01, 2011 7:14 PM GMT

(You know what, Just forget it. Lets start.) (Whoever is on the Oasis (your name escapes me) You have been reassigned to my ship.) The Voyager tells us that the Zombies have been Been mostly killed. All ships to start heading to Florida to Dock and Unload.
#51828594Monday, August 01, 2011 7:37 PM GMT

(Guess Im running the game at A-13) Name: Jack Sullivan @ge: 32 Gender: M Apearance: Brown stubly hair, green eyes, has s freckle (spell check?) on his right check, and slightly dirty teeth. Clothing: Brown t-shirt, blue jeans, and sunglasses Weapons: Tire iron and Tauron 9mm Equipment: 2 medkits Colony: A-13 Bio: Went looking for his wife after the infection started, he found her, but she was bitten. But I helped her anyway, I found someone named Jack, he and his freinds helped me escape Union City on a motor boat, she turned on the boat sand I had to kill her. Then I came here.
#51828657Monday, August 01, 2011 7:37 PM GMT

(I am a survivor, sorry)
#51834144Monday, August 01, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

(Accepted. Thank you for reading the rules)
#51849959Monday, August 01, 2011 11:47 PM GMT

#51859534Tuesday, August 02, 2011 1:42 AM GMT

As the Sovereign closes in on the Florida Coast, We recieve a transmission from a TRC Colony in Florida. It says: (Someone in TRC make up a Transmission. Do not threaten us.)
#51881922Tuesday, August 02, 2011 10:55 AM GMT

A-13 Ranks: Survivor Agent Commander Comanding Agent(Me) Weaponry: Lowpower AR, pistols and rifles. Comman household suplies used as melee weapons. (EX: Tire irons, basebat) Usaly brought by surviors, and held in the armory. Transportation: Trucks Snowmobiles Ski-lefts from an old resort, used mostly for transporting items and people. Buildings: Command posts Living courters Agent living courters Armory Mess hall Holding storage Transportation stoage (Is this good?) Jack I walk around outside, looking in the snow, hoping to find just about anything

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