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#51926928Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:39 PM GMT

War. War never changes. Since the dawn of time, Man has raged war upon each other. From cave people, fighting for hunting space, to Nations, fighting for resources. By 2077, one of earths most used resources, oil, had gone dry. China, Russia, And other communist countries have gathered together to fight for such valuable resources.America also had the same idea.However,instead of gathering a large coalition of allies,they broke apart there only allies.The united nations had been disbanded, Canada had been annexed,and in 2077,the worlds largest metropolises had turned into ashes.However,it was not the end of the world,as some had predicted.It would simply be another bloody chapter,in human history.In once city,LA,this would be the bloodiest chapter.LA had not been destroyed by nuclear bombs-but descended into anarchy from within.In the days passing the bombings of other cities-the city turned into a war zone.Destruction,Riots,And chaos infested throughout the city.Citizens formed Gangs,Settlements,and even small military's.Of course,this only would mean more chaos.Because war,War never changes. Rules: No godmodding/Ubering. This is set in 20 Years after 2077,so it is 2097.The city is NOT nuked-but some of the outskirts and deserts are iraddiated and do have some mutants. There is a large desert around the city-going on for miles.This is the best area to make your own settlements or bases,etc. Because this is 2097,there is no brotherhood, Caesars legion,or ANY other faction we've seen in other fallout games. Be realistic with injuries-if you shoot someone in the leg that has power armor,it didnt do anything.If your shot and you have no armor-you have to limp,or worse.ETC. Character sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Apperance:(Please include weapons here) Bio: Skills:(Only skills seen in the fallout series.Go to the vault page Fallout NV skills to see all of them)
#51927325Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

Have you ever even played fallout 1 or 2, yeah, you probably only played the ones that are shooters.
#51927360Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

You really need to tidy up your plot.
#51927545Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

I dont feel like killing the master again.
#51927818Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:53 PM GMT

B,I disagree. I played All games.FO1,FO2,FO3,FONV,FO:BOS,FO:TACTICS,and once played FO d20 with my freinds. Oh and baidaway, You realize,fallout is a post apocalyptic RPG filled with vicious mutants,crazy raiders,and massive empires. THERE ALL SHOOTERS. And RPGs. Exept BOS.....
#51928173Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:58 PM GMT

And brick-Wed have to do this RP for 40 years-or have a timeskip of 40 years-to do that. Either way-thats not happening. Also-If you mean to say that fallout 1 and 2 were in the LA area-i am dissapoint. Only boneyard was in LA-And there is no specific location in FO 1/2
#51928294Wednesday, August 03, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

FO1 and 2 are RPGs not shooters
#51928404Wednesday, August 03, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

Thats what i said. RPGs. With shooting in them. Shooters arent even a genre- They are a sub-genre.

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