#51987227Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:01 PM GMT

On average, NBCers will require 5 Megs of storage. Either way, it will still cost them at least $1,000 just to buy the hard drives alone, not to mention powering, upkeep, Internet service, etc. ROBLOX's shtick is the blocky online building thing. Since that doesn't appeal to people who would be potential BC buyers, they have to insert extra stuff. Exactly why it has to add more for BCers. Design your own flowcharts. I don't know what CoreGUI is, but it sounds abusable. And yes, they could upgrade the engine. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51987236Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:01 PM GMT

"Your argument is completely invalid; I don't see why you tend to bring up Crysis into your arguments." -- It's not invalid. Bringing up the fact that the very foundation this game is built on is sub-standard, and comparing it to a different engine is a completely valid claim. And I bring up Crysis into all arguments about this type just to emphasize the DRASTIC diffidence between what ROBLOX is doing, and what it COULD be doing.
#51987616Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:06 PM GMT

I read it. You sir should be a politician. Support
#51987646Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:07 PM GMT

@robloxkid08 It may be the community bragging, but the BC icon just encourages the bragging
#51987702Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:07 PM GMT

@falloffcliffman: If we didn't have such a lousy community, then we wouldn't have people bragging. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51987795Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:09 PM GMT

"Design your own flowcharts. I don't know what CoreGUI is, but it sounds abusable. And yes, they could upgrade the engine." -- As far as the flowcharts go, download CryEngine 2 or 3.. I'm not sure how to explain it past that. A core GUI is exactly that, its the base GUI in the game. Manipulating that would allow you to create extremely more customization places. The only real danger to it is removing the "Leave game" button, which can be replaced by Alt+F4. Other than that, it can't cause any REAL damage because ROBLOX doesn't allow local file manipulation past the engine it's running it. And yes. They could upgrade the engine indeed. If they did, I wouldn't be cursing out ROBLOX for slapping such a ludicrous price tag on this 'game'. Charging that 400 dollars for lifetime OBC is tantamount to highway robbery if you ask me. Sure, they have every right to price it how they want. But charging an insane amount of money for a game that offers nothing isn't a good marketing strategy from my point of view. And I'm the potential customer. Which mean their paycheck is tied to where I like their product or not. I'd honestly like to see you make the argument "We paid" when you buy something else that's overpriced and delivers nothing.
#51988221Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:14 PM GMT

Is there any particular reason why CryEngine's flowcharts are so great? You could insert a virus into an innocent-looking free model (a kick script, for example, one that looks like it isn't filled with viruses just from looking at the title) that, when the place starts up, removes all of the CoreGUI, all of the bricks, etc, and flashes red and blue at 35 FPS. Not good. I did the math, and the ROBLOX admins are actually being MORE GENEROUS with BC than they are with buying R$. For $5 in R$, you get about the same amount of R$ you would get from 1 month of regular BC. This is the same for all the other prices. However, in BC, you also get a ton of OTHER FEATURES ALONG WITH THAT. That means it's technically better to buy BC than to buy R$.
#51988865Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:22 PM GMT

Also, I'd like to put my view on all this. I hope it'll let you better understand where I'm coming from, because it seems I'm just ALWAYS answering the same ploy. My view of ROBLOX, as it is: Substandard game at best, very poor physics and capabilities. The most iconic part of is scripts, but that's nothing to write home about, since every other sandbox and engine allows scripts. You can play it for free, and be constantly abused by people who pay, or you can pay $50 to get the bragging right "I paid noob! :D" My view on any other engine/sandbox Beyond industry standard quality and customization. This allows you to do anything and everything you want. The physics are beyond impressive, it's features far exceed that of ROBLOX's. Sure, you have to pay $50 no matter what, but, honestly. With this choice, you might have to pay, but you get everything and everything ROBLOX lacks. That's where ROBLOX is losing it's money and customers. They can stick to their stupid old ways, or they can upgrade the game to something beyond godly. And get money that way. And yes, they could still keep the block bodies (Even though packages destroyed that). Except now they get DLights. And before Seth tries to say that I can't compare a sandbox to an engine: Download CryEngine 3 map editor from CryMod and run it. Now run ROBLOX studio side by side. It's the same basic concept. Except CryEngine, and every other sandbox, did a much better job of it. Once again, if ROBLOX updated their sandbox's engines to something better, with the features of CryEngine, I wouldn't be here right now, would I?
#51989048Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:24 PM GMT

"You could insert a virus into an innocent-looking free model (a kick script, for example, one that looks like it isn't filled with viruses just from looking at the title) that, when the place starts up, removes all of the CoreGUI, all of the bricks, etc, and flashes red and blue at 35 FPS. Not good." -- And we can't do that already with user GUIs? The only difference is it can't delete CoreGUI (Well, it can. I've overwritten ROBLOX's security policy with opening the toolbar when playing games. I'm sure I can overwrite the security policy of deleting game.CoreGUI)
#51989259Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:27 PM GMT

They could upgrade their engine, but they would have to modify the engine they upgrade to immensely so that they become blocky once again, because that's their "thing" and they aren't going to give up on that. It might be cooler if they did, I can agree, but I'm pretty sure they won't. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51989386Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:28 PM GMT

The block portion of the game is just a 6-sided mesh and a 6-sided physics object. They couldn't spawn that into cryEngine when CryEngine created.. The nanosuit?!
#51989673Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:32 PM GMT

True, I suppose they could upgrade the engine, but we are going way off topic here. Where were we with the discussion of the OP before we went off on this tangent about cryEngine? ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51989781Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:33 PM GMT

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#51990058Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:36 PM GMT

"Where were we with the discussion of the OP before we went off on this tangent about cryEngine?" -- We were talking about removing those 3 BC features, and the stupidity of the community. Before I brought up the fact that ROBLOX wouldn't need such crap if they had better features, making people more willing to pay instead of having to force people to pay :c By the way, most engines will do. CryEngine is just a personal favorite of mine :D
#51990500Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:41 PM GMT

Okay... Umm... Right... The community is too immature to handle a REAL sandbox. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51990643Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

Then how can they handle even this one? :D The community is too stupid to understand scripting, yet we still have scripts. So why can't we also have all the other great features that we lack, for the people that understand them as well :D
#51990767Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

Because immature people can't screw up scripting, because they don't have enough brains to understand scripting. However, in a real sandbox, where making immature things is all too easy, they would screw stuff up. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51990991Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

That's why we block the parts that they can't handle. Such as user meshes and sounds. That way, the only real other thing they can screw up is adding too many DLights, which would have the same effect as too many bricks. Or screwing up the GUI, which can already be done. And we will have obviously blocked the ability to modify files on the local machine. If ROBLOX could do all that in their current engine, then they can sure as hell do it again in a different one given ample time. But I think 6 years has been hell of enough time, wouldn't you?
#51991200Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:49 PM GMT

Okay, agreed. Support to cobalt10's idea, and if it gets implemented, then we won't need the BC only features (theoretically), yes? However, ROBLOX are money hogs, so those BC features are probably here to stay. *sigh* Congratulations, you've completely won me over, cobalt. You've just won 3 boxes of virtual cookies! *hands cookies to cobalt* ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51991447Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

I'll be fine with the BC features staying. Like I said, I only have a problem because of the game not worth the price. We will still need BC, but we will also need a balance of thing, which we don't have yet. *Nomnomnom* :D
#51992176Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:01 PM GMT

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#51994654Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:34 PM GMT

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#51994829Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:36 PM GMT

But it requires an engine to run. The engines they run don't have the capability to make an epic game. Upgrading to a different engine would unlock more possibilities. I never said make an engine. I said get a better one.
#51994832Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:36 PM GMT

@sethixzonsalt: He's not suggesting ROBLOX BECOME a game engine, he's suggesting ROBLOX UPGRADE their game engine. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#51996892Wednesday, August 03, 2011 10:07 PM GMT

Invalid idea. 1:Look at normal games. A LOT. Now look at BC games. About 10. And you say we have less games than usual. It's barely seeable if I compared kinds of places we have in a bar graph. 2:It's a very,very minor feature. When I just got TBC back, I didn't have to wait for some one-minute lag I have on my computer. I thought it'd take a few minutes. It happened INSTANTLY. So it saves us from one-minute lag. 3:Ignore them. It's not like it's the end of the world if they brag, right? 4: They DO take ideas. They took ROBLOX rally. *gasp*"They finally took and idea! Oh! Oh!"