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#521110Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:24 PM GMT

I have a place under another acount called "The Legend of ROBLOX: Majora's Brick". To make it more like the game its based off of, this is the script i need: When the first person to enter starts a game, a message says "Dawn of the First Day. 72 Hours Remain." when the next minute comes, it will say "Dawn of the Second Day. 48 Hours Remain." On the minute after that, it says "Dawn of the Final Day. 24 Hours Remain." after that minute ends, it says *The Moon crashes into Termina* The next message says "You've met a terrible fate haven't you?" Then the game resets.
#521199Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:43 PM GMT

msg1 = "msg1" msg2 = "msg2" msg3 = "msg3" waittime = 60 msg4 = "msg4" function onT(hit) while true do local m = Instance.new "Message" m.Parent = hit m.Text = msg1 wait(waittime) m.Text = msg2 wait(waittime) m.Text = msg3 wait(waittime) m.Text = msg4 wait(3) m:Remove() hit.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onT) try that.
#524158Sunday, February 24, 2008 8:32 PM GMT

I never asked for instructions. Just make the script.

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