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#52113297Friday, August 05, 2011 12:54 PM GMT

Common noob: These creatures are at Low Risk of becoming extinct. They feed on many other animals, and their off.spring can be deadly, often annoying. They are found everywhere, mostly in Central ROBLOXia along with other animals such as teh Veteran. They have no common sense, which leads them into often complex arguements, and other dangerous situations. They don't hibernate, and never migrate during even the coldest of winters. Trolls: These very intelligent creatures are found in the Mountains of ROBLOXia or small villages, often hiding under bridges, or living in places called Troll caves. These feed on every other animals when the other sp.ecies get annoyed. They are very common, and they had mass bre.eding in 2010. Why are they intelligent? They know the easiest ways to annoy other species. Wannabe trolls: The opposite to trolls, really. They don't have any common sense, either, and they often make themselves look pretty stupid. They try hard to become a troll. Many of these animals have names with the word 'troll' in them, which means that they are easy to spot. They are also pretty common. Found mostly on the Great Plains of ROBLOXia. They feed on their own dignity. Make-shift veterans: These are people who say that they are back from 07, 08, 09, but say that they are either banished from ROBLOXia, or they got PGed, so they can't give proof. They say that ROBLOXia back in 07, 08, 09 was better, even though they have no idea. 05ers/06ers/07ers: Exluding the 04ers, these are the oldest living spe.cies in ROBLOXia. They are very rare, and can be found in the east of ROBLOXia. They migrate to the central of ROBLOXia during winter. They feed on peoples opinions, whether they are PGed or not. Most of them are, of course. 08ers/09ers: These are animals that can be found almost everywhere. they are vunerable, but they are not rare. They are also herbi.vores, but their faved food is not known. They never migrate during winter, but they seem to hibernate for a 3 months. They can be found in the North and Central parts of ROBLOXia. 10ers/11ers: These sp.ecies are the most common animals in ROBLOXia, and they are found everywhere. They often fall under every category of spec.ies except from the ''05ers/06ers/07ers'', ''08ers/09ers'' and veteran categories. (Although, 10ers are veterans this year, or they may have already turned) These often boast about having an earlier account. Many do, but others are lying. They feed on a lot of things, and migrate West in the winter. Scammers: They are infamous. They are very easy to find. They are found in Central ROBLOXia, and they feed on money. Lots of it. They are intelligent enough to manipulate someone to go first during a trade, often scamming 1000s. There are more seen everyday. They feed on greed. O.Ders: These immature creatures are found in free model hotels on the coasts of ROBLOXia. They are oblivious to their surroundings. They often lack grammar, and knowledge. They believe that the O.D rule doesn't exist. They feed on each others satisfaction. Their intelligence shocks other animals. Many have spray on abs. They are common, unfortunately. Forumers: Some of these creatures are the most intelligent creatures to walk ROBLOXia. Forumers fall under every category. They often complain a lot, and they start wars over little things. These creatures sometimes boast about their fighting skills, and are hard to beat in an arguement in-game. Their complex speech baffles many other creatures. They are common, and most live in the same area. Their favoured food is unknown, as many are omnivores. Forumers are varied, too.
#52114226Friday, August 05, 2011 1:17 PM GMT

Im not sure what type of animal i am. Can you help me?
#52114367Friday, August 05, 2011 1:21 PM GMT

Top 25 Poster
#52114466Friday, August 05, 2011 1:23 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#52114549Friday, August 05, 2011 1:25 PM GMT

@Spider, they would be a sub-category of forumers.
#52115106Friday, August 05, 2011 1:39 PM GMT

I wnder what animal I would be.. A BIRD!
#52115130Friday, August 05, 2011 1:40 PM GMT

I wonder what animal I am... A BIRD! Fixed.
#52116545Friday, August 05, 2011 2:10 PM GMT


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