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#522164Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:09 AM GMT

Here's what I got. _________________________________ print("Bloxtopia v0.2 Beta Loaded") leadadmin = { "Dama" } -- Lead Admins gameadmin = { "" } -- Game Admins moderator = { "" } -- Moderators owner = { "Dama" } -- Server Owner banned = {""} -- Banned People Script.Name = game.Workspace:children()[1].Name function LeadAdminCheck(name) -- LeadAdmin Check for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(leadadmin[i])) then return true end end return false end function GameAdminCheck(name) -- GameAdmin Check for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(gameadmin[i])) then return true end end return false end function ModeratorCheck(name) -- Moderator Check for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(moderator[i])) then return true end end return false end function BannedCheck(name) -- Ban Check if (#ban == 0) then return false end for i = 1, #ban do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(banned[i])) then return true end end return false end function onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) -- Respawn Procedure if BannedCheck(newPlayer.Name) then -- Check if Banned while true do wait(1) if (newPlayer.Character ~= nil) then break end end c = newPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do -- Remove Tools When Banned c[i]:remove() end newPlayer:remove() -- Kick Person Out end while true do --Don't crash wait(1) if (newPlayer.Character~= nil) then break end end pos = Instance.new("BodyPosition") --So you can move people around! pos.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) pos.Parent = newPlayer.Character.Torso local m = Instance.new("Hint") m.Name = "Hint" m.Text = "Say /help for a list of available commands" m.Parent = newPlayer if LeadAdminCheck(newPlayer.Name) then -- Check if Lead Admin m.Text = "Say /adminhelp for a list of available admin commands" newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100000 -- SetHealth newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100000 s = Instance.new("Script")--No dying! s.Parent = newPlayer.Character s.Disabled = false end if GameAdminCheck(newPlayer.Name) then -- Check if Game Admin m.Text = "Say /adminhelp for a list of available admin commands" newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100000 -- SetHealth newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100000 s = Instance.new("Script")--No dying! s.Parent = newPlayer.Character s.Disabled = false end if ModeratorCheck(newPlayer.Name) then -- Check if Moderator m.Text = "Say /adminhelp for a list of available admin commands" end wait(3) m.Parent = nil end _______________________________ At this part it doesnt say the message such as "Say /adminhelp for a list of available admin commands" _______________________________ function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) -- Commands local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msg == "/help") then if (speaker:findFirstChild("Hint")~= nil) then speaker.Hint:remove() end m = Instance.new("Hint") m.Name = "Hint" m.Text = "Available Commands are:" m.Parent = speaker wait(3) m.Text = "/animations for a list of animations." wait(3) m.Text = "/storehelp for a tutorial on how to use the store." wait(3) m.Text = "/admins to see a list of available admins online." wait(3) m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "/admins") then m = Instance.new("Message") m.Text = "Available Lead Admins:" m.Parent = speaker for i = 1, #permission do wait(2) m.Text = leadadmin[i] end m.Text = "Available Game Admins:" m.Parent = speaker for i = 1, #permission do wait(2) m.Text = gameadmin[i] end m.Text = "Available Moderators:" m.Parent = speaker for i = 1, #permission do wait(2) m.Text = moderator[i] end m.Parent = nil return end _________________________________ It won't show me the help and/or admins online. _________________________________
#522233Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:31 AM GMT

Anyone? Please? I would really like to learn scripting as I'm very new to it.
#522267Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:45 AM GMT

Its obious but its long and i dont feel like typing all your mistakes.
Top 100 Poster
#522270Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:47 AM GMT

on the m.Text = gameadmins[i] You need to have something about table.concat
#522275Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:49 AM GMT

Hmm well yes sorry for the mistakes but, atleast try to help me a little. I see that I forgot to change #permission, I know that now so forget about that. I copied at existing script and changed it to my own one,. Now the thing is it won't run. Please help me with it even though it takes some time, I got 21 tickets I give you them if you help me to get this working :")

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