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#52480866Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:10 AM GMT

You are King Errol. Unlike the previous rulers, you have decided to bring change to Blue Water Castle. Change; something that your "Royal Family" never really considered. You decided to banish your family from the castle forever. Forbidding your family to ever return. Though your people significantly lost trust and faith in you by doing so, you have since regained those two vital qualities in recent years by providing your people with suitable housing and better ways of earning a decent amount of money. It has been 12 years since you first took the throne. Your people wish you to live forever. Everyone is happy, and all seems well. However, there was the nearby castle of Brick Stone that has despised you and the prince ruling that castle has become increasingly jealous as your people have begun making lots of money and have been known all over the land for the excellent food and buildings they make. Your castle has become very busy. Just as however, it has fallen into disrepair. You wake up, like many times during the night, in a cold sweat. You hear footsteps rushing up the stairs and into your room. You hear a knock. Still half asleep, you try to decide what to do: A: Allow the person to enter B: Tell the person to leave
#52481199Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:25 AM GMT

Tell them no ones home :3
#52481344Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:32 AM GMT

"No one's home!" you say with a tired voice. But whoever it was burst in anyway. "Your majesty! I have here a letter from Prince Wrath! It's urgent! The person who delivered it said so!" You look at the person and finally get up. You open the letter and suddenly realize it's too dark. "Light up the lamp" you say as you attempt to read the letter. A few moments later there was light and you could read the letter. Dear King Errol, It is me Prince Wrath of Brick Stone Castle. I'd like to invite you for an upcoming festival. I guarantee you that you will be safe. You may bring along some men with you if you wish. You lower the letter. You haven't received such a letter from Prince Wrath in 8 years. Should you: A: Accept the invitation B: Decline it
#52481384Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:35 AM GMT

Accept :P
#52481478Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:39 AM GMT

Accept, and eat the note
#52481642Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:45 AM GMT

You quickly decide to accept the invitation. Although Prince Wrath has a reputation for murdering his visitors, you hope that this visit will also make way for a better relationship for Brick Stone and Blue Water Castle. You sign your name and tell the person to make sure it is delivered. You then fall asleep. Morning came and you awoke. You decided to take a bit of an early walk about the castle. You have noticed that the castle has been needing repairs recently. However, since you have kept taxes low for the year, the castles budget is only 800 coins. Repairs wouldn't be possible for at least another 6 months. Then you suddenly realize that the invitation you received during the night had no date for the festival. So you decided to think what to do next. "YOUR MAJESTY! A WALL HAS COLLAPSED!" A familiar man came running to you. It was the captain of your army. During your years in power, you brought much reform to your military and it is now mainly for civil use. You knew such a problem would arise with the walls. But never too soon. "Is there any loss of life?" you ask. With much concern. "No" said the captain of the guard. You have a sigh of relief. "But several small homes have been destroyed when the wall collapsed". Your heart then began to thud. You follow the captain and inspect the damage. As you walk around, you think. A: Should you call for early tax payments worth of only 6 months and receive 700 coins B: Transfer the families who have lost their homes to the inn and allow them to stay there without having to pay for a fee of 1 coin per day
#52481705Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:48 AM GMT

I will have to go offline for a bit. I shall return by 4PM EST. Next decision will be based on a majority vote.
#52481760Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:50 AM GMT

#52497455Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

You decide to make an early call for tax payments. Since there was such little notice, people are a slightly annoyed but quickly realize why the early tax payments are being made. To rebuild the castle. Bit by bit. You quickly get your builders to begin repairs; primarily on the castle walls. As your people begin to pay their taxes, you immediately order the construction of several small homes. The families who have lost their homes are relieved when they find out that it'll take just a few days. It is now the afternoon and a man on a horse rode to the castle gates. The man was a messenger for the king of Blue Water Castle. With the date of the festival that would be taking place at Brick Stone Castle. The date is set for the 17th of July. After a long day, you return to your room and go to sleep. As the days passed, builders made temporary repairs to the castle. Since the budget was tight, you want to make a completely new castle later on and let the old one crumble. However not everyone agrees. It was the 17th of July and you wake up. You skip breakfast however since you intend on enjoying a hopefully delicious meal at Brick Stone Castle. Since King Wrath has allowed your men to travel with you, you choose to take only a handful of experienced soldiers as the visit may turn out to be ugly. Before setting off, you decide with your soldiers which route would be best: A: Through the forest offers the most direct route to Brick Stone Castle B: Traveling near the river will be safer if there is an ambush since there is an adequate water supply and bushes scatter the landscape with an assortment of berries and trees with fruits. C: Traveling out in the open in the "Plains of Blue Water" will be almost as quick. But your men could be vulnerable to attack.
#52497918Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:24 PM GMT

#52498437Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:32 PM GMT

After a few minutes of heated discussion, you and your men all agree that it is logical to travel near the river. So you set off with your 14 skilled men. All on horses. You are unarmed, however your men are carrying the best steel swords every made. Sharp may those swords be, but you know that if the whole army of Brick Stone decides to attack, you and your man have little chance of escape. An ambush on the other hand, would prove to be survivable. After an hour long journey, your men spot the dark walls of Brick Stone castle. With a jet black and lava red colour to it. King Wrath welcomes you happily into his castle. Your men, are close to you at all times. As the festival begins, you notice something strange. The festival doesn't really have the feeling of "Fun" to it. It felt more like a normal day in Blue Water Castle. Though you ignore this and instead try to focus on strengthening relations with Brick Stone Castle. You are about to speak to King Wrath but decide where is best to speak A: In front of the crowd with King Wrath B: Speak privately with him in his guarded room.
#52498522Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

#52499475Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:47 PM GMT

You ask King Wrath to speak privately with him in his guarded room. He agrees to do so. Your men however object to this and insist that you remain in the open where they can see you and remain aware of what is happening. King Wrath proposes that your men keep guard outside of King Wrath's room and associate with his guards. After you all agree, you can finally speak to the King of Brick Stone Castle. You attempt to persuade King Wrath to become less jealous and see for himself the benefits there would be of having better relations with Blue Water Castle. Though the discussion may not be headed in the direction you intended, you have made the journey as a representative of your people. King Wrath was stubborn with everything. Especially the military style of Blue Water Castle. As you carry on speaking to the stubborn King; you suddenly hear a very unpleasant noise. You immediately could tell that the guards of King Wrath were attacking your 14 men. You quickly burst out of the room to find your men fighting with the men of Brick Stone. One of your men took a hard hit to both legs. You pick up his sword and fight along with your men. You quickly dispose of the 7 guards stationed at the room and you order your men to carry the wounded soldier to the horses. Like before, it was quiet outside. However, much more quiet this time. You fear that an ambush is imminent. You and your men run to the horses. As you and your men leave the castle. You stop. Turn around and raise the blood-stained sword in your hand. "KING WRATH! YOU HAVE CAUSED HARM TO MY MEN! YOU AND I ARE NOW AT A STATE OF WAR!" You know this is EXACTLY what King Wrath wanted to hear because of his evil smile. Together with your men, you decide to return the way you arrived. About 30 minutes later, the wounded soldier is bleeding badly. You stop and take him off his horse. There was enough food, water and wood for you to last the night with the wounded solider, but his cut looked to severe. Should you: A: Send off your men to Blue Water castle and get a medical cart sent to the river where you are now B: Try to seal the soldier's wound as best as you can and make it through the night
#52499567Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:49 PM GMT

B. make a shelter in the trees
#52500001Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:55 PM GMT

You send off the rest of your men to return to Blue Water castle along with the wounded soldier's horse. "Hang on" you say as you seal the soldier's wound as best as you can. The sun was beginning to set. You remember how the military trained heavily on survival out in the open. So you start a fire. You have nothing to cut trees with but you do however mange to get some berries and apples. As the night goes on, you suddenly realize the soldier is beginning to lose focus. You are becoming extremely worried. A: Wait until morning and take the soldier on your horse and return to Blue Water Castle B: Search the nearby area for anything that may be useful to transport the wounded soldier.
#52500066Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

#52500163Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:58 PM GMT

#52500214Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:58 PM GMT

Hia Goop
#52500450Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:02 PM GMT

lol hey Greeny/Mush
#52500504Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

Mush :3
#52500787Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:07 PM GMT

You search the nearby area for anything that could be big enough and be horse driven. Miraculously, you find an abandoned cart with a variety of supplies and food. You return to where the camp was and untie your horse. You trot to the cart, tie it up and return to the wounded soldier. You make room for him in the cart and you try to return to Blue Water castle. By the time you arrive, the moon is already well visible. The men at the gates are relieved to see you and the wounded soldier was brought to the doctors for medical care. The next morning you address the crowd. "Yesterday, 14 men and I rode to Brick Stone Castle by invitation from King Wrath. We attempted to build stronger relations but were unsuccessful. We were attacked during discussions. One of our men was severely wounded and I hereby officially declare on the 18th of the July, the Blue Water Castle is at a state of war with Brick Stone Castle!" The crowd looked concerned. Previous rules of Blue Water Castle had promised and allow wars to go on for years; but you promise your people that you shall be quick to act and will be swift. "We will gather up our men! We will rebuild our castle! We will show Brick Stone Castle that we will not tolerate barbarism and such jealousy that results in violence!" As the days pass on, you begin to meet with the captain of the guard more frequently. You consult your architects for advice. Finally, you come to only two decisions: A: Fight Brick Stone Castle with what you have now but risk a retreat into a Blue Water Castle that has fallen into disrepair B: Start a campaign to raise money for the army and to rebuild Blue Water Castle as a bigger and stronger one C: Introduce programs that will help your people to thrive in terms of business and begin to raise taxes
#52500905Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

#52501064Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:10 PM GMT

B again
#52501197Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

#52501552Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:17 PM GMT

You begin to address your people the need for a stronger military and a stronger Blue Water Castle. "People of Blue Water Castle!" you shout so the crowd can hear you. "The time has come for a new beginning in our military! The time has come for a new beginning for our Blue Water Castle!" You pause as you hear the silence. "When our armies shall march towards Brick Stone Castle, we shall have the best men fighting for us! We shall have a STRONG and NEW Blue Water Castle that THEY KNOW they can count on for reinforcements! People of Blue Water Castle! It is time for YOU to help get involved! You can start by donating to us! We will build a new castle with new walls! Our military will remain as a civilian one to keep our spirit! Together; we shall fight! Together, we shall be free!" The crowd burst into cheers and clapped. Donations began to pour in and you meet regularly with your military and architects to determine the best design for a new Blue Water Castle. You decide that the temporary repairs will continue. But at a slower pace. As they have already swallowed 100 coins from the 600 that was collected during the early tax payments. Though the people have left a very important decision to you. A: Rebuild Blue Water Castle (as promised) and make it bigger and stronger B: Continue temporary repairs to the old Blue Water Castle and make a new one.

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