#52577013Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:38 PM GMT

Sorry to pop your bubble, but we made the poison, so it dosen't effect us, good luck with it though. back to battle. thinking of a way to win, the snakes break in all directions and cut down the creatures guarding the water. Now circling the island at their incedible swimming speed, the snakes start to reach up and grab the creatures, pulling them into the water and tearing them apart.
#52577188Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:40 PM GMT

The amphiborus begin retreating to there villages,and begin putting up spikes toward the waters across the beach,spikes that can not be climbed nor broken down without a tremendous group strength effort.
#52577270Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:41 PM GMT

The Llamas find an interesting plant, that they call Grawn (Basically wheat, makes more straw, though.) They take the seeds off the top of it, And Bring them back to the village, sticking them deep into the ground them in a box shaped pattern just a bit aways from the Village.
#52577326Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:42 PM GMT

slowly going back to the island. the snakes gather up the other dead snakes and send them off to deep sea as is the custom, then, as an attempt at deteering any further attacks, the snakes begin beheading the dead creatures and mounting the heads on sharp sticks, all around the island. The snakes then gather up whats lef of the tribe, and begin rebuilding.
#52577426Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:43 PM GMT

a few days after the battle, a baby boy is hatched in the tribe. But unlike the others, this male has four arms instead of two. in the next few months he prooves to deveope faster, talking, swimming and growing faster than any other males before him.
#52577469Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:44 PM GMT

The Llamas get some more Wheat seeds, expanding the space where the seeds were planted. it was an experiment, they still had quite a good time until the wheat had grown. The Main room was finished, And The Llamas moved in.
#52577623Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

the four armed boy also prooves to be smarter than the others. When he reaches his coming of age, and sicne the old leader was captured, the snakes decide to make him the tribe leader. They make him a small headdress out of feathers from gulls, shells, and parts of driftwood.
#52577638Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

The amphiborus realize the snakes are stronger,however they also realize the amphiborus themselves are Smarter.They decide that the snakes can not communciate with the amphiborus through speaking,so one amphiborus suggests making a sort of alphabet.He explains the idea,and they begin creating a quick alphabet of images like the hieroglyphs of Egypt..They then make a large sign above the spikes,reading to english as"We want peace"Hoping the snake creatures may understand it.The amphiborus continue making tools and gathering wood.
#52577737Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:48 PM GMT

Out one day fishing, one of the males stumbles upon the well developed home of the froeign cratures that once attacked them, above their defeneses he sees a sign that he can not understand. So he returns to the island, telling the tribe leader, who ignores what the snake has said.
#52577818Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

The Llamas took some tall grass, and set it down all over the floor of the main room. Llamas here and there then spun around on one spot, and lay down there. It was comfortable, and much better than the ground, with rain coming in. And for some, they found the Hills of grass around them soothing, relaxing, pretty, etc,.
#52577930Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

On a day following, the tribe leader calls together the entire tribe and has them lift a large boulder from the bottm of the sea, asking why they had them do it he shows them a tool he has made, it is a large black stone tied to a shaft of wood (hammer) and he hands about three of them out, he then has the snakes hammer on the boulder, and when large chucks break off, they understand, he has them smash more of these off then sharpen them with other stones, they then tie seaweed around one end as a handhold, and then begin making these for all the males (Basic stone swords)
#52577931Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

The amphiborus decide to celebrate,even though they had failed the fight,they needed relaxation.A fire was started,and the amphiborus danced and slept around it for the night,having a large feast.
#52578259Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:55 PM GMT

One day when a group of fishers are skinning some fish with their knives, the tribe leader picks up the pile of fish scales, which are still in strips, tieing them together, he finds it is a fun thing to do, then realising something, he begins to tie more and moer together, until he has attrached a large group of snakes, who begin to catch on and help him, by the end of the day, they have created a large sheet of tied together cords (Fishing net) it is now pulled through schools of fish by 2 or 4 snakes to catch large amounts at once, giving enough spare time that many of the males begin practicing fighting with each other to get stronger. (Crude military training)
#52578291Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:56 PM GMT

The main room was rather cold, but now that there was grass on the ground, this could pose a problem, lighting a fire indoors. This required some sort of fire safety Lesson, in which they practiced HOW THE HELL TO GET OUT OF THERE when needed. After that, They made an Eleveated Box, with the "pipe" going over the main box, and, guessing where the other "pipe" was, they Attached the "pipes" together to go out the same smoke exit. However, along the way, in the middle of the pipe, they put up another smoke exit. They ignited some tinder, and started the heat source up, and the smoke worked... somewhat like planned. The Smoke was all going out the one in the middle, Meaning that they were just letting cold air come in from the other direction. But, oh well, cold air that probably wouldn't make it over would be no match for the warmth of the heat source.
#52578526Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:59 PM GMT

The wheat started sprouting, and the Llamas were intrigued by this discovery, and so they let it continue to grow
#52578647Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:00 PM GMT

On a deep sea dive one day, a snake discovers a vent in the sea floor spewing bubbles. reaching inside, he finds it is very very hot, but can also feel a stone. picking it up, it is a perfectly clear, searing hot circular rock. Putting it aside he reachs in and pulls more out. Happy, he return to the island with them and presents them to the leader, who sets them in the middle of the island. when someone slithering by drops a fish into it. telling him not to pick it up, the leader lets it sit, and then picks it up takinga bite, when his eyes shoot open, he then lets the others try it, and loving it, they all begin to do the same (Cooking)
#52578899Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:04 PM GMT

The llamas irrigated the wheat, after finding it dying for some reason, realizing that rain made it better, they irrigated the wheat from a nearby stream.
#52578979Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:05 PM GMT

The avians were awake until the next morning. The fire burned out because of the rain, but they waited for more lightning. The lead scientist tried to replicate the Leader's description of the hot fire, but coulden't replicate it. They kept on trying. The first builder continued the building. The other joined in at noon and it got done faster. The first chick is training to be an hunter. The other is training as an scout. The lead scientist also mated during the time between morning and noon, and the eggs hatched quickly due to the avians smart brains. More then one parent warmed the child. This new child is training to be an scientist. The orignal scout scouted once again, this time with the hunter. It appears they are near an sandy area with water after it to the south and an long desert to the south, estimated by the scout to lead to the other side of the tropical forest. To the west is where the feline creature attacked. During the chase, after the territorial area of the feline is another part of the same desert.
#52579507Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:11 PM GMT

The Grawn was growing fine after the water got to it. Now the Llamas just had to guess when the grawn was ready for harvesting. The llamas cut down another tree, this one not a small tree, but an average sized tree. That of course meant that they had tons of Wood. They took down the Current surface shelter, Then rebuilt it as what Humans would call a large shack. The wood Was used to make walls around the trench, then a slanted Roof, Allowing the rain to drain off the side, The entrance was an empty doorway towards the east. They still had no hinges, so they couldn't make a door.
#52579619Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:13 PM GMT

On on sunny morning, the tribe leader sees a group of young hatchlings, who have strung up a stirng between two columns of the ruins, and are using it to launch themselves into the water. After the hatchlings leave, the leader goes over and tries firing rocks from it. which just tumble into the sand, then, picking up a stick, he pulls it back, and launches it. the stick goes flying out into the water. over the next few days he developes a wood stick to hold the string of which he tries launching multiple things from. it turns out it's mostly only very straight sticks will fire from it. trying to make it deadly, he ties his knfief to the stick shaft, the "Srrow" then doesnt fly very straight, so he continues experimenting, eventually, he finds that adding feathers to the back makes it fly better. Over the next few days, and with help, they make a few "Arrows" that fly well. trying to replicate this technology is hard, but they ae able to make very crude bows.
#52579656Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:13 PM GMT

(Failtroll attempt, taking over someone elses species.)
#52579960Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:18 PM GMT

(Sorry about the desert; after rereading the planet info its acturaly an grassland. Sorry.) The feline attacks again. The hunter is better at fighting then the scout, but is still pretty bad. They start pecking it, but the feline swats them away. They start flying back. The hunter gets one of his wings hurt and the scout gets her legs crippled. The hunter bites an stick and tries to throw it. It does minimal damage and the scout is eaten. The hunter realizes it could be an weapon. He starts practing how to use sticks as weapons. As an result he gets more comtent with using his wings as "arms".
#52580171Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

(Post a bit more, it's getting slow) One day, a fisherman who wandered far from the island spotted some odd creatures who moved through the sky, and he watched them fight a small four legged creature, interested, he went back to the island and told some of his friends about the strange sky creatures.
#52580313Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

(ryboy, unless your on the planet with me and LunarLlama you cannot see me and even then I'm in an forest.)
#52580494Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:25 PM GMT

(Thought you were flying around water) and theres probably water on all planets, so ya im there with you guys. (sorry though, just trying to link the game with the species)