#52580688Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:27 PM GMT

(Ok then, sorry for the agressive demenor. Also the long absensce was because my dad needed to get on, plus me getting an cola and taking an bath.)
#52580884Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:29 PM GMT

The next day on Lasasa... Our little tribe in their cave has advanced quite a bit. They developed pottery earlier this morning when some tribesreptile was fooling around with wetted sand and mud. Now,.. A reptilian fills a large, 3 foot high pot, part of the new water supply, and pours water in it. They bring in food, and are prosperous. The population of this little cave is around 23 now, surely something to increase if they keep taking in travelers and new births happening every day. It would become a city-state or nation. However, not now. They are still a small tribe flourishing, however it is only a matter of time before they develop into a small, early copper age civilization...
#52581254Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:34 PM GMT

The Llamas Began digging deeper, a staircase just down so they could go deeper. but, about 5 steps in they encountered a problem... Grey dirt that the spade wouldn't go through. They tried what they could, but it eventually just broke one of the spades. They thought of an idea for something sharper. they began working on a sword-like item, with a sharp edge on both sides, on a handle, a pickaxe basically.
#52581984Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:44 PM GMT

The hunter mated with the last fertile female, resulting in an new generation which had wings that could not fly as well and could pick up things better and was an bit taller then the rest of his "classmates". One day the scientist tripped and dug up some dirt. He decided to dig deeper, enlisting the hunters son. He found out the art of mining. The hunters son decided to be an miner. The builder decided to expand the Advanced nest by drilling an hole into the tree like his eart cousin the woodpecker.
#52582317Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

One day when pulling a fishing net, some snakes came back with a bunch of brassy-gold colored rocks. remembering when the tribe had first made their knives, the snakes threw the rocks into the fire. which after a while, they found out they melted, so they drained the melted parts out into the beach. which then hardednd back into rock. getting interested. the snakes made a sword shaped inmprent in another peice of metal, and then, melting the rocks again, they poured the melted part into the mold. After hardening, they took out the sword, and found it was much strogner and much better at cutting than their stone swords. The snakes then began to make more and moer of these "Harder stone" (metal) swords, which were curved at the tip, as they discovered it made them cut better. the snakes then made different molds, they made molds for fishing spears, molds for arrow tips. and some of them made molds for cups and pots. the snakes had developed metal working.
#52582928Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:56 PM GMT

The other builder decided to start building another house for the new generation. This time becuase they did it before it is easily made. The new scout scouts out the beach. Apperently if you fly far enough before getting tired you can see a few nests in the water. The scout drew this in the dirt. The builder, watching him, asks the Miner with his "hands" to carve the map for him in leftover sticks stuck together with mud. It is very crude, but it is an map. The map is that to the south is an beach, east is an grassland, west is the Feline territory and more of the grassland. North is unknown.
#52583044Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:58 PM GMT

Deciding that there might be better places to live, a scouting party of about 20 snakes goes out armed with swords, bows and spears, to explore the mainland beaches.
#52583326Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:01 PM GMT

The Miner decides to dig to the south. He starts digging, but almost suffocated because he had no supports to keep up dirt. Realizing this, the builder helps miner make some supports when mining. They get tired eventulaly and get tired.
#52583472Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:03 PM GMT

Upon reaching the mainland, they find large trees, the likes of which they've never seen before, they belive that these could be used for more stronger bows, better arrows, and even stronger spears. Setting up a logging camp, the snakes begin to harvest trees from the edge of the forest, stripping the branches off then having groups swim them back to the island.
#52583758Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:08 PM GMT

The scout goes back to the beach to scout the beach for any more places. He stops at the edge of the forest when he sees giant snake-like things they used to avoid back up-north. (Renembr, they are still small birds.) He goes back, and describes this to the Leader. The leader decides to send an dimplomatic party. He sends the scout, builders with some berries and 2 worms, and the hunter decides to hunt extra hard so it can be an success. He brings back only 2 extra out of the 2 he usualy hunts. However, they are not prepared to defend if attacked.
#52583904Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:10 PM GMT

By now there is a large group of almost 30 snakes who are cutting and preparing the trees during the day. One aftrenon when harvesting, a small group of birds lands nearby and starts squaking atone of the guards. dissmissing them as just a pest of the local are, the guard just waves his weapon at tthem, yet they don't fly off...
#52584086Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:12 PM GMT

The hunter's son lays down the leaves and worms. The scout also does an simple wave.
#52584197Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:14 PM GMT

(The llamas are way up north, just to let you lot know.) The New item is finished. it's a chisel After not finding any pickaxe worthy rocks to their likings, they switched to a chisel to the get stone for the pickaxe. The pickaxe needed a carved stone, not the surface stone that the Llamas normally used. So, the print of the pickaxe was quickly carved out, and stuck onto a Handle. they then continued on the stairwell.
#52584227Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:15 PM GMT

Calling a few other guards over, the snakes come over to watch the birds as they seem to be trying to comunicate. Annoyed by the dissmission of duty, the taskmaster of the camp comes over and orders the guards back to their jobs and to leave them alone.
#52584578Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:20 PM GMT

They finished the stairwell, and started on another Living Room Because AHEMCOUGHCOUGHREPRODUCTION happened, 6+ more population, with the original population being 30
#52584616Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:21 PM GMT

The dimplomatic party goes back. They land on the small area of treas they live at. The builder is now done drilling an hole through the tree. He blocks off the end the Advanced Nest is not at and decides to store food in here. The Hunter's son stores the first items: An few stones. The Leader is saddened by the careless cutting down of trees. They decide to battle the snakes. The Hunters son mates with one of the fertile female that was born. Twins are laid and they have the same Feathery Hand ability as the Hunters son (now the miner) andthe flying ability as the fertile female. They gather the children and the leader and start teaching them how to use weapons. The first twin experiments building and discover how to make an sword by twittling.
#52584753Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:23 PM GMT

Discovering that arrows and weapons get hurt when they are in water, the Snakes contruct small carved boats so they can carry arrows and new weapons to the logging camp in good conition. 10 more snakes are also sent to help with the deforestation.
#52584935Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:25 PM GMT

The first twin carves swords for everybird in the "army"; The leader and all of the children. They begin the marchinjg to the shore. They carry the swords in their beaks; Everyone after the Hunter with it in their hands, and reach the deforestation site.
#52585252Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:29 PM GMT

The smaller Living dormitory, i guess you could call it, was finished. The Mothers moved into there, along with the babies. Once again, more tall grass was put down. We also planted more wheat, in a different plot. Along with us cutting down a tree, and putting the wood in a pile outside.
#52585386Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

Calling the 40 so workers and guards over to the edge of the camp, the taskmaster has noticed a small group of birds with what looks like weapons approaching the camp. Chuckling to himself, the taskmast has the guards fire a volley of arrows infront of the birds. The bows twang and the arrows streak towards the birds, thudding into the ground infrton of them all.
#52585587Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:34 PM GMT

The birds are somewhat fazed. The Miner, being an smart fellow, picks up the arrow and uses it as an better sword. The leader notices this and throws his sword to the ground. The rest of the birds follow, and the Miner picks up two. The group stand still, and the leader squacks loudly.
#52585749Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:36 PM GMT

Annoyed, the taskmaster orders another volley, this time he says shoot to kill. The guards pull back one the bowstrings as the workers draw swords and knives. The volley is fired and speeds towards the birds....
#52585905Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:38 PM GMT

The birds fly into the forest. They go left and land to the left of the lumber camp. They throw the arrows; Hunter and his son is the only one that does it correctly.
#52586057Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

Bouncing off their scales, the arrows land in the sand, the taskmaster tells the workers to capture the birds and tells the guards with bows to fire at will.
#52586176Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:42 PM GMT

The birds, realizing they are in doodoo, realizes the Taskmaster is the boss. The Leader and the hnunter sppeds to the taskmaster and the others fly into the forest.