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#52585375Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

(This is a remake of a story I made a long while ago, as I feel the old one ended abruptly, and was much too short.) Ashley fought the sleep like it was death its self. She didn't want to sleep, she knew it would happen again, But the blurry veil covered her eyes regardless, and she fell in to the black void of terror that was sleep. She was dreaming, as usual. The brown-haired girl looked around, wondering what this terror would bring to her world. Her palms were sweating as she examined her surroundings. Ashley was in a bedroom. Two sleeping bodies lie still in a bed, breathing slow, peaceful breaths. She then examined herself. She looked to be about three, wearing some hello-kitty PJ's. Suddenly, the window broke, and two men jumped through. The bodies in the bed shot up at the noise, but one of the men were already on them. Throats were slit, eyelids were closed. She was then lifted by one of the men. In her current mind state of dream, Ashley started calling for the couple in the bed, but it was all in vain. The men trotted out of the house and carried her in to a car, easily locking her in the trunk. Ashley suddenly shot up in her bed, patting herself all over. She looked out the window. It was morning. The girl then burst from the bed, sprinting down the stairs and to the TV. She fumbled on the coffee table for the remote, her fingers shaking furiously. Ashley eventually got the TV on, and struggled to press the buttons for the news channel, but it finally clicked on. "A shocking incident late last night as Kirk Peterson, the owner of Peterson Computer and Computer Repairs here in Tollern, was murdered. His wife Lisa was murdered as well, and their little girl Tara is nowhere to be found. Police say that they are looking in to the whereabouts of the three year old." Ashley's mind swam as she reached for something to grab on to. "Nooo!" She said, falling back on to the couch. This couldn't be happening! Dreams don't come true! Not this many times in a row!
#52586782Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:50 PM GMT

Ashley eventually got control of herself once more, on the edge of crying. She walked back up the stairs and started gathering her clothes. A black t-shirt, some grey jeans, and white sneakers. That would do. She jogged in to the bathroom, showering quickly before getting dressed. She brushed out her brown hair, examining the blue tips and green highlights. Ashley appeared to be herself. She grabbed her cell phone and a bag of things she would need for today, and ran out to the garage. Ashley hopped on her bike and road out of the garage after fiddling with the side door. The girl sped down the side walk, narrowly dodging a jogger with a dog. She kept riding for quite awhile, eventually stopping at a log house near the outskirts of town. Ashley jumped off her bike and let it skitter on the gravel to a halt. She walked up the front steps of the porch and knocked on the door. Jessica, her strange best friend, opened the door and pulled her inside. "Yaay! You're here! Did you bring everything for our sleep over?" The girl asked. Jessica was fourteen, a year older than her. Ashley nodded, handing her a bag. "Yep. All my clothes are in there too, so I'll need to get them out." She said, fidgeting a little at the word 'sleep'. "Come on, my dad just cleaned out the pool." She said, tossing Ashley her swim suit out of the bag. Ashley changed in the bathroom and applied some sun screen, then walked out on to the back patio. Jessica's dad, Mr.Brooks, was sweeping some leaves off of the edge of the patio. He gave her a warm smile and a nod as she jumped in to the pool. After getting used to the initial cold shock, Ashley and Jessica started a splash fight. However they found it hard to win a water fight when both participants are already drenched. After swimming for an hour or two more, they got out of the pool. "What should we do now?" Jessica asked. Ashley thought for a moment. "We should get our room ready. No one else has gotten here yet, so we should surprise them." Ashley suggested. "That's a great idea! Come on, lets get going." Jessica started tugging her towards the basement door. (There will be more dream terror soon.)
#52586999Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Pola-Poo! xD
#52587048Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:54 PM GMT

(That is an extremely embarrassing pet name :3)

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