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#53063670Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

Left 4 death 2 (AKA l4d2) is a upcoming film by Rostudio's. The story is about the last survivors (after getting the cure) trying to contact the army so they can tell them they have the cure, but not all is easy. The survivors must travel through a Swamp, past a outpost built by other survivors attempting to survive, and get rescued by a army van. After they are rescued, the driver (the driver of the army van if you dont know) turns into a zombie and a survivor shoots him, after that the survivors must travel through a army base (trying to find a radio to contact the remaining soliders) the survivors also must fight off infected soldiers who succumbed to the infection. While traveling through the base, they find three surviving soldiers, two of them accompany the survivors, while the last one goes off alone. After finally finding the radio inside the high security area the survivors must wait for the emergancy door to open, waiting outside of the emergancy door is an army plane. The survivors then must get inside of the plane, while waves of infected come after them. After they get into the plane, the plane takes off and begins anylyzing the cure. But suddenly a infected soldier (the soldier who went off alone) breaks through the storage and rips a hole in the plane. the pilot (in panic) crashes the plane in the middle of a swamp. The pilot is left unconcious and the survivors and soldiers must fight of two waves of infected while waiting for the cure to be finished anylized. After it is all over, the pilot wakes up and sees a helicopter. the survivors then grab the finished cure and get in. the helicopter takes off, as another wave of infected come, the pilot turns into a zombie and attacks, the survivors then kill him as a soldier flys the plane out of the area. (THE END) ~Characters~ Army driver: Uninfected soldier 1: Uninfected soldier 2: Plane pilot: Zombie soldier: Survivor 1: me Survivor 2: Durply Survivor 3: UltimateTextMan Cameraman: UltimateTextMan Set builder: me Cameraman:
#53065124Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:05 AM GMT

You have no camera man so the video will fail. Sorry.
#53065761Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

I do have a camera man -_-
#53065808Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

Camera man: UltimateTextMan (didnt i put that in there?! WTF)
#53066178Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

Why did you post one empty camera spot? lol. Anyways, how will you make it similar looking to a zombie apocalypse?
#53066325Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:25 AM GMT

Its not gonna be similar to a zombie apocalypse, its gonna be similar to a left 4 dead apocalypse, Hunters, Smokers, Mud men, Tanks, even one or two witches. and pick-up-able medkits that stay there for others.
#53066419Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:26 AM GMT

You do notice that L4D is a zombie apocalypse right? Anyways, how will you make the special infected and make it look like a zombie apocalypse? You never answered that,
#53066506Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

The special infected are already made and tested, i've had them ready for weeks..
#53066720Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:31 AM GMT

How will you make it look like a zombie apocalypse? Your not answering that. Pretty much every zombie video ends with failure because of it. Unless you have solid proof that it will be good then I stand by my opinion.
#53066902Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:34 AM GMT

Ahem i'm almost done with the trailer!!!! so plz wait for me to be done Ok? you can check out the trailer.
#53067544Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

#53087314Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:44 PM GMT

Is this a game or a movie? I am severely confused how THAT is a trailer.
#53097379Thursday, August 18, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

I am the Army Driver.

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