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#531911Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:40 PM GMT

This is based off of a show i made up. Its about a boy who finds out htat he ios related to sonic the hedgehog so that kid has all of sonics powers. As they look for the seven choas emralds Choas is reborn and is tru=ying 2 destroy Mobius! Along with the living choas emrald called the 8th emrald, Sonic and that kid must do what they can to stop him! U can be Sonic, the kid, or the 8th emrald that is if u want to be a good guy. if u want to be a bad guy u can be Dr. Eggman, Choas or Choas in disguis as a kid.
#57511384Saturday, November 05, 2011 4:45 AM GMT

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