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#53295981Sunday, August 21, 2011 4:10 AM GMT

The year is 201X. The world is on the verge of WW3. Deforestation, Crime, and Pollution have corrupted the planet. This corruption drives Mythical Creatures out of their sanctuaries, which are rapidly shrinking. The Millitary is claiming all mythical creatures, be they dangerous or not, for use in war. You can be One of 3 classes. 1: Human. These are the average citizens of the world. They don't usually have heavy weaponry, and most are too wrapped up in video games and the Internet to care. Relations: Human-Human: Most humans interact with each other through the Internet, and learn more about the other nations and their problems. Human-Soldier: Most Civilians are Neutral towards soldiers of their own country, although some soldiers do have families. Human-Mythic: Most humans do not care about the creatures unless they encounter one face to face. Most will run in fear, a few will try and fight, and fewer still will attempt to befriend the mythics. 2: Soldier. These are the fighters of justice, peace, and freedom. At least, for humans. The military has recognized the potential use of Mythical creatures in battle or as research for a formula to make super-soldiers possible. T Relations: Soldier-Human: Soldiers look upon the people of the country they have been charged with protecting as Civilians. It is a soldier's sworn duty to protect civilians, and they are willing to lay down their lives to do so. Soldier-Soldier: Soldiers treat other Soldiers with respect, especially if they are a higher rank than they are. Soldier-Mythic: Soldiers are constantly trying to capture Mythics for use in research, and for the strongest and deadliest, the actual battlefield, either as front-line infantry, or combat medics. 3. Mythic. Mythics are any mythical creature, sentient or otherwise. They have been driven out of their homes by the corruption and destruction of their homes. Most aren't happy. Others see this as a chance to get back at the other Mythics that have wronged them in the past. Some have even infiltrated into society, passing off as humans, and living a normal life. Relations: Mythic-Human: Most Mythics tend to avoid human contact, as most areas have military presence. There are, however a few, that pass off as human enough to fall in love with humans. And there are a few that wish for mankind to be wiped off the face of the earth, preferably as slowly and as painfully as possible. Mythic-Soldier: Every Mythic, excepting in a few of the most powerful, fear soldiers. They have power beyond comprehension. They could annihilate the Mythics one by one, and yet they don't . The Mythics that are captured and experimented on might face a fate worse than death, so every mythic not trying to destroy humankind avoids human contact as much as they can. Mythic-Mythic: Most Mythics avoid other mythics as much as possible. However, considering the fact that most species tend to stick together, they seek out each other, hoping to find more of their kin. However, not all Mythics like other mythics. Gryphons dislike Hippogriffs. Dragons don't like chimeras, and so on and so forth. Still others have personal grudges against other mythics, and seek to destroy them. Character sheets: Human: Na.Me: A.G.E: Gen.der: Personality: Appearance: Bio Thoughts about Humans: Soldiers: Mythics: Soldier: Na.Me: A.G.E: Ge.n.der: Rank: Occupation: (Combat medic, first responder, repair, Etc) Standard Armament: (If you have one) Personality: Appearance: Bio: Thoughts about: Humans: Soldiers: Mythics: Mythic: Nam.e: Species: Gend.er: Sentient: (You can talk, understand humans, etc...) Appearance: Personality: Bio: Thoughts about Humans: Soldiers: Mythics: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you can post, you have to be accepted by me, Lucariofan13, or any other appointed person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES: Keep Violence PG-13. Keep Romance PG-13. Obey me, Lucariofan13, and anyone else. Trolling will not be tolerated. If you are trolling, you will get a very nice PM from me, and will be politely asked to leave. OBEY THE RULES AND WE WILL ALL BE FRIENDS. GOT IT MEMORIZED? (lolz, KH2...)
#53296548Sunday, August 21, 2011 4:19 AM GMT

My character sheet: Mythic Nam.e: Zephyr Species: Gryphon Gend.er: Male Sentient: Yes. Appearance: A pure black Gryphon with Cat like ears, and the front and back paws of a lion. Personality: Helpful, but tends to be alone. Bio: Lived in a peaceful forest for as long as he can remember. That forest is now being cut down, and Zephyr had to leave for his own safety. Thoughts about Humans: He believes that humans always have good intentions, even if they don't show it. Soldiers: He is absolutely terrified of soldiers. He will flee the area faster than you could say "Is that a gryphon?" either if you are a soldier, or you have a soldier with you. He will even flee if you even LOOK like a soldier. Mythics: He tends to stay alone, to avoid messing with dragons, which he is afraid of, and to avoid being captured in groups of mythics.
#53318023Sunday, August 21, 2011 3:29 PM GMT

This is original, right? (BUMP)
#53402140Monday, August 22, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

I thought that there were people who thought this was original. (BUMP)
#53403442Monday, August 22, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

Wait, so you can play as one character this time?

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