#53436522Tuesday, August 23, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

Aaron "Hell yes," I said, turning around. I looked over towards the Hypersleep chamber. "These are the things we're going to be sitting in for a few years, then? Just for the flight over?" I touched the glass chamber. It was cold to the touch, and it reminded me of a fridge. I wasn't too excited about sitting in the same position for such a long time. Then again, it never really mattered since I would be unconscious. Time would pass by, and we would stand aside just to get on again. A merry-go-round called life. I smiled, remembering Dray was in the room. "Do we need to prepare anything or should we just hop on in?" I asked.
#53436733Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:02 AM GMT

Name: Logan Bierbaum 23 Appearance: Tan, Somewhat chubby, 6'3, Jutted out above forehead brown hair. Clothing: Saggy cargo camouflage shorts, Spandex like stretchy black shirt. black hightop converse, A small camouflage backpack. Armor: Bullet proof vest, Uh a cup?. Bio: He joined the army at 19 and his brother is the only one alive in his family. Rank: Medical Specialist - Corporal. Skills: Hacking, Weapons, Picking locks. Primary: M4A1, Assault 12 gauge shotgun. Secondary: SIG 226 9mm, Equipment: Vest full of grenades going over upper body making an X-Shape. Special Equipment: Concussion flash bangs with the 'nades, all his medical equipment in his backpack. Armor Abilities: Protects bullets from where it is. ◄☻♣LoganB♣☻►
#53436832Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:04 AM GMT

Dray "We set course for where we'e heading," I pointed to the direction of Pluto, "Then we wake up, exactly three years, five months, one week, two days, nineteen hours, fifty four minutes, and nintey three seconds. I hope. These can support life for Six years, so we charge it, get supplies, and make our way to Mars. Where the others are. We just need to pick up supplies. Better if we're asleep." But god, I didn't think it would be that easy. It never was.... [That's from the future BTW. Dray is looking over his past.]
#53438770Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:31 AM GMT

#53487904Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:27 PM GMT

Logan He is new here " Hello?!?!" He yells, looking around. ◄☻♣LoganB♣☻►
#53502363Wednesday, August 24, 2011 1:39 AM GMT

(New where? Like new recruit?)
#53503200Wednesday, August 24, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

Name: Mickey Riggs 24 Appearance: 5'11, yellowed teeth, dark hair and dark brown eyes that seem to blend in with the pupils. A bit fat. Clothing: Dark red camo uniform, blue sneakers. Armor: N/A Bio: Some dude that joined late to the project Skills: Firearms. Primary: FN F2000 Secondary: N/A Equipment: Grenade. Special Equipment: Armor Abilities: N/A (What is The Plague?)
#53503300Wednesday, August 24, 2011 1:52 AM GMT

(AND I am awake)
#53557763Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:42 AM GMT

(Plauge will be explained later. Ima think that over a bit. Excepted, i guess.)
#53558573Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

Aaron "Yeah. I don't feel like waiting that long," I replied. I stared at the planet, Pluto. Well, not planet any more. I've read too many old history books. Scientists finally agreed that Pluto wasn't a planet a long time ago. "Pluto, eh? How's the weather there?" I smirked.
#53559052Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:57 AM GMT

Dray "Cold," I shrugged, "They made special suits to keep up heated. More money spent."
#53559205Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:58 AM GMT

Aaron "Alright," I began, "I'm gonna head off to my room. Get some of that hypersleep. Are you going to start up the ship and we'll leave?"
#53559320Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:59 AM GMT

Dray I nodded, chewing on my thumbnail. "Make sure everyone makes it to sleep alright." I shood Aaron off, and went to the coc.kpit.
#53559995Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

Aaron "Alright. See you in six years," I said, chuckling to myself. I watched him walk off for a second, then turned around and headed towards my room. I slipped a ID card in front of the door, sending the door sliding up. I looked towards the hypersleep chamber. Well, this was it. Finally, we could escape from the world and all its problems. We would be safe, secure, and I doubt these kinds of things would happen on a space station on Pluto. I looked over to the side of the Hypersleep chamber, just to check the time. Everything was green, so I took that as a good sign. I stepped inside of the glass chamber. It was colder than I thought it would be, but that's probably for the best. I hit a button inside the chamber and the door closed shut. I put my ID card inside my chest pocket. The chamber started to get colder and colder. I looked through the glass as it was slowly gathering frost on the edges. The window showed a ruined hanger, our sanctuary on Earth. The next time I woke up, it would be a completely different view. I started thinking to myself, "I wonder what Pluto will be like. What my new life will be. Probably paradise compared to Earth. This'll be gra-" My mind went blank.
#53561051Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:19 AM GMT

Dray As i sat down on the cold, but confortable seat, I started to set location of the shuttle. I was drinking a nice glass of Mountain Dew, my favorite drink. It would be the last one i'll probably ever have. I crossed my legs, and propped them up onto the dashboard of the console attatched to the Titanium interior of the shuttle. I decided to pull out a wrinkled book I was reading back on earth and finish the story. I sat there for five hours, finishing the 698 pages left. I checked the hypersleep chambers, all full and active. I finished my tenth can of Mountain dew, and decided it was my time, too. As i shut off the lights in the coc.kpit, I was feeling a bit light headed. I entered my room. It made me sad, more clausterphobic than usual. I shook my head, and crawled into the cold chamber. I decided to speak to myself, "The last few who made it back to the Compund, eventually all went into madness and killed eachother off for food. I ran off before they could get me, but rolled down the steep hill. It would have kil-" Then, that was the last thing i remember for a VERY long time...
#53562304Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:34 AM GMT

Aaron It was dark, but I could feel something. There was a strange feeling in my body, and a thick liquid was expelled from my mouth onto whatever was beneath me. My entire body ached, and I couldn't see anything. There was a terrible stench in the room, and it probably came from whatever I threw up. It took a while, but my eyes grew adjusted to the darkness. What the hell was this place? A room, dark, cold... This some kind of joke? Where's my home? Where's my ROOM? I pulled myself up. There was a bed next to me, so I decided to lean on that. I felt sick again, but it wasn't to my stomach. It was my head. It was ringing, images were flashing through my head but they were all hazy and faint. This isn't the room I remember living in. Then again, I don't even know if I had a room. I didn't even know my NAME. What happened? There was something in my pocket. It felt almost like a card. I reached my shaky right hand to my chest, and pulled it out. I squinted my eyes at the black markings. I can't even read this language. My head hurt even more staring at this thing. I rubbed my eyes, and then the words made sense. My name, it's Aaron. That sounds a little familiar. That's what I'll go on for now. I turned behind me, looking at where I came from. It was some sort of chamber. Slightly cold, but it was warming up. Then there was a light. A blinking yellow light on the side of the huge glass chamber. That, that's not good. I don't think it's good, at least.
#53563403Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:48 AM GMT

Dray I slowly started to awaken, then went into sudden panic. I was very clausterphobic. I started to claw at the glass, screaming for help. As i calmed myself down about a minute later, i remembered what i was here for. I pushed my hand against the glass cover, and slowly crawled out. I noticed that there was a flashing yellow light. I hurried over to a pannel on the wall, and pulled out my equipment. I set the firearms on a small over-turned desk. I put on my suit, nothing to heavy. Just a finished project. Light Power-Armor. Human strength muliplied by three. I can jump higher, sprint longer, and my melee is greatly increased. I slipped my helmet on and grabbed my weapons. I felt weak, even with the armor. I had my pistol in my hands, flashlight on. I set it to burst fire, and entered the room opposite to mine. The room belonged to someone named "Aaron"
#53564037Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

Aaron A loud hissing noise announced the door opening. The door to what must've been my room. I had no idea what came in, it was so dark, but it was big and deadly. I noticed a gun when I saw one. The faint yellow light from the chamber illuminated the armored figure. "What the? Who the hell are you?!" I called out. I pulled up my hands, one of them holding my ID card. Maybe it would save me. Maybe I even had some sort of command over these people. Maybe I'll figure all this out if I don't get killed.
#53564360Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

Dray I kept my pistol aimed at the man, "My name is Dray," I studied him carefuly, "I don't remember you in my crew..."
#53564759Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:06 AM GMT

Aaron "Crew?" I asked. That name sounded familar. "My name's Aaron. Tell me where we are, and that's an ORDER!" I called out, hoping my name might put some sense into him.
#53565964Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

Dray I laughed a little bit, "Listen, i give the orders here. I'm a Lieutenant. I dunno if this helps, but my name is Dray Philips. I don't know who you are, but we can use the help."
#53566254Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

Aaron Yeah, I kinda knew that would happen. I looked again at my ID, and I saw what looked like Corporal. I shook my head for a second. "Okay, okay..." I said, getting onto my feet. I looked at him. The only face I saw was an armored helmet with black visors for eyes. Not really the most friendly face to wake up to. "Dray, is it? That sounds familiar..." I said. I suddenly recalled images of a playground, small kids running around during what was probably recess. A kid was playing with me. The face, it gave me the name Dray. "Must've been one of my friends that you have the name of."
#53567078Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

Dray I pulled my helmet off, "I don't have any friends. They're all dead. I only have my crew and mission left," I cussed loudly to myself, "I don't even remember the names of my crew!" I slammed my back against the wall and slid down. I rested my head against the wall. "I don't know anybody. Just my name. Nobody else..."
#53567247Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

Aaron He pulled his helmet off, and I saw his face. It was nearly identical to the kid I saw at the playground. "Dray!" I said, smiling. "It's me! Aaron! I'm your friend!" I extended my hand out to him. "C'mon, we have to find out what happened and why we're having such a terrible time trying to remember."
#53567334Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:45 AM GMT

Dray I looked up to him, "I don't know any Aaron," I got up, "Listen, man. I'm sorry. I don't remember anything to my past. I'm just here on a simple mission. Get supplies, get to Mars. Save the Space Marines. That's all."