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#534405Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:24 PM GMT

i need a script that the first person to touch the button a message comes up saying "Player Got 1st!" (change player to the player name) then the second one "Player Got 2nd!" then "Player got 3rd!" all the way to sixth. and then it resets itself every 5 minutes, and at 5 minutes everyone gets killed. Then when everyone gets killed, a message appears saying "All races are starting in 10 seconds, get to your car!" Any help? oh and i need one that makes something turn the cancollide off and transparency off for about 30 seconds, every 5 mins, 10 seconds, it opens again and repeats HELP!
Top 100 Poster
#534443Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:37 PM GMT

lol. Nice Title XD. Well, here's the beginning: Put a NumberValue inside the Workspace otherwise this won't work. Make the value 1. Name it "PlaceValue" with no quotes. Then the script will work. debounce = true ---Dingdong272 XD local v = game.Workspace:findFirstChild("PlaceValue") function onTouched(part) if v.Value == 1 and debounce == true then debounce = false local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 1st!" wait(3) debounce = true m.Parent = nil v.Value = v.Value + 1 elseif v.Value == 2 and debounce == true then debounce = false local message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 2nd!" message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) debounce = true message.Parent = nil --don't worry, this only removes the message. v.Value = v.Value + 1 elseif v.Value == 3 and debounce == true then debounce = false local moocow = Instance.new("Message") --MOO! moocow.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 3rd!" moocow.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) moocow.Parent = nil debounce = true v.Value = v.Value + 1 elseif v.Value == 4 and debounce == true then debounce = false local i = Instance.new("Message") i.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 4th!" i.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) i.Parent = nil debounce = true v.Value = v.Value + 1 elseif v.Value == 5 and debounce == true then debounce = false local q = Instance.new("Message") q.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 5th!" q.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) q.Parent = nil debounce = true v.Value = v.Value + 1 elseif v.Value == 6 and debounce == true then debounce = false local x = Instance.new("Message") x.Text = part.Parent.Name.. " Got 6th!" x.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) debounce = true v.Value = 1 wait(300) p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #p do p[i].Character.Torso:Remove() end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) un-tested, and probably won't work. Please give me what output says if it does not.

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